Inside the World Taxidermy Championships | Taxidermists

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For some, taxidermy is a practice about art, science and a love of wildlife.

Director: Nicole Triche

There is something supremely uncanny about taxidermy: the hyperrealism of its representation makes the inanimate seem animate, and – for some – uncomfortably real. That sense of eerie realness is the exact quality that makes for a superior piece of taxidermy – the kind that wins awards at the World Taxidermy Championships. Nicole Triche’s short documentary provides a balanced look at an uncommon profession, addressing the relationship between taxidermists, animals and nature, and the practitioners’ struggles to be taken seriously as artists.

#handmade #taxidermy #documentary
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That moose and wolf thing is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.


I don’t know a thing about taxidermy but theres no doubt that it’s art


The moose and wolves should’ve won. That could be a centerpiece in any museum anywhere in the world


Bro i thought they just stuffed the skin of the dead animal, i never knew they airbrushed detail into it


I love the people that dont just have the animal standing or laying there but actually put them in motion just frozen, the obvious example is the moose and the wolves. But the lion that looks like he's stalking something and the wolf with the adorable goofy look on his face really drew me in.


The mouse being attacked by the wolves is one of the most incredible pieces of art I've ever seen ! So much motion and every animal totally frozen in time ! So Exhilarating !


This will probably be buried, but I just wanted to say that am currently 18 and I have been working at a taxidermy shop for the last 2 years. This comment section made me smile. The amount of people who shame me or yell at me and tell me I am a horrible person. You guys have made me feel so proud! I work with a few people who have won the world taxidermy championships and I couldn't feel more blessed. Getting to work with these amazing animals, and learning about this art has been more than I have ever wanted it to be. If anyone sees this and has any questions I would love to answer them! Whether they are technical or curiosity questions, ask away!


It's kind of sad that Museums are going away from Taxidermy. I'd rather have a real thing than a CGI rendering or hologram.


Am I the only one who back when I was a kid was kind of afraid these animals would wake up out of nothing and attack me?
This is so real...


3:57 Gravity: "Aight, Imma head out"


I think what I like the most about taxidermy (as a wildlife photographer) is you’re literally preserving a moment in time forever, in an extremely realistic way that can’t be recreated by just sculpture, drawings or photography alone. You can get closer to those animals than you can with the live wild ones and it gives a real sense of appreciation of the animal in its full raw beauty.


The wolf hunting diorama should have won, its amazing, tells story, its explosive and shows the bravery of the hunter and the hunted


The eccentric guy with long hair is the actual artist here-- he lives and breathes this lifestyle and is obsessed with it the way a lot of famous artists can be. It's why his work is so complex, and why he judges on composition and artistic merit as much as accuracy of the subject matter. He wants the pieces to evoke emotion as well as be a realistic representation of an animal.


The wolves hunting the moose though- that was incredibly well done. Gravity defying yet believable, and the animals weren't bent in any awkward way.


3:17 That moose and wolf piece is incredible. Wow.


That freeze frame of the crocodile at the beginning was the coolest "pic" (I guess if you wanna call it that) that I've ever seen.


So when are we getting a professionally done Harambe recreation?


I’m a 22 yo female college student and I love the idea of taxidermy (death by natural causes of course though because I’m a softy) and my family thinks I’m some kind of serial killer lol. Just bought a real honey bee in resin on a ring today and I have a baby shark that’s a wet specimen that I got as a kid in Florida. That’s all I own but baby ducklings tug at my heartstrings and I wanna own one so bad but my family thinks I’m insane lol


The fact that this video has 7 dislikes amazes me. I don’t see what there is to dislike. This is art. This is the chase to replicate the most beautiful things on this planet to the best of our ability. Taxidermy is the art of preserving the most amazing creatures. I can’t fathom a more beautiful thing.


The act of taxidermy doesn't bother me. What bothers me is going out and hunting an animal in its prime for the express purpose of displaying it somewhere. Cutting a life short for art. I respect taxidermy of naturally passed animals or animals hunted for food
