Aladdin - Prince Ali (Piano Cover)

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Prince Ali from Disney's Aladdin (1992), composed by Alan Menken.
For some reason this song makes me want to sing it.🎤Turn on the subtitles for the lyrics!

💬 The original song starts in Bb minor, but due to its difficulty, I decided to change the key to B minor. The main challenge lies in the tempo, which reaches 200 bpm (0:57). It took me many weeks and countless hours to be able to play it at that speed, and correct fingering was crucial. It's a piece that barely uses the sustain pedal, and when it does, it also requires practice. Despite the effort, it was a lot of fun to play.😀
This piano tutorial is for a advanced level (or late-intermediate with a lower tempo). I have included the fingering I used in the sheet music for easy learning. I hope you find useful this piano synthesia tutorial. The arrangement is based on the song sung by Robin Williams in 1992.

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This is clearly the best version out there. How can it have like 10 k followers. I feel almost blessed to be one of the few. It was amazing


Largo a sua maestà!
largo al grande alì!
Voi, proprio voi, via da quel bazar!
Ehi tu, proprio tu, c’é una grande star!
Se il fato vorrà
il suo sguardo v’incontrerà!
Campane suonate, tamburi rullate,
guardate, e’ proprio là!
Grande Alí, principe Alì, Alì Ababua!
Faccia in giù, sempre più in giù,
con umiltà!
Se il posto non perderai,
in prima fila sarai!
E’ uno spettacolo che mai più tornerà!
Grande Alí, eccolo lì, Alí Ababua!
Muscoloso, meraviglioso, vale per tre!
Ci piace a sua signoria!
E’ mitico alla follia!
E’ un’altra categoria!
è il grande alì!
sono d’oro i suoi mille cammelli!
(E vediamo i cammelli che entrano in campo)
e i pavoni color viola e blu!
(Veramente favolosi e d’alta moda)
le sue bestie son veri gioielli!
Che cos’é?
Uno zoo?
Bee io lo so,
E’ un serraglio di sangue blu!
Grande Alì che pedigrì Alì Ababua
Togliete il velo perchè
Sarà una grande soiree
Col principe Alì!
le sue scimmie son cento e son bianche!
(Ci son le scimmie! Che belle scimmie!)
puoi vederle anche senza pagar!
le sue schiave non sono mai stanche!
(Sì lo amano!)
si prodigano con lealta’
tutte ai piedi del loro principe ali’!
grande alì…
GRANDE ALI’.. Bello così c’é solo Ababua!
Lui lo sa che la sua sposa e’ già qui!
Per questo viene tra voi!
Più bello di tutti i playboy!
con gli elefanti e poi lama fantastici,
orsi e leoni e tromboni!
i suoi fachiri e poi i cuochi e fornai
tutti cantano in cor:
alì! alì! alì!


Hands down the best arrangement of this song I've heard! Love you're other Disney arrangements too!
I feel they really capture the Disney "vibe" and sound like they're coming straight from the movies. Can't wait until I can learn it myself!


Just found out you have Lyrics for it in Captions.
this just made this whole video 1000x better


Hej Hej! Náš princ Ali!
Hej Hej! Jde princ Ali!
Nech cestu volnou až k bazaru.
A ty projet nech naši novou hvězdu.
Buď první, kdo spatří sněhobílou zář.
Zvon jásavě zní i hraj na bubny!
Milujte novou tvář!
Princ Ali úžasný je Ali Ababwa!
Respektujte šarži a zjev! Nadevše ční.
Buď v klídku, nejsi tu sám.
Prach pouště sfoukněte nám.
A s princem vítejte doprovod slavnostní!
Princ Ali nejmocnější Ali Ababwa!
Síly má, jak mužů pluk dokonalý!
Kdo hordy nájezdníků
hnal k mámě v okamžiku?
Ať zbaví je zlozvyků! To princ Ali!
Chlapi, má i:
sedmdesát pět velbloudů.
Aha. A co dámy? Co ještě?
Za pávů má duhový.
V průvodu za námi další savci.
Pomozte mi krasavci!
On ZOO má.
V ní vychoval z mláďat zvěřinec světový!
Princ Ali pohledný je Ali Ababwa!
Postavou bere mi dech.
Kdo by to řek? Je cukroušek.
Ať město tepe a vře.
a závojem usměje se.
Vždyť je tu monarcha moc! To princ Ali!
Zvířata ve stádech má jich spoustu.
Opice taky a vlky taky!
Peníz taky. Chtít jet s ním.
Všude má pečlivý úředníky.
A mu diktujou:
Ať Alimu, ať Alimu vyznají loajalitu.
Princ Ali, princ Ali, princ A...
Čekáme na Vás!
Bez Vás nepokračujeme!
Zvládnete to!
To je ono!
Princ Ali o sňatku sní, Ali Ababwa!
Princezna je fakt kus! Štěstí má.
Princ Ali vzkazuje všem, že z dálek přijíždí sem!
Se slony, velbloudy, velbloudy, pavoučci, se lvy medvědy!
Vše mu vychází. S písněmi přichází.
S veselou kapelou přijde k vám.
Náš princ Ali!


Awesome tutorial Enrique 🙌🔥🫶 have a nice weekend my friend!


It's a really cool performance. Your playing is always touching. I hope everyone discovers your talent soon.


This is so good!!! 👌❤️ You always deliver. I would kill to see you cover Kiss the Girl from the Little Mermaid!!


A wonderful performance! Can't be done much better! L100


Yes! Amazing performance. I used to listen to this with my son when he was young. Great tempo changes too.
Hope this brings you the success it deserves


Amazing arrangement, this is a tough song to recreate on just a piano but you nailed every note with perfection


What a fun piece!! This is so fantastic, I had to smile throughout 😁


Muy bonito, Enrique. Suena genial! Te deseo una buena semana. 🎶🎶😊


Can I use this audio for my videos if I link to this video onscreen at the end of the video?


Find the prince country, "ABOBA"❤ always wish for your happiness and good health.


What piano/keyboard is it, sounds pretty good?


Enrique que programa usas para hacer que se vean las notas caer en el piano?


A mi me gustaria a aprenderla pero solo se la do, re, mi, Fa,sol, la, si, y la negritas que son las dos (Di, ri)las tres (fi, si li)
