Jordan says Ukraine aid delay done in the 'best interest' of U.S.

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Ohio Republican Representative Jim Jordan says there was "never this quid pro quo" that Democrats continue to push as grounds for the impeachment inquiry.

"Face the Nation" is America's premier Sunday morning public affairs program. The broadcast is one of the longest-running news programs in the history of television, having debuted November 7, 1954 on CBS. Every Sunday, "Face the Nation" moderator and CBS News senior foreign affairs correspondent Margaret Brennan welcomes leaders, newsmakers, and experts to a lively round table discussion of current events and the latest news.
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The Founders understanding of bribery was derived from English law, under which bribery was understood as an officeholder’s abuse of the power of an office to obtain a private benefit rather than for the public interest. This definition not only encompasses Trump’s conduct—it practically defines it.

The Ukraine scandal began in the spring of 2019, with a series of contacts between Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy, and Ukrainian officials. In mid-July, Trump decided to withhold nearly $400 million in aid to Ukraine that had already been appropriated by Congress. The White House offered no explanation, except to blame “interagency delay.” A week later, Trump spoke by phone to the recently elected Ukrainian president, Zelensky. The memorandum released by the White House describing that call—which is consistent with the accounts of the whistleblower complaint that first brought this scandal to light—reads like a classic shakedown.

According to the memo, after exchanges of flattery, Trump states that “we do a lot for Ukraine” and that “we spend a lot of effort and a lot of time, ” before he complains that the relationship is not always “reciprocal.” Zelensky then raises the question of military aid to Ukraine, to which Trump immediately responds, “I would like you to do us a favor though, ” and proceeds to ask Zelensky to investigate two unfounded conspiracy theories: one involving the server containing emails stolen from the DNC during the 2016 election, and the other involving the thoroughly debunked claim about then-VP Biden, his potential reelection opponent.

Trump asks Zelensky to work with Giuliani and AG Barr to investigate his potential opponent and so aid his own reelection campaign. There can be no misunderstanding that Traitor Trump was abusing his official power in the conduct of foreign policy to get a foreign government to investigate his political rival.

Article II, Section 4, says the president “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."


why bring on a proven liar and guy who (allegedly) turned his back on people being molested?


Well, he's really good. Really good in not addressing questions directly....


Why did she not ask Jordan, “why did Trump launch a smear campaign on ambassador yavonavich?”
No one disputed that trump has the authority to remove her, but why shame her and use henchmen to force her out? Trump could have just called. After 33 years of service, she deserves the true answer.


This man is a sad example of a Republican.


We the people find it amazing that everything the republicans accuse the democrats of they commited.


So, now Jordan says the delay in giving aid Did Happen...!!! But it was done with good intention...LOL


Oh Jim... Precious little Jim... I see his little mouth moving, mentally squirming in desperateness to gaslight and downplay and defend the indefensible... Bless his little heart.


Saying "in the best interest" is like if a patient needs a cancer operation but you delay it, it's the same "best interest". PIGS!!!


“What is it about the government and its agents and employees that they can lie to us with impunity, but we risk being sent to jail if we lie to them?” -Andrew P. Napolitano


Margaret Brennan is not up to the challenge of interviewing Jim Jordan. The only way she can re-direct the "See No Evil, Hear No Evil" Representative is to go to commercial break. If Margaret plans to have the former OSU Wrestling Coach return to FTN, she needs to acquire some more advanced skills in interviewing difficult guests. She was completely wrestled to the ground by Jimmy's histrionics. CBS pay attention and help Margaret acquire some wrestling skills.


Gymmy has been into his boss's Adderall! Repeat, repeat, repeat as fast as you can!


It is a sign. Even the door wants to hit him.


Jordan is a liar.
He will have to pay the price for selling his soul.


Why dont Jim Jorden ever get asked about the lawsuit he's in ? Covering up sexual abuse with school kids when he was a coach . Jorden knew about it and did nothing .


Why give someone time on air to continue the gaslighting? I’m starting to think these interviewers actually believe they can get an honest answer 🤷‍♀️


Is crazy they elect people like this is like being back home were I'm from


Jordan is a Law School graduate, but hasn’t taken the bar exam🤔🙄


Jim Jordan speaks very fast and distorts all the facts a mile a minute.


Are you sure that Ukraine is number 3? I think that now that LittleDick is in charge they would be number 4.
