Unlocking The Mystery of Life & Bonus: Shattering The Myths of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

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Unlocking The Mystery Of Life

The materialistic worldview of Darwinism appears to have a hammerlock on the academic community. However, UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE breaks this hammerlock and refutes the presumptions and assumptions of Darwinism.

In 1993, a group of high-level academics from Berkeley, Cambridge, and other prestigious universities, gathered in a small beach town on the coast of California to discuss their concerns and disillusionments with traditional evolutionary science. Many were top-flight scientists seeking biological explanations for the origin and diversity of life on earth. Some, like Dr. Dean Kenyon, had built their careers upon Darwinian theory. Yet, the more they learned, the more they realized that Darwinism was not just insufficient scientifically, but also, wrong-headed.

The key to Darwinism is the theory of natural selection: the idea that simple biological units could evolve, over time, into complex living organisms, through a multitude of small, gradual steps. These scientists recognized, however, that every cell contained a network of intricate biological machines that could not have been formed by natural selection. Instead, each contained a myriad of parts that had to exist, and be assembled, simultaneously in order for the machine to function. This understanding was one of several reasons why they had come to the conclusion that the only feasible explanation for life was intelligent design.

The documentary includes interviews with many of these scientists and philosophers including: Paul Nelson; Stephen Meyer; Dean Kenyon; Michael Behe; William Dembski; Jonathan Wells; Jed Macosko; Scott Minnich; and Phillip Johnson.

UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE is one of the most incredible video documentaries ever assembled. It takes you into the microscopic universe of cells with magnificent animation and photography to help the viewer clearly understand the core issues and reasons why Darwinism cannot stand. Through state-of-the-art computer animation, UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE transports you into the interior of the living cell to explore systems and machines that bear the unmistakable hallmarks of design. You will discover the intricacy of a bacterial rotary motor, which spins at 100,000 rpm. Within the cell nucleus, you’ll see the wonder of DNA, a threadlike molecule that stores instructions to build the essential components of every living organism. These instructions are part of a biological information processing system more complex and more powerful than any computer network.

This remarkable documentary examines the scientific case for intelligent design – an idea with the power to revolutionize our understanding of life . . . and to unlock the mystery of its origin. This video should be shown in every school in the nation and given to every teacher and school board member. It is a tool that could help alter the way science is practiced and taught.

UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE restores the truth that not only is there an intelligent designer; but also, that life has meaning.

Distributor: Illustra Media in conjunction with Focus on the Family

Director: Lad Allen, Tim Eaton

Executive Producer:

Producer: Lad Allen, Tim Eaton EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: James Adams

Writer: Lad Allen, Steve Meyer
Рекомендации по теме

Simply, the “a” was defined.

Only one mechanism that can define something prior to its existence, Choice.

It takes Will to create.


These scientist just can't accept the fact that God created us n that they have a creator n we didn't evolve from other animals they'll say ANYTHING to rule out God it's sad


Intelligent Design is pseudoscience. The Courts said so!

(Sarcasm HEAVILY intended)
