The multiscale approach to error estimation and adaptivity
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A new explicit a-posteriori error estimator is investigated, which emanates from the variational multiscale theory.
The error estimator uses an approximation of the Greens function which propagates the error according to the dual
problem. The technique predicts the error in the L2 norm from element residuals, both interior and inter-element jumps,
therefore, leading to a very economical procedure. Finally, the methodology is applied to fluid flow transport, showing
that for convection-dominated flows, the efficiency index is independent of the diffusion coefficient.
The error estimator uses an approximation of the Greens function which propagates the error according to the dual
problem. The technique predicts the error in the L2 norm from element residuals, both interior and inter-element jumps,
therefore, leading to a very economical procedure. Finally, the methodology is applied to fluid flow transport, showing
that for convection-dominated flows, the efficiency index is independent of the diffusion coefficient.