2024 Proof of the Loch Ness Monster! Do New Sonar Scans Really Reveal Nessie? (UPDATE)

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Has Nessie finally been FOUND? An experienced boat skipper claims to have found proof that the Loch Ness Monster exists. Shaun Sloggie and maritime pilot Liam McKenzie, captured the shape of a mysterious object on sonar while he was cruising in the Scottish waters. The search for the mythical creature that has captured the attention of people around the world for decades has been taken up a gear. A new Sonar scan seems to reveal the famous Cryptid at a depth of around 98-metres. But is this real or a hoax? Let's discuss.

#cryptids #Debunked #lochness

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loch ness caught,
loch ness,
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As a former resident, who lived directly across the street, literally, from the loch, I am sceptical about Nessie. Always have been. The locals play it up for tourism, which has been pretty good, economically, for the area (btw, it's a beautiful area that deserves to be seen for natural reasons), but the idea of such a beast living and surviving basically unseen in the waters, for millennia, and all the problems such as its source of food, lack of mate, age, and other factors, just leaves me highly doubtful. But hey, it would be cool to discover such a thing. I always leave a little bit of room for such a mystery being proved (gorillas and other beasts were once mythical, at least to much of the world), but I remain unconvinced.


i have been using sonar for fishing sine the 90's. There is no way any sonar manufacturer would reply to that image and tell you it was one animate object. Sonar can report the density of an object, not the composition of it. It also reports multiple overlapping objects as one object. The most important factors not shown on this image are the gain and the refresh rate. These will determine if you are getting clutter from suspended particles and how many scans per second are used to create the compiled picture.


The monster is real, but it keeps its identity hidden for the most part, so Zack Bagins won't have it killed and stuffed to put in his paranormal museum.


My opinion? They're eels, all of them, Nessie, Bessie, Lemmy, Champy, all the lake monsters. Some species of eel, either known or unknown, can apparently, under favorable conditions, grow to be upwards of twenty feet long. I saw one up close when I was younger in Lake Erie. Scared the crap out of me and the whole time I was scooby dooing my way back on to the boat I thought I saw a monster. When the adrenaline wore off I realized that I had just startled a frighteningly large eel.


The single biggest point against Nessie being a Plesiosaur is that these aquatic reptiles had lungs; they needed to resurface often to catch breath, so you should be seeing it far more often on the surface of the lake. And of course there must be many of them, not just a single one, to maintain a population, and I highly doubt that the lake offers enough food for a whole population of Plesiosaurs. Also one should not ignore the fact that Loch Ness formed only 10, 000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age so is quite young in geological standards, while the youngest fossils of Plesiosaurs date back 66 million years. So the Plesiosaurs would not have only remained hidden all these ages, they would have to immigrate into this lake since the last 10, 000 years and adapt from living in saltwater to linving in freshwater which is not an easy task for an animal; some managed it, most did not.


The image of the monster in the surgeon photo pose has one big problem: archeologists have taken the skeletons of plesiosaurs and determined that their neck vertebrae / muscle attachment points would not let it raise its neck that high…it would more like a sidewinder and stay relatively horizontal.


Yes I think all these monsters all over the world in mysterious lakes are abnormally large eels, new or mutated species, but that does not make them any less scary! You can run from a lion, for instance, but how could you escape from a creature if you can't even know what it is?


If you haven’t been to Loch Ness, what are you waiting for?

Don’t forget to bring along tree-fiddy.


As someone who is a believer in Sasquatch but not an aper (someone who believes it’s just an undiscovered ape)…I believe Nessie and other lake monsters to be similar. I believe these to be creatures that pop in and out of dimensions. How they do it, I don’t know…but the sightings don’t stop, ever.


I suspect the Loch Ness Monster is an eel, which live in the loch. They can get pretty big, and anyone on a boat who sees one surface may think they saw Nesse, just because they can't help but look for it after a century of folklore.


If this an amphibian...It may go dormant under the muddy/silty bottom of the loch in the cold weather months...Sonar wouldn't pick up a creature under the mud at the bottom.


I was diving in lockkness.... When I finished the dive I returned to the shore and I was standing in about 4 foot of water. All of a sudden something grab my leg flipped me over and dragged me a further 5 feet into the water and let I don't know what it was I had no cuts....I've never went back again..I have the gopro footage but just shows me being being taken off my time I've really spoke about it apart from friends as probably not believed....happened in 2023


Loch ness monster is by far one of the most interesting cryptids with a very rich and fascinating history. However if you look closely into said history you soon realize that the creature was never real, and there's no need for a singular explanation (people see waves, otters, birds, seals, logs, boats and lump them all into the monster category). The Mythillogical podcast did a detailed and comprehensive breakdown of the Nessie's story and I highly recommend it. I will also say that the 'giant eel' idea is not a great explanation for even a fraction of Nessie sightings, it has no scientific basis and has a lot of problems.


But the news show I watched the other day didn't even show the sonar proof. You are the first person to actually show the sonar image. So thank you very much for this TheSneezingMonkey. Where were you born I love your accent. 😊


There is a possibility Nessie WAS real but has since died somewhere in the past if it ever existed at all but the latest sonar image is very interesting could it be a pleasiosaur fossil if its not alive ?


The Daily Mail is slightly less reliable than The Onion


Yes I think it's just rebooting the mystery as the tourist season drops off in the local Nessie centre. I don't know why the rather run down town of Warminster in Wiltshire doesn't revive its UFO mystery, now there seems to be a growing worldwide interest in the subject - even at congress level. Flying saucer burger and green beer anyone?


The only convincing thing about all this is that people described the creature centuries b4 we knew what a dinosaur was, and its description matches a plesiosaur. And creatures living in the water are more likely to have survived the great cataclysm's of the world.


I find it interesting that folks call themselves "experts" on cryptids that they can't prove even exist🤔 I don't know how you can be an expert that way!


Biologists conducted a study of the Loch Ness ecosystem, which showed that there isn’t enough large fish which a huge aquatic creature would require to feed. Especially because there’d have to more than one; there would absolutely have to be a thriving, breeding population, which would necessitate lots of fish for food.
He does tourist cruises on the Loch.
