Multiple Authentication in Laravel (Admins + User) Part -1

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In laravel we can have different users and manage these users independently, all using the native Auth Facades, without any package or plugins. An example of this would be Admin that manage a backend interface and then users which have the ability to log in and manage accounts, but through the front end of the website. We want to use different tables to manage these types of users, and have different middleware and guards in place as well. This tutorial will show multiple authentication to you.
Do not get confused between user roles and user models. This tutorial teaches you to use two different user models, (in other words seperate tables for different types of users). You can always add user roles to this on top, but that is not the goal of the video.
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Do not get confused between user roles and user models. This tutorial teaches you to use two different user models, (in other words seperate tables for different types of users). You can always add user roles to this on top, but that is not the goal of the video.
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