MDCAT Result UHS & Dow Announced - OMG [Result Analysis ]

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In This video we will discuss about UHS and Dow MDCAT Result 2024 analysis and Complete Statistics of Results.
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I checked blue question paper and here's the list of problematic questions I checked from books and mentioned page numbers for problems jinka wrong hone ka proof book me hai (I didn't point out all key mistakes it's so frustrating and annoying I can't do that )


1. Which one of the following monosaccharides is a hexose-aldehyde form of sugar?
A. Fructose
B. Galactose
C. Glucose
D. Ribose
2 correct options galactose and glucose (book page 37 class11 biology)

2. Which one of the following organelles is ONLY present in Cyanobacteria?
Not in mdcat syllabus only shape and structure was included

3. During resting membrane potential, K+ are higher in concentration inside than outside the membrane surface.
A. ten-times
B. fifteen-times
C. twenty times
D. twenty-five times
Answer is 30 times written in book but it's not there in options (book page no.62 class12 biology)

4. A covalently bonded inorganic ion with protein part of an enzyme is termed as
.A. Apoenzyme
B. Coenzyme
C. Holoenzyme
D. Prosthetic group
First of all options me *coenzyme and prosthetic group* given hai which are organic cofactor and they're asking about inorganic part which is called *activator* that is not given in options. Ye statement wrong hai (book page no.62 class 11 biology)

5. Which one of the following plants has modified bilobed leaves with midrib between them having long stiff bristles along the margins of each lobe?
Not given anywhere in book

6. Gall stones are mostly made up of
It's no where in the book

7. What will be CO2 fixation efficiency in plants with photorespiration?
Photo respiration is not in mdcat syllabus

8. Lungs are covered with double layered thin membranous sacs called
Not given in book

9. How much delay is required in seconds for conductance from the S.A node to A.V node?
A. 0.10
B. 0.15
C. 0.20
D. 0.30
Book line : when heart beats under resting conditions, approximately 0.04 second is required for action potential to travel from sa node to av node. (page no. 272 class11 biology nbf)
0.15 is the total delay in atrial contraction before ventricular contraction so that's not the correct option hence no correct option was given

10. How much energy is present in the chemical bond of glucose that is converted into ATP by anaerobic respiration?
No where in the book

11. Which one of the following is anaerobic bacterium?
In mdcat syllabus cellular structure of bacteria, shape and size of bacteria, importance and control of bacteria is included and this mcqs is like from classification of bacteria so it's not in our book

12. Which one of the following is NOT the bacteria?
A. Acanthurus nigrofuscus
B. Epulopiscium fishelsoni
C. Hyphomicrobium
D. Mycoplasma Spp
Firstly our syllabus had cellular structure, size shape of bacteria, importance and control of bacteria secondly 2 of the options Hyphomicrobium and Acanthurus nigrofuscus are not in our book so we get differentiate which one is bacteria and which one's not and other 2 options their full names are not given in our book so it's also a confusion.
Hence the options are not from our book

13. Which one of the following bones is NOT the part of eye orbit?
A. Ethmoid
B. Lacrimal
C. Sphenoid
D. Zygomatic
Firstly skeleton was not included in mdcat syllabus secondly all of these bones form eye orbit so no option is correct

14. By the fusion of ilium, ischium and pubis in pelvic girdle is formed.
Correct option is *cartilaginous joint* but in our book costal cartilage and pubis symphysis are given (book page no.42 class12 biology)there's no such information about cartilaginous joint in pelvic girdle in our book

15. In Drosophila, the heterozygote(w/w+) exceeds in quality of fluorescent pigment in eyes than wild(w+/w+) or white eye (w/w), this kind of dominance is termed as
Correct option is over dominance and in our book only co-dominance and incomplete dominance is given (book page no.153 and 154 class 12 biology)

16. At which of the following stage of Prophase I, crossing over takes place?
This is no where in our books answer is pachytene tho but it's not in our books

17. Which one of the following conditions produce a sterile female with Turner’s syndrome in human but sterile male in Drosophila?
No where in our books and not included in syllabus too

18. How much energy is present in the chemical bond of glucose that is converted into ATP by anaerobic respiration?
This isnt given in our book there's no information about this in our book

19. Which one of the following carbohydrates show dark brown color with iodine solutionm
(Page no.40 class 12 biology)-> blue color with iodine solution confirms starch
(Page no.41 class12 biology)-> red Colour with iodine confirms glycogen
Brown color with iodine to confirm glycogen is not present in our book

20. Cyanides occupy the active site of enzymes by forming covalent bond, thus comes under the inhibitors.
A. competitive
B. irreversible
C. non-competitive
D. reversible
the question statement is wrong cyanides are irreversible non competitive inhibitors so they bind to allosteric sites on enzymes not active sites. Options don't make any sense.

21. Which of the following conjugate molecules are present as surfactants in respiratory distress syndrome?
Rds is caused due to absence of surfactant wrong statement

22. By the fusion of ilium, ischium and pubis in pelvic girdle is formed.
A. ball and socket joint
B. cartilaginous joint
C. fibrous joint
D. hinge joint
KEY ISSUE according to key it's marked a but it's correct option is b

23. In eukaryotic cells, autophagosomes are being originate from
A. Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Golgi bodies
C. Mitochondria
D. Ribosomes
KEY ISSUE according to key it's b but it's actually a


1. Consider a reaction of A into B, if K value is 3x10-12 at 200oC then what will be the value of K at 250oC?
This question can't be solved without calculator

2. The correct stability order of M+4 cations is
They're from group IV only Group I and II are included

3. What will be the molarity of HCl solution with pH=4?
Molarity is not included in mdcat syllabus

4. Formula for partial pressure calculation of any component in mixture of gases is
Not included in mdcat syllabus

5. Transition element Vanadium mostly act as
Not included in mdcat syllabus


1.A man pulls a trolley through a distance of 50 m by applying a force of 100N, which makes an angle of 60owith x-axis. Calculate the work done by the man? (Cos60o=0.5)
MANIPULATION IN QUESTION PAPER I had blue booklet and the value of cos 60 was not given there and in this question paper it's given


1. “All practical numbers are even” is a false statement then the true statement is
A. all practical numbers are odd
B. some practical numbers are not even
C. some practical numbers are even
D. some practical numbers are not odd
I think b and c both can be true

2. Statements:
I. Large numbers of people have fallen sick after consuming sweets from a particular shop in the locality.
II. Major part of the locality is flooded and has become inaccessible.
A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
It's correct option is c and it's mentioned d in answer key


Jis jis ki paper ID A thi un sab ki key main 3 confirm errors thay aur aaj result main bhi unka 1 number kam tha lekin iss topper zainab munir ka 199 kesay aagya....Boht zulm ha yeh ..Hamaray future k saath khela gaya..


Sir kindly expected merit pr video bnaey taake pta chl skey safe zone mai kon kon hai tension kam hosky students ki


How she get 199 despite the fact that there are 6 mcqs definitely incorrect in key


Sir result was based on wrong key 😢😢😢.


Complaint portal kis lie open kia tha phir duhs nai??


Assalam O Alaikum sir
My aggregate is 95.5
Is there any chance in king edward


Sir carbon paper may Mera score 163 ta ab result may obtained marks nahi a rahay kindly sir guide me regarding this querry


How can they get 199 marks despite the fact that there were atleast 6 wrong mcqs


My daughter got 166 in her carbon sheet but now result shows 160 marks.. what should we do now..


Sir Meray marks obtained nahi a rahay uhs result may


Assalamu alaikum my mdcat marks 125 percentage 63 aggregate 71.2 any chance private college


Ab reconduxt Hoga/ nh High court kindly announced reconduxt mdcat student please raised Your voice


Sir result show nhi ho Raha ha 😢 result kasy pat chaly


176. In mdcat
Total aggregate 88.16
Any public clj gor mbbs plz


Do you also provide scholarship for MBBS in china?


Sir everyone knows k sahi nh huwa students k sath phr bh koi kuch na krska sir aap bh jante ho k wrong key th paper leak huwa tha koi kuch kartaa q nahi


Expected merit for sindhh..?anyone knowss..?


Sir sir you are best thank you for guidance


Sir g Ncat KY baty mai bta dain urbs nursing KY bary mai bta dein
