New Follower Limit? Funcom Answers AGE OF HEROES Questions | Conan Exiles

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Q&A for the upcoming Age of Heroes in Conan Exiles. Funcom answers Community Questions about the Living Settlement system, Companions and Thrall Cages in their Q&A for Chapter 1 of Age of Heroes.

00:00 – Age of Heroes Chapter 1 Q&A
00:29 – What’s the Release Date?
00:40 – Will the Bounty Hunting Event stay?
00:59 – What’s the goal for Public Beta Testing?
01:38 – Will Workers consume items like food?
02:11 – Will Guards continue guarding?
02:28 – Can Crafters use Elevators, Doors & Gates?
03:09 – What happens to stored Thralls?
03:45 – Do we need to place one Thrall per station?
04:00 – Are Crafters affected by the DBNO rules?
04:13 – Will Thrall Trade still be possible?
04:29 – Will the Thrall Cap change?
05:00 – Existing Followers & Thrall Cap?
05:33 – Can we have off-limits places in our base?
06:17 – Can we control which Placeables are being used?
06:46 – Can we set up specific behavior for Workers?
07:20 – Why should Workers be able to fight?
07:48 – Is the Living Settlement feature Moddable?
08:08 – Does the Sorcerer use spells?
08:20 – Can everyone in a Clan do the Companion quests simultaneously?
08:35 – More Companions in the future?
08:45 – Can I have more than 1 Companion at a time?
09:01 – Are Companions more powerful?
09:24 – If my Companion dies, will I have to repeat the quest?
09:36 – Will Companions be added to Siptah?
09:56 – Will Cages in Exiles Lands have Jailors?
10:09 – Will the Cages be adjusted/balanced?

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I can tell when a veteran player is a patient person by the excellent questions they ask. I hope every Content creator keeps asking similar questions because the more they add the more the Bugs come to the fore!


I noticed someone had asked on the dev stream if it would be possible to have sorcerer thralls work the sacrificial altar, as the animations take a long time to get through for the player. I didn't seem Funcom address it, but I'd definitely second that suggestion.


I want pillars that snap to the 4 corners, the 4 sides, and center of tiles.
Also would like a collision for sliding things up against a wall without it going through.

Maybe and alignment to tile lines option to get things straight.


7:27 I must admit I got completely distracted by that random turtle charging into your build. Gave my a chuckle, though!


Funcom tells you to build a village for your thralls and then comes and Dev wipes you and bans you because of too much land claim LOL


Thank you, team Pixel Cave, for sharing Funcom Q&A for the new Age, with us!


6:47 not giving emotes to workers is a shame, but we can still give emotes to so I don't see any problem.


Two questions...
1) Did anyone ask for any of this?
2) Does anyone think this will be released, and not totally break the game?


Für anyone wondering about thralls being where you don't want them, it does seem that we can lock doors and props from thrall use.


The reduced thrall limit makes the Living Settlement very unlikable. Some benches have 3 different crafters (blacksmith, armorer, carpenter) that's 9 thralls against my limit. I would prefer the OPTION of keeping the old system by placing the crafter into the bench as an item, and IF I wanted the living settlement, I can place crafter in those green ghost slots.


Crazy thing is that building even a small town, village, or city is technically against tos and can get you banned


Why do the developers always over complicate things that should be simple? I suspect that this update is going to be a disaster. All that I personally wanted was the ability to change crafting thrall's outfits. Now our crafting thrall's are going to impact our follower cap and probably wander off and get killed. Not to mention the lag this is going to cause.


I want to know if modders can make their own companions. because I think that would be something that a lot of people would like.

I do like how 1 crafter thrall will effect multiple stations. it means I only need to get 1 tier 4 to effect different stations should cut down on the number of crafting thralls needed.


Thanks for update. Clear and detailed as always. Loving the base showcase too.
Yes, there will be issues when the Update lands. When dealing with an older game that has to work on multi-platforms, that needs to keep playing on older machines, that relies on many global servers, etc you will see glooochies. There will likely be a patch, hotfix, and further update in the days after the Update. This has been the case since the launch of the game. Yes, modded servers will see days of issues as Modders scramble to update thier mods (thanks in advance to all testlive testers and Modders).
ps: I seldom ever have fatal issues on my wired PC beast, but always get them more on my old laptop using wireless. It must be the game.


This update is going to be major for PvE - if it works… I think the feel of a base will change dramatically, if it works… I only play PvP, though. This update is going to be rather bad for the PvP crowd.


For transporting worker thralls, perhaps they need to rework how Authority works to allow for a greater number but the benefits should divided by the number of thralls currently fallowing you. Choosing "War Party" would reduce this effect...


It would be great to see pets get a buff so they're more on par with thralls. I personally would rather travel with my greater wolf pet than some dude carrying armor and a weapon. I think some equipment e.g. pet armor (not a saddle) or a collar to boost attack rates.


The living settlement is a nerf to thrall population hiding in the guise of: immersion, aesthetic and role-play. Not a welcome change indeed. It makes things extra complicated and add to render issues. Funcom doesn't seem to have a vision for the game, just throwing shit and hoping it will stick. A clear vision of what they want the game to be would be a great improvement on their part -- they don't even have roadmaps. They just have random ideas that they say on stream but forgets it after the stream is done. Funcom stop being so random and make this game better!.

This is the best game that unfortunately suck.


IMHO followers or thralls should be able to get in the base without showing the door movement animation, so enemy PVPers can not get in the base with tail-gating! BTW awesome job team Pixel Cave, for sharing Funcom Q&A for the new chapter update!


Not increasing follower count is bullshit!
