Samesite Cookie Attribute Explained

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#CSRF #SameSiteCookie #Chrome
Same-site cookies allow servers to mitigate the risk of CSRF and information leakage attacks by asserting that a particular cookie should only be sent with requests initiated from the same registered domain.
Refer RFC6265bis @aft-west-cookie-incrementalism-00 for more details
The Stable version of Chrome 80 is targeted for enabling this feature by default. This feature is available as of Chrome 76 by enabling the "same-site-by-default-cookies" flag – more details @/5088147346030592
If the "SameSite" attribute value is "Strict", the cookie will only be sent along with "same-site" requests. the requests from the same domain in which the cookie is set
If the value is "Lax", the cookie will be sent with same-site requests, and with "cross-site" top-level navigation's. The requests from the same domain in which the cookie is set also the top-level navigation's that changes the browser URL
If the value is "None", the cookie will be sent with same-site and cross-site requests but the cookie should be secure (secure flag in the cookie) – Cookie will be sent in all the cases
If the "SameSite" attribute is missing, the attribute's value will be treated as "Lax".
Same-site cookies allow servers to mitigate the risk of CSRF and information leakage attacks by asserting that a particular cookie should only be sent with requests initiated from the same registered domain.
Refer RFC6265bis @aft-west-cookie-incrementalism-00 for more details
The Stable version of Chrome 80 is targeted for enabling this feature by default. This feature is available as of Chrome 76 by enabling the "same-site-by-default-cookies" flag – more details @/5088147346030592
If the "SameSite" attribute value is "Strict", the cookie will only be sent along with "same-site" requests. the requests from the same domain in which the cookie is set
If the value is "Lax", the cookie will be sent with same-site requests, and with "cross-site" top-level navigation's. The requests from the same domain in which the cookie is set also the top-level navigation's that changes the browser URL
If the value is "None", the cookie will be sent with same-site and cross-site requests but the cookie should be secure (secure flag in the cookie) – Cookie will be sent in all the cases
If the "SameSite" attribute is missing, the attribute's value will be treated as "Lax".