3 Countries Will Rise, 3 Will Collapse – Baba Vanga’s 2025 Warning!

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3 Countries Will Rise, 3 Will Collapse – Baba Vanga’s 2025 Warning!

Discover the power of Buddhist Wisdom and the timeless buddhism teachings as we explore Baba Vanga’s shocking 2025 warning—three nations will rise while three others will fall! Through the lens of buddhism philosophy, we reflect on change, destiny, and the role of Prayer For Money in navigating uncertain times. Join us on the journey of wisdom to uncover the deeper meaning behind these prophecies—may you find insight, buddhist teachings, and abundant blessings on your path! 🙏✨

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00:00 DON'T SKIP: 3 Countries Will Rise, 3 Will Collapse – Baba Vanga’s 2025 Warning!
01:55 About Baba Vanga and her prophecies.
04:37 The Prophecy of Rising Nations.
04:44 Turkey.
08:09 India.
11:55 Brazil.
17:33 The Prophecy of Declining Nations.
18:30 The United States.
24:11 Russia.
28:36 The United Kingdom.
32:58 The Wisdom to Navigate Change
41:05 CONCLUSION - 3 Countries Will Rise, 3 Will Collapse – Baba Vanga’s 2025 Warning!

world events 2025,future predictions,end times prophecy,history repeating,world war prophecy,The 3 Countries That Will Collapse in 2025! ,baba vanga,nostradamus 2025,2025 predictions,predictions for 2025, ,nostradamus scary prediction for 2025, nostradamus' 10 predictions for the coming 2025,

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The predictions seems in reality. Perfectly said, it depends to the people's of their chosen leaders 💯
Thanks for sharing and enlighten us🥰


Only my Living God knows the destiny of humankind and no one else. Amen.


It is wisely said, " the only constant is change". If the prophesy of baba venga come TRUE mankind can breathe new hopes and new areas of love, peace and prosperity be seen.


I am no prophet, but my prophetic anointing was proven over the past fifty years. Prophecy is never opinion, nor is it speculation! One only can relate what the Almighty God discloses to the messenger. Being a messenger requires no practical skills. It is external, data downloaded by God who is Spirit.


For me, this prophecy/ teaching is just a mere warning to the human species as to how they can sustain themselves as the guardian of this planet and live happily on it together with other species. The key words for this to happen are love, peace and understanding among humans and nature as a whole.


United we stand divided we fall we must have love compassion and empathy towards one another and help each other if and when we can .


Wow. These predictions sound extremely plausible, given current world affairs. This is remarkable, especially the rise and fall of 3 countries each.


I had a flat tyre once pulled over this beautiful young soul pulled and changed my tyre and then asked me if I needed some money I couldn't believe it I said no thanks I'm just so grateful that you changed my tyre I thought wow talk about going the extra mile no one does that I've never come across anything like that I actually thought he must have been an angel.


This is a world, practical one we all have seen the rise and falls of the empires. It is always the survival of the fittest


Indians are the new Guru and leader for the world


Prosperity of 3 Nations and Declining nations predicted by Baba Venga for the year 2025, Rising Nations Brizil, 19:35 Turkey, & India, Declaining United Nation, ( U S), Economic growth, Down fall, Inflation etc RUSSIA, political crisis Economic forecast, Financial collapse etc, Inflation, Etc, Economic stability of other nations etc,


"some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"


India should be determined to overcome opposition forces which are detrimental to India’s rise. Only Modi & co can deliver. More resolute resolve required 💪🏼✊🏻.


You have given the words with powerful meanings.


If we see this message as not true, it's to our own peril, all of us. God will continue to talk to us, but the onus rests on us based on the choice we make to make or mar us. Good luck to humanity!


Increasing social and communal divide, and large scale corruption could be India’s villains.


The reality of 'the symultanaity of cause & effect' is an awakening for all humynity, in alignment with Nichiren~Daishonin Buddhism, is inevitable!, & is beneficial to us all💕.So everyone must be living sustaining our existense here, via preserving, our awesome home~planet Earth🤗, +all sentient~beings living with us here too!, 😍 'Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo' ×3🙏


Yes I see in this video an important message for the future accordingly if the predictions materialize India will be in the forefront of this predictions because not long ago India was in the forefront of the economic cultural philosophical and scientific fields 😊


You change the past you will change the future


So the prophets say the man who craves power and wealth in his country will not succeed but will destroy no only himself, but his people and destroy his country, does that sound like someone we all know
