A Prophetic Distortion of the Second Coming: 2 Thessalonians 2:1–2, Part 1

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Teacher: John Piper
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So so helpful. Especially in contrast with “secret rapture” proponents


Once again, brother John, you're hitting on a subject that people have literally called me a demon over, simply because I believe the actual Words of Jesus on the matter.
Much love and respect to you and yours, pastor.


Impressed and satisfied withDGs research and digital kingdom delivery services o almighty Word and clear inspiration teachings really needed to shared with the earth and any who wanna be partaking in theLORD glorious God .his Kingdom rule and fellowship o the greatest generation o the true church and Kingdom Government


Thank you for this teaching pastor john


When JESUS returns. The dead in CHRIST shall rise first then we who are alive will follow and meet him in the clouds and we will be with him forever 1st Thessalonians 4.


help us to know your word Lord so no one may deceive us


Can someone tell me what kind of software he's using. I'm a teacher and would like to record some lectures for my online classes. Thanks!


So, I definitely don't wanna b the destroyer, but whatever we've been assigned I gotta do for the plan of God, could the destroyer b fooled to thinking he's really a prophet of God omnipotent almighty, only to b rejected in front o the world or the church and kingdom, I know, I got deep questions and experiences that make things happen and interesting, and am a confessed believer in the our LORD and savior Christ Jesus .would never do my brothers and sisters wrong in the church and avoid anything violent if at all possible, that's why we have a government on our shoulders o the body of Christ, praise theLORD hallelujah ❤him he make the way out and simple by faith alone and power o Holy Spirit to help us waiting Big thanks belongs to Father YAHWEH Elohim hallelujah


Exactly, which is why there is no imminency. The rapture cannot be imminent since Paul made it clear that before our gathering together unto him (the rapture) there apostasy must occur and the man of lawlessness be revealed. So how can it be imminent?


3:40 The day of the Lord is not the end of history.
There is another 1000 years remaining.
People keep saying "Armageddon is the end of the world"
It's not


I wonder...the comparison of Paul here with Matthew's gospel.... could it be that the rumour that the resurrection/Day of the Lord had already come, might have its root in what was written in Matthew 27:51-53?


2 Thess 2 was fulfilled in the first Century


The fact that he starts with "now concerning..." in Greek means he is changing the subject from the 2nd coming to the Rapture, which he was speaking about earlier. None ofthe verses you quoted on Day of Christ, Day of Jesus Christ, Day of Lord Jesus Christ is referring to the OT Day of the Lord's wrath (a negative thing rather than the always positive thing of the gathering of believers to Him). Paul is speaking about one thing and one thing only...the Day of Christ, when he comes to gather his Church. TheDay of the Lord as it is meant in the OT is not even in the NT except in I Thess 5.
To use "the Day of the Lord" rather than what the Textus Receptus uses (Day of Christ) makes the first three verses a non sequitur.. Then he says, the apostasy and the revelation of the A/C will arrive before the Day of Christ (just before), meaning before the Rapture.
He is correcting their fear they had missed the Day of Christ, or the Rapture. You are making it much more complicated that it is, requiring a lot more explanation than needed, by using Day of the Lord, rather than Day of Christ.
"Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ (RAPTURE) had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day (RAPTURE) will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."
The revelation of the AC is when (and this is why Paul includes the part about the Temple) he sits inthe Temple (Holy of Holies) showing himself that he is God.. That's the only reason he mentioned that here, because it indicates what the revelation is...it's the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, which will happen just before the Rapture.


I believe that brother Piper did a great job laying out a great defense to the fact that there is no place in the Bible that even begins to support the erroneous doctrine of a "pre rapture" event. There is no verse to be found in all of the Bible that gives a pre-rapture timing. None. Also. Some of you have commented on all the world being saved. While JESUS died for "the sins of the world" that does not at all mean that all "the world" will be saved. Just "the elect" of GOD [Ephesians 1:4]. JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF declares this fact at least three times in Matthew 7:13-23. Note in 7:13 that JESUS states "few are those who find it. In Matthew 7:21, "not everyone who says to ME LORD LORD, will enter the kingdom of heaven: . Here JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF is declaring that not even all those who profess HIS name will be saved. Also read Matthew 7:22-23 as CHRIST one again declares that not everyone is going to be save even if they call HIM "LORD". These three verses alone should cause all of us who profess Christ as SAVIOR to reflect on where we truly stand in relationship to GOD. While the timing of the rapture is important, "knowing for sure that we have eternal life" dwelling within us is much more important. The Bible is very clear in declaring that only those elected by GOD will join JESUS in the air as HE returns to earth to establish HIS kingdom. Have a blessed day.


I’m concerned that the Church is still teaching this lie; that our believing loved ones who have fallen asleep are “gathered” to Christ in Heaven right now.


2:35 Slide shows Phil 1v0 but seems to mean 1v10.


Why would you compare all the English translations and then “assume” they are all the same day of the Lord etc. Shouldn’t you be doing a proper word study and going back to the original text (Greek) and comparing from there?


You wrote against Trump on the basis that his boast-sin made God angrier than abortion-sin. Then you went silent. Do you think I will go away? Not until Jesus takes me home.


When Jesus said to the Jews, "The kingdom of God is near, " or, "at hand, " what He meant was that HE is the representative of God standing before them at the time. Jesus did not mean that God is going to fix all of the problems on the earth for you so you don't have to do anything.

The reason all of your conclusions are wrong is because they are based in extremely primitive selfishness. You actually think that God, Jesus, and the angels are supposed to do what you want. That's not how it works.


This channel has some good content but misses the main message of the gospels...

That our Lord is the Saviour of the World...the World.

That means everybody ALL.

Do you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart the Jesus is the Saviour of the World?
Or just the few?
