Multi auth laravel 11 breeze & customize layouts

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In this tutorial, we'll explore how to set up multiple authentication systems in a Laravel 11 application using Laravel Breeze. and, we'll customize the authentication views and layouts to match the design of our application. By the end of this video, you'll have a clear understanding of how to implement multi-authentication in Laravel 11 and customize the authentication experience for different types of users.
Contents of this video:
00:00 - Demo
02:10 - Install Laravel breeze
03:08- Adding new field into to User table (role)
03:39 - Setup Database
05:00 - Make User Middleware
06:12 - User Routes
07:02 - User Dashboard
08:26 - Make Admin Middleware
09:23 - Make Controller for Admin
09:39 - Admin Routes
10:17 - Admin Dashboard
12:36 - Customize the navigation bar (admin, user)
17:13 - Make Controller for favorite products
20:41 - Make front-end layouts
21:48 - Home Page
24:26 - Make Front-end nav bar
25:52 - Make Footer
26:24 - Adding front-end nav bar to login, register & forgot password pages.
29:37 - Adding product page.
32:04 - Adding contact-us page.
Contents of this video:
00:00 - Demo
02:10 - Install Laravel breeze
03:08- Adding new field into to User table (role)
03:39 - Setup Database
05:00 - Make User Middleware
06:12 - User Routes
07:02 - User Dashboard
08:26 - Make Admin Middleware
09:23 - Make Controller for Admin
09:39 - Admin Routes
10:17 - Admin Dashboard
12:36 - Customize the navigation bar (admin, user)
17:13 - Make Controller for favorite products
20:41 - Make front-end layouts
21:48 - Home Page
24:26 - Make Front-end nav bar
25:52 - Make Footer
26:24 - Adding front-end nav bar to login, register & forgot password pages.
29:37 - Adding product page.
32:04 - Adding contact-us page.
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