r/SadCringe | Bragging About Having A Kid & Finding Out It's Not Yours...
r/SadCringe | *pain*
r/SadCringe - Holding Hands w GF
Memes That Will Make You Sad 😢 [ r/SadCringe ]
r/SadCringe | oh no…
r/SadCringe | Oh. My. God.
r/SadCringe | your pet…
Sad Cringe Posts 2! 🥲 #shorts
r/SadCringe | That is... an Unfortunate Billboard
Try not to CRINGE
r/AreTheStraightsOK | *cringe*
r/inceltear | I’m confused
Try not to cringe
DOCTOR, I'M SAD... (CRINGE MEMES compilation 9)
Reddit Cringe Compilation 8 | Most Awkward Moments 2022
r/CreepyPMs | please don’t
General rule of thumb:
"Female" as a noun is creepy
"Female" as an adjective is acceptable
Saying 'female' on day-to-day basis is like calling cats felines or calling dogs canines. Like, yeah, it's correct, but...Why?
Getting someone fired for saying “I don’t like you” and then saying “he deserved it” is a perfect example of Lawful Evil
I love that Robin tells us that we're not weird for being insecure
21:20 They were likely fired for harassment. Using a customer’s information to contact them/their work is rarely, if ever, allowed. Finding them on social media and calling their work to complain is definitely a fireable offense. I doubt their boss truly tried to keep them around.
the real question about the person who was asking about sperm/egg doners resembling fictional characters is if they were referring to raiden of metal gear, raiden of mortal kombat, or raiden shogun of genshin impact.
Pro tip: if you reject someone and they pull a Fedora out and say "you're ugly anyway" just say "and I still rejected you" they'll never contact you again (guaranteed if you block them)
8:44 Imagine looking at Rick Sanchez, a guy who's entire character is that he's an asshole to everyone and anyone he meets, and seeing him as an inspiration.
I remember someone telling me to look up what the red pill movement is cause I mentioned I was a virgin (dont remember the exact age but it was between 15-17), I looked it up and agreed with some stuff but most of it felt wierd. This was before the whole alpha/beta stuff became mainstream. Now I'm a 25 year old virgin and still haven't fallen into the whole red pill stuff. Only thing I'm proud of.
At my old Wendy's job I had someone do that same thing where they just refuse to pull over and park when we ask them to because the chicken sandwich they wanted takes like 6 minutes in the pressure fryer
So naturally my manager Just kind of ignored the asshole and started handing me the orders for the people in line behind him and I would just walk out and make a show of handing them the order and thanking them for their patience and then helping guide them to pull out of the drive-thru lane so they could leave while this jerk wad was still sitting at the window looking more and more pissed every second
8:38 i call that a cult. If one person requires that they are the center of attention and likeness, then it's a cult.
"I was offered a job in 2001" Tim. Timothat. Timomat. You are 27 years old. I dunno what the minimum age requirement at the time was but I really don't think they were tryna hire kindergarteners
Im almost 37 years old. Only had one relationship in my whole life, it lasted 18 months, ended badly, and it ended 10 years ago. Being alone does suck, but take it from me when i say its better than having your heart broken many times. My advice may not even matter, but Work on being comfortable with yourself first before rushing into dating. I wish you all the best of luck!
The few kind words at the end were really nice to hear, especially since I've been completely shutting myself off lately due to immense stress, which really pains me more than most other things because I'm a lonely person and feel really terrible when I don't get to spend enough time around others, and had an episode trying to force myself to deal with people anyways today. Thanks, Robin.
I'm suddenly convinced that the "rating people out of 10" thing is made by human traffickers trying to find a perfect product to abduct.
10:45 1. Yusuke wasn't a bully, he was a standoffish loner 2. he died saving a little girl from getting hit by a truck, not suicide
I’m cringe and that’s based
I will never be based and that’s not cringe
There’s no one I’d rather be than me
Thanks for the message at the end Robin, I know I’m still super young, but dating always seemed like an impossibility, idk why it just feels that way, but thanks for the words of affirmation.
As an aromantic I can confirm that I do feel love but it just isn’t romantic
(edit: where tf did all of you come from--)
great the depressing subreddit that also makes me feel better about myself. Sad cringe is such a double edged sword that always makes me feel bad for people. why do i keep doing this to myself