Mavo: Creating Interactive Data-Driven Web Applications by Authoring HTML

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Mavo: Creating Interactive Data-Driven Web Applications by Authoring HTML
Lea Verou, Amy X. Zhang, David Karger

UIST 2016: Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology

Many people can author static web pages with HTML and CSS but find it hard or impossible to program persistent, interactive web \ applications. We show that for a broad class of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) applications, this gap can be bridged. \ Mavo extends the declarative syntax of HTML to describe Web applications that manage, store and transform data. \ Using Mavo, authors with basic HTML knowledge define complex data schemas implicitly as they design their HTML layout. They need \ only add a few attributes and expressions to their HTML elements to transform their static \ design into a persistent, data-driven web application whose data can be edited by direct manipulation of the content in the browser. We evaluated Mavo with 20 users who marked up static designs---some provided by us, some their own \ creation---to transform them into fully functional web applications. Even users with no programming experience \ were able to quickly craft Mavo applications.


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