Z50II Next? Rumours Begin | D500 Edition? | WOW! HUGE Discounts On Cameras | Z9II? |OP-ED Matt Irwin

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Nikon continues to wow us with new gear. Is the Z50II next? Also this week Nikon have gone one step further by discounting, as the parent company a selection of RED cinema cameras. What might This tell us about the Z9II?

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00:00 Intro
00:15 Z50II rumours
00:40 Time for a new USB
01:00 What would we like to see in the Z50II?
01:50 Two possibilities?
02:05 D500 version of the Z50. Is it possible?
03:25 What might the Z50II MP be?
03:50 Compared to Fuji sensor sizes
05:18 What does Nikon value in a sensor?
07:10 Could the Z50II be a stacked sensor?
08:50 Nikon’s lens line up is ready for an APSC speedster!!!
10:20 What will be new?
11:30 Would Z50II have Expeed7 thus new AF?
13:40 An APS-C with IBIS?
14:10 RED camera massive price drop !!
16:20 This price drop from Nikon/RED is a massive message to the industry
17:00 Nikon bringing cutting edge camera tech at cheaper prices
18:50 Will RED sensor tech end up in the Z9II?
20:30 When will the Z9II arrive?
21:50 Quote from CEO of RED Keiji Oishi regarding philosophy of price drop
24:30 What it takes to make a video

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I have the Z50 and like it very much for its small form factor and good image quality but a few things should be improved:
- better AF (new processor)
- no 30 min. recording time limit
- a flash button like in the D7200, which is also a function button
- more programing options for the buttons (like in the ZF)

I wish nikon will also introduce a Z500 or Z90. In this camera I would additionaly like to see:
- second card slot
- bigger form factor
- illuminated buttons
- monitor form factor like in the Z8
- (perhaps only electronic shutter and sensor shield)

More megapixels are not very important for me. Good low light capabilities are more important in my optinion.
Flippy screens are not my first choice, but I can live with them.


God please let it be the “D500” option with as much tech as Nikon can justify, including IBIS, pixel shift, 4k video and in-camera charging and great focus. This would be a travel and backcountry sensation given the compact optics it would also allow.


i love your background, it's so refreshing to see a photographer not in a typical studio/office dark moody tech'y room


I am a professional Sony A1 shooter but my daughter is just starting college and I am looking at a camera for her. Sony would make sense but their lower end / entry level offerings are very poor. So I find myself looking at Nikon z50 or FC. I think I will go with the FC because I feel the cameras dials will help her learn photography.


Also Matt - improved viewfinder. D500 users will expect a very nice viewfinder.


Matt Irwin Photography, cool video keep up the amazing work


I do think there should be 2 new apsc 1. a basic Z50II for entry level 2. A full stacked similar to XH2s for birding/wildlife. The fully stacked pro level is what I want. Actually I would have got the XH2s if the focus was Z8/Sony/Canon level. Also it lacked great lenses like Nikon has for wildlife. A no 3. wish list but I doubt we would get is a higher pixel density aps-h stacked sensor Z8 pro level type cam.


I've had a Z50 for 3 3/4 years. It's been a great little travel camera. For the price my only real complaint is the touch "buttons" on the screen. I sight with my left eye. When I do so on the Z50 my nose boops the screen buttons. Always at the worst moments. It drives me nuts. And speaking of the screen. Please STAY with the tilting screen. No "flippy" screen. Oh, and 25 - 30 MP would be nice too.


Ever since the arrival of my baby grand daughters it's always 11 fps intially on my Z50 with a 40mm f/2 and later 24mm f/1.7 I got so tired of "culling" through the shots after a session I reduced my burst rate to 3 fps 😁 I'm super excited about the Z50 update, I've had the Z50 since 2021 July and enjoying it every bit: the form factor, image quality and autofocus in such a small body. I've been a Nikon Shooter always: have D3200 and D610 and a splattering of F and Z mount lenses. Thanks for the video Matt. Agree burst mode can get tiring; after 15-20 minute session with the kids I edn up with close to 100 shots and more.


Thanks for the video, Matt! I currently own the Z50, and would really appreciate greatly reduced rolling shutter... I'd take that over any improvement in iso performance. Lastly, an updated auto focus would round it out for me.


Seriously doubt the Z50ii would replace a D500. The D500 was a $2000 price point in 2016. You’re not selling its replacement at a $900 price point.
The best way to get it would be a Z7iii at the $3000-3500 price point, with a crop “performance” mode. Effectively you’d get 2 cameras. Not sure if the center portion could readout faster.


We need a D500 type buffer. If you’re going to have fast shooting you need a camera able to deal with all that data.


The Z50II needs to retain the overall smaller size and lighter weight characteristics and lower price point while adding an updated processor and improved AF. It doesn’t need a resolution bump, dual card slots, or any high performance features. IBIS would be great so long as it doesn’t bulk things up too much. This would make it a great entry level camera, a nice second body for those already in the Z system, and a nice hiking / backpacking / travel setup. We also really need a Z version of the D500, with IBIS, a good sized buffer, dual card slots, and the processor and AF system from the Z6III or Z8 in a body the size of the Z6IIi. I would pre-order that camera today.


I vote for the more D500 style camera. IBIS, Semi stacked sensor, Expeed 7, 20 fps and the big battery. The perfect mate to the 400mm f/5.6.


Illuminated buttons like the D500/D5/D850 would be fantastic ..🦘


The best thing Nikon should do is a Z50 and Z500
Iterate on the Z50, lower specs and price say a sub $1000 and innovate on Z500 with semi stacked sensor, ibis, high speed shooting and at sub $2000 price range n pro build body


20-something sensor size is fine if native 4k video is supported and pixel-shift allows an effective 50-something (or higher) megapixel capture on tripod for those certain grand landscape shots that you’d want to have in hi-res.


Thank you Matt!! A look down to us poor APS-C lovera😂😂. Let's hope for Option #2


Good stuff Matt! With 3 new Nikons registered and presumably coming this year, the crop segment have to have the ExPeed 7 and the BIG gap is the D500 replacement to compete with R7(Anwar said they have sold half a million).Mid range crop 50mk2 probably could be first but wait and see.I also RED that something new is brewing, so clear out the old. What about Expeed 7 paired with the Red sensors in a Cinema style Nikon Z( would that have been developed yet?).Talk is around of the Next, an update of P1000/950 too.Intruiging but, not too long and we will know what the 3 are.


I’ve had the Z50 since it came out, has been a great camera to learn on. A recent Hockey shoot showed how good it is on all fronts. Shooting on an old Sigma EX 70-200 f2.8 still auto focused well for my needs. I have also shot Astro with it and my Tokina 11-16 f2.8 and it’s been great. An Expeed 7 upgrade to the Auto focus would be welcomed, as well as some sort of sensor upgrade (better noise control at higher ISOs?) and they would have a killer little camera body
