What is Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease? How is it prevented/treated? How long does it last?

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Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease is a very common virus spread among children that are between the ages of 1 and 4, because it's spread through saliva, nasal secretions, and also feces, and so children of this age aren't really able to control all of those things very well. And if the virus in those contaminants gets on a surface and someone else touches them and puts it in their mouth, then they get sick too. It can make the child feel like they have the flu, they may run a fever, just act lethargic. A small child that's not able to communicate to you may just stop eating and drinking well, because they have blisters in their mouth that hurt. You may start to notice a rash. They get it in their mouth, on their hands, their feet, and sometimes their buttocks and their thighs. it usually lasts for about 7 to 10 days, and the child is most contagious during the first week of infection, but they can actually pass it for weeks to come, so it's important to take precautions if your child has had this.

The best way to defend against it is hand-washing. Wash your hands and your children's hands frequently with warm water and soap. Use an alcohol-based hand-sanitizer when you're out and about, and decontaminate commonly-touched surfaces in your home, especially if someone in your home has had it. If you know that there's been some type of infection at your child's daycare or preschool, then talk with the administrators there about what precautions are being taken to prevent the spread of illness.

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease is not concerning. It's not going to have long-lasting effects. It's, of course, inconvenient and uncomfortable for the child that has it, but it will pass. These symptoms associated with Hand, Foot and Mouth are also associated with many other illnesses though, some of which require treatment. So if you haven't actually had a diagnosis of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, talk with your pediatrician. They'll make sure that that's what it is and talk to you about how you can support your child through it. They'll recommend over-the-counter pain medications to reduce fever and help them with pain and discomfort. They'll talk to you about keeping you child well-hydrated. This is a big concern, because if they have a sore throat, they are less likely to drink, and this is what can become a problem as a result of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. Encourage things like cold juices, popsicles, ice cream - those are welcome treats for kids and it will actually soothe those sores and blisters in their mouth.

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I have it. On day 5.
Day 1 - Back ache, feeling sickness coming
Day 2 - mild fever and sick
Day 2night- fever came on strong 102-103
Day3 - still only a 101-103 fever but I had extreme chills!! Extreme, keep Tylenol nearby so u don't have to get up.
Day3 night- bumps and minor itching
Day4 - itching and bumps really progressed
Day4 night- couldn't sleep and the itchiness I've ever been in my life (this is when I started youtubing and thinking I was going to itch for days)
Day5 morning- didn't sleep for one second and still itches so bad also this early morning right when I almost fell asleep, the itching turned into excruciating pain!!
Day5- itching eased which I didn't expect
Day5night- which is right now, I'm glad to say my itching is still here but very tolerable, I still have all the bumps and they definitely itch, but it's no where near as excruciating.

The only relief I could find was boiling water and using the steam to heat up my hands, face, and feet!! Also lotion helped a little. But I only had one really really bad night. I hope this helps somebody. Hang in there, I wanted to die near day 4 hahahah. I had it pretty bad. I'm 29yrs old


I'm 33 and this is day 3 sucks especially when u still have to go to work


I have them in my mouth, feet, and hands. It hurts so bad that I can barely even walk or eat normally.


I thought I had strep throat but now I am seeing red dots on my hands...


have this right now (15 years old) and it's honestly terrible. it started with hot flashes, the shivers and body aches then in the next couple of days so many painful and itchy bumps developed on my hands, feet, face, ears, etc.


I got this from my brother. I have blisters in my mouth and whenever I swallow anything it really hurts. I’m 15 and I got this. It’s the second day and I don’t have any red dots on my hands yet.


But I'm in my 30s. I got if from my niece (she had it but it was two weeks ago) can it pass through adults? Cos my mum had it after my niece.


you are great thanks for this very useful video


I woke up and the day before I had a fever. When I woke up, my feet were itchy. I took my socks off and it looked like my feet had the chicken pox 😂


Did your skin peal after a week because that is happening to me. It’s like a sun burn peel but you have to peel harder.


Why are 90% of these comments about periods?


Holy fuck this stuff hurts. I have so many canker sores in my mouth and they hurt so much. Going on day 4


People are saying this is so bad, but i honestly feel nothing besides some minor itching lol

Update after 11 hours: yup nvm my itching is getting more serious and turning into pain

Update after a few weeks: the disease is already gone by now, i had it for about a week and it got really itchy but i just waited it out. Now the dots on my hands are barely visible and arent itchy, the spots also get dry and peel off.


I can't go to school because they are all over my face and feet and hands and I can barely walk


I have it at 17. I can't eat shit and it's painful to even smile. my hands and feet aren't that severe. got it from 16 month old cousin...ffs


I'm got this and I'm 13 year old my b-day was last October 28.03


How long does the fever last my daughter has it and her fever has been for four days and a lot of upset tummy and not very hungry


could you do a video on woman who have 4 or more prrgnancy risk thank you


I'm 16 and I have this rn it hurts dude


Really I'm 9 and I have 1 bump of hand desease and a lot on my feet it's itchy
