Change your Appearance with your MIND! Manifestation / law of assumption

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Change your appearance with your mind! Manifestation. Law of assumption.

P.O. Box 1881 Callahan , fl 32011

#lawofattraction #manifest #specificperson #manifestation #nevillegoddard #spiritual #visualization #affirmations

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What’s up, guys! My name is Sammy and I’m hellaaaaa glad you’re here! On this channel you’ll see paranormal videos AND manifestation videos! I would be really happy if you joined the Mermaid Gang! Suspend your disbelief.🦄🧜🏼‍♀️✨
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I always wondered how barbie said “imagination, life is your creation” now it all makes sense


appearance change is so fast when you’re not paying attention😭 within a few days my nails grew about a centimeter when it used to take a month to grow my nails. just affirm throughout the day and visualize if you can, it’s so easy🤩🤩 don’t stress cuz the universe got you fr


Before I knew about manifesting, I manifested growing taller. When I graduated high school I was only 5’6. I was always one of the shortest of the guys in every grade since I was a kid. But I became obsessed with height and thought about it all day. Every morning I would convince myself I grew a little overnight, and at night I would imagine my legs growing. By the time I turned 20 I was 6’0 feet tall. My dad is only 5’10, my mom is 5’4 and my older brother is 5’9. So you can do it too!


A lot of people think that if you look in a mirror your going to lose results or progress which is not true. Looking in mirror is just the 3d, the only way it effect your progress is if you say things like "Ugh Im so short" "My skin is not clearing up"
You need to stay strong with your assumptions and continue on even if you don't see it. Presist!!!


“The more you saturate your mind in any kind of way, it is more beneficial.” Facts ✊🏽❣️


I've always had the assumption that my hair is healthy and grows fast and it really does. Exactly a year ago a cut my hair all the way to my shoulders and right now it's almost touching my butt. People always ask me what I do or what products I use to make it grow fast and healthy and I am here like: I use any cheap shampoo brand and have it in a bun almost everyday. I literally do nothing. They just look at me like huh?😅


Guys!! I’m telling you one thing: DO WHAT SAMMY SAYS!!!! SAMMY IS THE BEST MANIFEST COACH. I affirmed for 2 weeks and tbh, I dont believe my affirmations at first, it just felt so fake, BUT I KEEP AFFIRMING as Sammy always says we have to persist. And u know what, just in a very short time, I have my Ipad pro right here already About changing appearance, I’ve been affirmed for days and it feels so good. Just PERSIST PERSIST PERSIST!!!! Know that all your desires are yours already. Be patient and they’re yours.💐💐


Listen to Sammy guys. I’ve applied all that she’s said in this video and LITERALLY in about 1 and a half weeks, I’ve grown 6 inches taller, got a more defined and sharp jawline, and lost 15 pounds! I’m NOT making this up. If you’re reading this Sammy, YOU REALLY ARE MY FAVORITE MANIFESTATION COACH!!!


Stop asking "Can I change this, can I change that?" It's kinda annoying🥴 Sammy literally explained everything in this video. Your mind controls your cells, your body. You can change anything :)


Guys I have one success story too but a little differently.
I have a friend who is VERY short. She is around 4'11" or a little less. She was bullied a lot for it. Constant shaming. I had told her about how our minds our powerful. I started telling her that her height is perfectly sexy and everyone loves it. She started believing it. And now she has men going crazy for her and loving her short height. She didn't need to change anything in her body. Just saw her already perfect body as PERFECT. She is currently having fun with a man much taller than her who worships her and yes her small perfect height too.
She didn't fit into other people's idea of sexy.
She just KNEW what she has IS THE SEXY too.
She just did what Sammy said. Saturated her mind with love for her already perfect body.


The Method of visualize other people complimenting you on your desired features literally works insanely good. like over 20 people told me that my skin got so clear and my beard and hair grew!


Something I have to say: "If you had just applied what you knew from the start, you would already have results" Guys!!! Stop asking questions. Affirm & persist. You already know what to do, you likely wont believe it until it gets here, thats ok. JUST DO IT ☑️


niiice, I'm affirming: "I have my ideal glow up", because it's such a great blanket affirmation to cover all my desires changes like: hazel green eyes, straight hair, etc.


I cleared my acne back in March using only affirmations. I’m not much of a visualizer but I did visualize sometimes. The affirmations I used, in case you wanna know is: I have extremely healthy and clear skin. I have perfect skin. My skin always looks amazing.


Sammy, I can say without any trace of doubt that YOU ARE MY FAVOURITE MANIFESTATION COACH AND YOUTUBER.


Let me share my story guys ..i am 16 currently and this lockdown just made me gain so much weight . I am 75 kgs rn . I tried to do workouts and diets but idk why WHY I couldn’t be consistent. I was so disappointed when I measured my weight today it added up 1 more kg and I was just staring at the weighing scale like an idiot. I came back to my room and sat there decided let’s just do it. My mindset was so fking messed up after seeing all those law of attraction videos..scripting and all that stuff. Thank you so much sammy for uploading this today..i was feeling so down but now i am aware who i am and what power i have . Weather its 10 kg or 20 kg i am going to drop it . I am fully aware of the power of me . I’ll make sure to come back and read this comment here whenever i feel down. I will not let my 3D effect me.


I made my nose more defined, my forehead smaller and my hips bigger using the loa so for those of you wondering if this is possible it totally is you just have to live in the end. Happy manifesting ❤️


Stay persistent in this because it works! I had crazy skin for and in a few weeks I was able to wake up everyday to flawless skin NO MATTER WHAT I EAT! That used to be a "limiting belief". I no longer use acne products AT ALL. I LITERALLY only use a microfiber washcloth to clean my face and 2 products for hydration/moisture! THATS IT!

I even got my face to be more symmetrical and youthful looking. I was also able to get a flatter tummy no matter what I eat. Now im working on hair and other features. Once you defeat the biggest issue, the rest will be so easy :) happy shifting!


Back with a new punch - " I'm so powerful my desires be affirming for me" 💫💥💅


Yes Yes Yes!!!! I remember one of Sammy’s last videos, she said she uses “I’m slim thicc!” And ever since then, that’s what I use! I’ve lost 30 pounds and first time under 200lbs in 10 years! Thank you Sammy! You empower us so much! 💖🙏🏼✨
