Horizon Thunderjaw Destroyed in just 9 seconds on Ultra hard mode NG+

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One of the fastest Horizon Forbidden West Thunderjaw takedown in 9 seconds on New Game Plus Ultra Hard mode. Do check out my other gaming videos. I have similar videos for Apex Slaughterspine too, check the comments for all the links. You could try my method in the new Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster as the weak points and elemental damage are similar. However of course the coils and skill tree will be different.

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For this build, you need the Sun Scourge with 5 Elite Frost coils.
Iriv's Downfall with 5 Elite Critical Hit coils for Focused shots skill.
Any armor with low health ranged weaves.
The Elite coils and weaves are from the Burning Shores DLC.
The Defy Death Valor Surge for damage increase and to automatically reduce health for the weaves to take effect.
My game is New game plus in ultra hard mode. You only get 1 of each Frost and Critical Hit Elite coils per game.
The 3 remaining coils were modded in via Nexus mods after I got all the Steam achievements and attained 100% completion of NG+,
in order to test the effects of maximum damage and destruction capabilities!
