Herobrine vs error 404 sans (creepy pasta vs aftertale) #shorts

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Lol this is funny Name: True herobrine/ God of Monsters/the demiurge

Tier 1 - A to boundless

Verse: Minecraft lore

Strenght: One punch infected an infinite amount of servers, realities, universes, and what lies beyond. (Immeasurable, likely irrelevant): can lift one thousand times the weight steve can hold (which is said to be an infinite multiverse) with his basic strenght.

Speed: (Immeasurable:) Steve Can move 6 times the speed of light, and herobrine with basic speed is 1000 times faster in base. Meaning in base, he moves 6, 000 times the speed of light. Final form (absolute infinity) he is faster than anyone in fiction.

Durability: (boundless:) has survived thousands of collapsing universes and multiverses with taking any damage.

Intelligent: (likely nigh omniscient - fully omniscient)

Abilities: Cosmic strength, telekinesis, irrelevant speed, light strikes, power mimicry, soul separation, spirit splitting, shape-shifting, teleportation, mind manipulation, dimensional travel, time travel, Omni resistance (resistant to any kind of easure), summoning, celestial paralysis, omni erasure, clones, size manipulation, energy manipulation, death resistance. 7 thunders of the almighty.

Age: over 1 million years old

Stamina: infinity

Orgin: created by King Omnipotent (An omniversal God).

Feats: Fought all fictional strongest gods, creepy pasta, etc in hand to hand combat and won no concept of diff.

Destroyed the minecraft infinite multiverse, universes, dimensions, over world and left nothing but the void against notch.

Defeated Sentinel herobrine (which is likely almost as strong as SK) with a single hit in his true form 1%.

remembrance: A transformation that allows him to be impenetrable and unkillable. He doesn't use this form to much since its his weakest one, but he is quick to adapt to any opponent he fights.

ender form: he first gained this form when he absorbed the entire end dimension which is said to be infinite in size and power, (as in the end dimension, power flows forever) making him the embodiment of infinity.

command block merged: he gathered 10 different command blocks and merged them creating a supreme command block. This command block allows anyone to make anything possible, to transcend dimensions, create copies of the multiverse, to become stronger beyond comparison. He merged with this block and transformed his body into a living command block (allowing him to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent). With this he killed his creator (king omnipotent).

true form: After conquering the omniverse (which is a vast realm of multiverses) herobrine gained a new form that made all of existance tremble, true form herobrine. With this he had gained true boundless power. He had all of notch's abilities but they are superior. After only a short amount of time he killed notch. His appearance is with a black and red robe, he'll fire covering his arms, blood red eyes, and boots engulfed in hell flames.

Ender scythe: a weapon that reaps the soul from who it touches

Sword of the cosmos: does infinite damage and crashes the world.

Bedrock sword: An unbreakable sword used to kill creation (the gods who created universes, also the Gods from the end peom)

Devastator: A gaint axe that used to destroy planets
I don't even add god true herobrine


Cringe creepypasta vs good written character
