I Played the HARDEST Pokemon Game...

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#shorts #pokemon #pokerogue
I've never been good at Pokemon battles, but I decided to give PokeRogue a try.
And after 14 hours, I made it ALL the way to the final stage.
Can I beat it?
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The start is the hardest part. Catch as many pokemon as you can for better starters. The base starters are cool but there are alot of good options so pick your poison! The best options from the base starters are:

Gen 1 starters. (they have both gmax and megas so they have alot of potential. And also bulbasaur is probably the best grass base starter in the game)

Gen 3 starters. (overall strong mons with access to megas)

Gen 8 starters. (mons with strong powercreep stats and a gmax)

And Gen 9 starters. (insanely powerful mons with broken signatures moves. All 3 of them. Go nuts)

Once you chose a good starter, Train that one up exclusively for the early game until it gets easier to level up the others. This is important because you NEED a strong mon to get passed the early game. This usually means if the mon dies the run dies (unless its a boss pokemon, then you can hope to catch it). But its alot more consistent than trying to use 6 mediocre pokemon in the early game

Once you reach the mid game. Your top goel should be getting a steel/fairy type as fast as possible. Even better if you find both. The most importent fights you can prepare for are the rival fights and eternatus, both of which are dragon types.

I saw someone gave you some tips for eternatus, so here are some for the rival.

They will pretty much always switch to a different pokemon on their team if they have one that matches up better to your pokemon. Abuse that.
The pokemon your rivals have stay the same thoughout the game. He just keeps adding on them. So if you know he has, lets say a charizard and a kilowattrel, and you lead in with a water type. You can pretty much be certain he will switch to kilowattrel. So plan for that. Setup, use a move like uturn or flip turn, switch for a better matchup, heck you can even stay in and switch the next turn to a ground type to anticipate an electric attack.

This is usually true for all the other major battles in the game but the rival is the only one you can know the pokemon of without external tools.

Also BE READY FOR THAT RAYQUAZA! You want steel types and ESPECIALLY fairy types for it, even better if you manage to get an ice move. Usually it going to outspeed you too, but using the info i told you earlier about the trainer ai, you can hit it on the switch in with a strong attack and then switch to a fairy type to tank the upcoming dragon move, or steel for a flying move.

I am pretty sure rayquaza has access to flamethrower though so watch out (ik for a fact eternemax does)

Been a while since i played pokerouge but i beat it fourth try and kept doing it later too so i know a thing or two.


You need to have a fairy and a steel type for the final battle. Switch between both of them in the first Eternatus form until PP is over for both it’s dragon and poison move. Now you set up with your best mon, since that’s the 2 only dmg moves the first form of Eternatus have, getting flamethrower only in the second stage. The set up mon should probably be one that has super effective stab (Excadrill is a great one because it serves as the steel type and the super effective stab, give swords dance and earthquake to him. That’s 1 slot for 2 roles). Now you should kill the first stage and then kill pretty easily the second one as well (+6 super effective stab move should one shot or leave it very low, maybe 1 or 2 bars).

Edit: Excadrill is pretty easy to catch mid run, so don’t waste your starter slot in it. You should also start with dynamax mons, like the Kanto or Galarian starters. This allow you to get a dynamax mushroom, which can be passed between all of your mons, effectively allowing 1 dynamax mushroom to dynamax any amount of pokemon (if they have the capability). This is not necessary, but it allows you to high roll while keeping good mons. The gen 9 starters are also broken, thanks to their signature move. I’d recommend getting Fuecoco. He is really good at carrying you for the most part of the game. The final battle is not supposed to be that hard. The hardest battle in the game is the last rival fight, and you already beat it. You can do it.


Lovin the Hivemind shirt. Always good to see another Digrider


u really need to have a team planned for the final fight... salt cure and any other residual damaging moves work best here... my main problem was the final rival fight for the mega rayquaza... which u just need a fairy type to switch in once its locked into outrage


Fuecoco can be a major early game player and mid game. But it kinda falls of in late game I'd recommend bagon as Mega salamence is broken if you can set up


Yeah I suck too. I mostly overtrain my pokemon in the pokemon games so I dont have to gameplan.


Bro needs serious help so I subscribed


Just survive the first 30 by any means then catch a klefki. Eternatus can’t damage steel fairy from what I’ve seen. Never actually tried it tho never played the game


Bro, if the leveling system could still go up, my mother would be level 1689 No


i thought you were another youtuber called yub


Get lucky with legendary gacha
I got a naganadel from it and managed to beat the game with that
