Sperm Whales - Titans of the Deep | Free Documentary Nature

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Sperm Whales - Titans of the Deep | Free Wildlife Documentary

Dedicated scientists, equipped with cutting-edge technology follow the sperm whales as they dive to depths of 1,584 metres. Their efforts are not in vain as amazing new findings are revealed about the lives of these acoustically sensitive creatures. However, these findings pose new questions too. Are the increasing levels of man-made noise, that now pollute the ocean, affecting the whales and forcing them to swim into environments outside their natural habitat, such as the shallow waters of the North Sea? 

The number of sperm whales that became stranded in the North Sea increased by 1000% in the 1990s. During this very same period the commercial search for oil in these waters, using seismic sonar technologies, also increased. Could there be a connection between the two? Until now, these two incidents have never been investigated. 

Sperm Whales: Titans of the Deep combines pioneering scientific research with the latest in filmmaking technology to draw you into the mysterious world of the sperm whale and to uncover the problems that it and many other animals face today.


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Looking for a #calmyourmind respite? We got it.

A #calm your mind moment about Sperm Whales
and what you can learn about sperm whales before watching our doc:

~ 60 millions years ago some land creatures decided to move into the sea. These were the precursors to whales. ( I’m sure there’s a more scientific way of phrasing that but you get my gist..)
~ This whale type has the largest brain of any living creatures on our planet. That’s pretty amazing when you think of it. It means they are super smart. Probably smarter than a lot of voters out there. Let whales vote 🗳
~ 2/3 of its life is spent in the deepest ocean waters
~ Depths that mean pitch black waters, cold temperatures, and water pressure that would crush a diver
~ Sperm Whales communicate through clicking sounds which travel over 10 km or 6 miles
~ unfortunately, The Japanese “research” ships are a sham. They continue to slaughter these gentle giants for no reason other than selling expensive sushi.
Even though they’re an endangered species, the Japanese get around the slaughtering ban by registering as research ships. It’s a sham, a scam, and a con.
~ if you love whales, and sea creatures in general, do some research and support conservation groups and organizations that protect these magnificent creatures. Green Peace, WWF, and many more. Again, I can only advise to do your research but the
two I’ve named are reputable.

In the meanwhile, enjoy this languid look at these gentle giant graceful dancers of the dark depths of our oceans.


Thank you for the free doco. This is one old lady who has never lost her curiosity about anything & everything.


What a brilliant documentary, and what a fascinating animal. I hope they beat the odds and survive for centuries to come.


I had always hated that despite the fact the probably most people in the world are fascinated by these beautiful and gentle giants, what they actually DO in their world is a total mystery. Your 3D 'trip plots' or whatever they're called showing each dive, trajectory change, sounding and 'hunting event' blew my mind. I wish all documentaries were so enlightening. Kudos.


It is unbelievable the unnecessary destruction human can cause because of greed and ignorance. It is very hard to wrap my head around the fact that whaling still exists. Those majestic animals and their importance to our planet should be protected at all costs


It makes total sense that a panicked whale would either purposely or accidentally beach itself trying to flee from sonar noise that may possibly be physically hurting it. Removing their head from the water seems to me would lessen the noise greatly.


The Sperm whale could perhaps also use his echo for another reason than locating the prey. In another documentary free-divers tell about the enormous impact the whale echo has on their body. It felt like being in a microwave oven, every cell vibrated and became hot. The whale might use this echo to stun his prey and make him numb or disoriented before the actual kill.


This doco just confirms my long held suspicions (the all too many and highly distressing whale and dolphin beachings), and the reasons for these happenings. These precious creatures deserve protection from us, : human predation, technology and pollution. We need to be better stewards of this amazing planet, Earth.


Brilliant documentary on a majestic creature. Thanks for the free education. It's comforting to know no matter how numerous & powerful the people destroying a habitat are, there are always some good people trying to preserve it.


Thanks for this amazing documentary!! I’ve been watching it over the past few nights before I go to sleep and found it so interesting but also relaxing!! I love these animals so much and hope that in the future people are more careful with the planet and realise how precious a habitat it really is


The whales are deplteing our fish stocks? no, we are depleting their fish stocks.


What an amazing animal. I love watching these docs. We as humans need to come together and help these gentle giants.


Thank you so much for making this incredible documentary available for free! It's truly enlightening.🙏🙏


Thank you for this fascinating and thought provoking film ! I wish you luck and success in your further research !


This is incredibly interesting. It reminds me of the concerns held by marine biologists in the Pacific Northwest when they realized that Navy testing was creating sound energy that was interfering with the communications and navigational capabilities of Orca whales.


It's revolting what humans have done to these amazing creatures and others.


Is there anything humans don’t destroy?? Sea Otters were hunted to the point of almost wiping them out completely just for their fur, elephants have been and still are poached for their ivory tusks, and lions are hunted just for the thrill of hunting. My god there will be nothing left of these beautiful creatures in the future and for what? Humans selfish wants?


This might sound silly but I wonder if they have looked for a CTE type injuries to some of these whales that have beached themselves. They are so sensitive to the environment that its not beyond reason to suspect that constant exposure to seismic survey blasts of any kind, military sonar technology and other acoustic discharges have caused some brain degeneration, inflammation and a high level of irritation. Some of these whales displayed symptoms of cte . Also as a note the "Havana syndrome" diplomats in Cuba were hit by a sonic attack. Very little is known about the abilities and sensitivities of these great animals and how sounds we create in the ocean effect them. It clearly does.


The more I watched these documentaries about life existing all around us, then I became more curious and I develop a deep love for all the life that struggles to exist. This also makes me realise how far we humans can go to satisfy their needs and how badly they treat these pure loving animals by mercilessly killing and torturing them. What kind of thoughts they may have when they are recklessly dragged and shot? It's too sad to even think about.
When something like this happens to humans we can raise our voices and fight back. But what about those animals? They can't speak and with the latest technology being used again them it's just another level of cruelty. I'm sometimes ashamed to admit that we humans are so cruel and brutal. I hope the animals can live on their own will live and grow with their family.


There are countries looking to take up whaling again.. wow shocked i just heard tht.
