I tried tightrope walking, and it was terrifying.

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Series Producer/Director: Kirsten Taylor
Assistant Producer: Han Evans
DOP: Jamie Macleod
Production Assistant: Adam Lawrence
Editor: Chris Leggat
The company/riggers: The Bullzini High-Wire Company
Executive Producers: Cambria Bailey-Jones, Guy Larsen
A huge thank you to Chris Bullzini and everyone at The Bullzini High-Wire Company.
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This was, I think, the biggest mental and physical challenge I've had for this channel so far. And Chris was absolutely right about "enforced meditation": it's a headspace that I'm really not used to!


Tom has cracked the code of overcoming fears and doing challenging things: have a full film crew there applying silent peer pressure.


"It's not the falling, it's the landing that can be dangerous."

This guy fits so well with Tom Scott's gaggle of colleagues.


"On your feet, ropewalker" That was so jovial, yet spoken with such a strong undertone - Tom's part of the ingroup now. Chris right then went from Tom's teacher to his senior, with all the love and respect for the newly minted member that came with it. So heartwarming. Not suprising though, Chris is the best bloke through this entire video, chill to the core. Love to see it.


"On your feet, ropewalker" felt like he was being accepted into the elite group. That was amazing. I want to do that now


Such a good instructor. He wasn't going just a bland "keep going" or "you are doing it wrong", he carefully pointing out what Tom needed to do, never using a negative tone of "don't do that", rather using a reasuring one that let him know what he needs to continue doing, that way there's no disruption in the pace and leads him to focus on what's important. Most people overlook the skill that takes to be able to teach that way.


Chris has such raw charisma and is so inspiring
"How much are we capable of when we let go of the fear?" is an amazing line


Just like the parkour, I admire how Tom commits to jeans when doing physical activity.


I love when Tom's saying "I think I'm going to throw up" and starts to detail it and Chris just gently redirects him -- the more you think about that, the more your body tries to follow up on the thought. But Chris doesn't say "Don't think about that" because that's the old "don't think about a pink elephant" conundrum; he just gives Tom a different thing to focus on.


I'm a psychotherapist and this guy is truly amazing... He is so authentic and believable with his training... He could make trainings for people who struggle... Great guy.


Love how Scott isn't afraid to vocalize exactly how he feels, from pain to fear to on-spot reflections. It's what I love about this series.


Of all the guests we have met on this channel so far, Chris definitely has a special something about him. Listening to him encouraging you on the wire there made me feel a bit like he was cheering me on and made me feel more confident in myself, as silly as it sounds. I would love to meet that guy. Thanks for the video Tom!


Don't get me wrong, I am probably one of the biggest long-time Tom Scott fans and nothing will change that, but I just had a thought that Tom's brain said something like "how about the ultimate midlife crisis a person could ever have and do ALL the s**t I am scared of and force myself to do it?" And I freaking love how he is rocking it!


Chris seems like exactly the right kind of teacher for this. Complete calm at all times, almost annoyingly so, but it's what you need. Even when he gets a little louder it's not panic, he's just forcing you to refocus.
Well done, Tom. I did some high ropes in college, but not straight up walking... and I hated every second of it. It was completely terrifying, but then I have a fear of heights.
Edit: Also, I liked the "welcome to the club" at the end. "Walker" means something.


To expand on the "where are the vibrations coming from" discussion at 9:27: Chris is right that the movement is coming from you. Your body can intuitively tell when you're in an unstable position and knows roughly how to respond, but without balance training, it defaults to relatively large, drastic corrections, and as a result you end up in a feedback loop where your brain keeps trying to correct your balance but overshooting and having to respond to its own overcorrection. The more you panic and try to consciously adjust, the worse things get. Balance training develops specialized neurological pathways (so called "muscle memory") and allows your body to refine that intuitive response down to the small, subtle movements which are actually effective at maintaining stability.


"I think it looks better with flailing, Tom! Move the feet and arms!"
Chris gets it.


From nervously giggling to roaring like a tiger, watching Tom overcome himself is a blast each and every time.


I like that this wasn’t a lesson on how to walk across a wire, it was a lesson on how to be calm when in an unusual situation. No distraction techniques, no witty put downs to mask being scared or coping mechanisms to ride through it, just total acceptance of the situation and a positive attitude. You could see it when they went up at the start and Tom was told to just look around and enjoy the view.


You know what I appreciate about Tom? He isn't afraid to verbalize his fear or to talk through what he is thinking or what his brain is telling him. Too often we spend a lot time keeping that in and trying to force through it ourselves. Instead he says it out loud, his feelings and his fear and his thought process and Chris is right there listening with empathy and ready to encourage and teach without dismissing those fears.


Tom being "shamefully lowered" from the high rope gave me the same vibes as SpongeBob hanging from the ceiling at the end of his Goofy Goober performance. 😄
