Are you lifestyle or career-focused? #careeradvice #lifetips

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"Hey, Erin, be quick, we need to leave in 5 mins"

"Ok, but let me record video teaching life lessons as I prepare "


It took me till about 32 to realize this. Once I did, I found a job that allows me to spend more time with my family. I don't "take work with me" when I leave. I'm not thinking about it when I'm there. I've never been happier.


I am an artist, musician and support worker for people with disabilities. I do all of these jobs part time, because they all make me money, they’re all fulfilling and I don’t get burnt out or feel trapped in any one line of work. Never compromise on enjoying your life and following your purpose, whether it be following your lifestyle goals or career goals. My only goal in life, is to die without regrets. It’s going great 👍 😎


I wish it were that easy. There's a 3rd type of people. Survival oriented. The ones who didn't have a stable childhood. Didn't finish highschopl or maybe didn't finish grade school or even graduated or got a ged but had to start working at a young age and supporting themselves and possibly their families. Those who were homeless or were always a bad week from being homeless. Those who try to save for months only to have to use the savings to fix whatever necessity broke this time. Those who didn't have family to fall back on if they failed so they couldn't afford to take the risks. Those who had to prioritize bills over food to avoid homelessness. Those who have never had a real vacation and can't afford to let money be put into a 401k because they can't afford their bills as it is. Those who worked hard to build credit after being raised to fear it only to have to overextend themselves to survive and realize it'll take them half a decade to get out of debt.


I think it’s hard to be life centered because everyone at work wants you to be so driven and focused and always progress and learn more and more and I just want an easy life with nice colleagues and a nice pay-cheque so I can go on holidays. But the always progressing stuff is exhausting


Yes girl, I've also notoced it cuts down on the work drama too. We're not competing against each other or tearing each other down because we have rich and full lives outside of those walls. My supervisor is a "live to work" kind of person and constantly criticizes others for not doing more. Its driving me insane.


Yep. I couldn't care less about my job. It doesn't fulfill me. I feel no connection to it. I just get'er done, then go be a mother to my children, my real career. I'm building adults. I coach them through their teen confusion and angst. I build them up, and teach them how to build themselves and others up. I teach them skills. I love this career. My paying gig is just to support my family-centered lifestyle. I am grateful it pays decently and it doesn't come home with me. Very, very, very dull. But, I appreciate what it allows me to do.


Actually that’s the way I feel about my job. I’m just a Customer Service/AdminAssistant, but my job gives me a great work/life balance. For the first time in my life I actually get to call the shots in my schedule and plan things. My job enabled me to travel to Italy this year, and I’m planning next year’s vacation. I’m pretty lucky when I think about it.


This is so true! I always thought I was a career centered person cause I thought that was what I was supposed to be: successful. Then, I realized I was always in an existencial crisis


So much this. Recently a co-worker got a promotion and since I've been there longer, a few people asked me why I didn't go up for it. I told them I like what I do now. What I left out was how much more stress and time that position requires. Every time I see her she looks exhausted. They gave her a laptop to take home and she works late, nights, and every weekend. I'm willing to make less money so that I can continue to have a life. 🤔


This is exactly where I am right now, trying to become more lifestyle centered. But there are some things still hard to give up. Please cover this topic more Erin!


Thank you Erin, this was something I needed to hear. I'm in my late 20s and have been struggling between what career choice to stand behind but also balance my life style. I do not want a career to define me and I guess that's why I am in the position I am in now. Thank you for your words of wisdom!


I am split 50/50, and it drives me crazy.


100%! Being lifestyle centred means my job pays for my fun and as long as my job is OK and fits around my life and allows me the flexibility I want then I'm happy enough. I wouldn't switch my role for more money if it meant changing my lifestyle in a negative way (eg more work hours or not WFH)


I think too many people do what’s easiest only to regret it later. Or due to social media people think that they will make it big and then are super disappointed when they don’t😅


I'm lifestyle centered in the way that I love when my bills are paid. I'm kind of in a "golden handcuffs" situation. I don't like my line of work at all but I'm absolutely maximizing my income with my qualifications (which aren't many). It'll take years to get certifications, degrees or skills on the side of a job that wears me out, but I'm really not willing to like, default on my mortgage in order to follow a passion. So that's where I'm stuck.


Jobs pay barely enough for one to survive even if you're career centered. How is one supposed to have time and hobbies if all we do all day is work while, at the end of the month, theres barely anything left of the salary?

(I'm a robotics engineer in Europe. It's not like i make minimum wage either...)


I love this! How would you sell yourself to a hiring manager for a job that supports your lifestyle when you’re not deeply invested? The hiring process seems to favor a career-centered approach.


That’s such an eloquent way to think about it! Thank you ❤


I related when you gave the example on a lifestle-centered career: I am interested in being an international economist because it'd mean that i could travel to other countries and help to address global issues, but I'm not too enthusiastic about being an economist alone.
