Michelle Branch On Allegations Of Domestic Assault & Current State of Relationship With Her Husband

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When Michell Branch, Vanessa Carlton and Avril Lavigne was hitting the top charts way back…. I love them all! ❤❤❤ Especially when she was a guest in Buffy the Vampire Slayer! I remember that clearly! ❤❤❤


Michelle Branch just speaking about it is brave. She went through so many levels of abuse and I hope this interview saves many from getting to a breaking point.


You can see the pain in her eyes. She's in a one-sided relationship with a guy that can't even join her to stand up for their marriage WITH her. Carney is a loser. Michelle is so talented and beautiful, and I've been a fan forever!
This guy is RUINING HER, and I hope she sees the light soon! I know it's not always easy; I, too, was a victim of very similar abuse myself whilst caring for a new baby as a nursing mother, postpartum. I know it's difficult, but I know she'll come to her senses soon....it takes time to finally have had enough, but I know it'll happen.
She and her babies deserve BETTER.
We love you, Michelle.❤️


He cheated on her with her their manager. So it's safe to say it wasn't a one time thing! Michelle stay away from this cheater! You're a strong woman with the ability and finance's to take care and raise those kids yourself! Always remember..once a cheater, always a cheater! You're giving him a free pass to do it again!


Marriage is all about compromise, and a slap for an affair is a good example.


She looks so broken. My heart goes out to her


Dont care about her personal life, it is her personal. I still listen and dance to her songs with Santana and her song : Not my lover is amazing.


I hope she leaves him. There are a lot of excuses and you can see that she feels lost. 😞


Been a Santana fan for 30+years. Tonight 19/02/2025 I see Michelle singing with Santana from years ago and Michelle is walking around the stage like singing so perfectly is the same as just breathing for us normal people. I will look for more songs where Michelle sings from now on.
But, or And, Michelle is soooo soooo beautiful, like the lady who sang in Cock Robin back in the 80's.


Betrayal in general is so painful I can't imagine many relationships ever truly recover. When you have the wisdom of an adult, you expect extreme temptations will fall into your lap but passing them by is what makes what you have so powerful and so much more meaningful which is why when someone finally gives in, the devastation of such a betrayal can destroy who you are, not just the relationship.

I have such a strange life story though I don't suppose I can relate when it's a lover or a spouse. I don't suppose I've ever been in love the normal and right way but there are some experiences in love that I think are even more painful. The feeling of finding your soulmate and while they love you back as intensely, their self destructive gluttonous habits have been cemented and they are too far gone to ever really be yours.
I think once you're married to such a person and then they stray back to who they once were, you then question what was it you ever really had. Was it your soul mate but they were already too damaged before you found them?

In what I have experienced and known, I just think it's extraordinarily rare that the relationship can ever fully recover. Everyone will always meet other people they have that magical soulmate spark with and once the current has betrayed you, you realize you can have that bond with someone else and that person won't betray you like before.

Even moving on and finding that love again with someone else, the damage it does will leave some people wounded for life so you never truly personally recover. The pain of that first betrayal will always haunt you lingering in the back of your mind.

The way people are so brainwashed today, just imagine that person cheats on you with someone famous. That's the ultimate in cheap betrayal. A make believe person you don't actually know but greatly feel like you do and after the fact, they're certainly not going to want you even though you abandon your true love for this false sense of meaning and realize how precious love is and that because life is so confusing, you were tricked by a twisted culture into throwing true love away.


He doesn’t deserve her. 7 months after having a baby he cheats on her? His timing sucks. She’s giving that creep a second chance? Big mistake!


Did he call the police over a slap? People occasionally get slapped when other methods of communication fail.


It happens in real life and it is regrettable but obviously she had great provocation and we love and respect her all the way. As the trite saying goes "this too will pass" Hugs to her.


She still looks good she’s grown up now, I remember her as a teenager in 2001.


How do you attract losers, when you are such a winner! I would love to love you…😊


Since when has slapping someone an arrestable offence? Women have been slapping men since the beginning of time and it is displayed in movies and tv constantly. Even the show Cheers made light of it:

Losing your cool is not something anyone is proud of, but emotions sometimes take over. I have never slapped anyone but to arrest her for slapping her husband is ridiculous.


Tamron. So disappointed that you would focus on this instead of Michelle’s artistry. Michelle slapped her husband, who is 2x size, across the face. She is 6 months post-partum, w/a young child and teenager. He goes on tour and cheats? And you support him?! Even the judge sided w/Michelle! NOT DOMESTIC ABUSE/VIOLENCE! Shame on you for using this for personal gain!!


Michelle is back in music!! Not my Lover check it out her new music video


2:03 Are you serious? He told? He called the cops? 😂omg. Wow. This world lately man. 😢


If it were the husband that slapped instead of her, he would've went straight to jail and stayed there.
