Vlogtober Oct 16 & 17

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Hi! I was busy with work and Rhinebeck packing on Wednesday and Thursday. So I finally had a chance to upload a quick video. It's Saturday of Rhinebeck weekend and I'll have LOTS to show soon about that! But for now, here's a little glimpse into my days....
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When I was 43 my daughter, only child, was graduating from high school, my Mom was dying of cancer, and I was going through menopause and got super depressed. I call this personal growth and it sucked. There were no books to read for help. Today my daughter is married, owns her own business is in grad school and has blessed me with 2 beautiful Granddaughters. I’m retired and get to knit all day. Thanks so much for sharing. Life gets hard by this to shall pass. I love your art work on the cars. Enjoy your friend and family at Rhinebeck. You’ll have a fabulous time.


Dear Leanne. Thank you so much for your honesty and open heart. It's not silly to feel anxious about those things. It's human and it's ok.
Love your Rhinebeck shirt! 😍


Thank you for being real and being vulnerable with us! ❤❤❤


Thanks for sharing—I love to get out, but I always hate leaving home. Kindred spirits! Looking forward to seeing your Rhinebeck adventures!🧶💐


When you have a baby they don't tell you about the down side of them growing up. What you feel is normal. I love your honesty and enthusiasm for life, this is why you're my favorite podcasters. I'm glad you had a blast. ❤


Leanne, I just watched this vlog. You are so right about how podcasters always seem to be "up" and we rarely see the challenges. We all go through them and we love you. I am glad I got to hug you at Rhinebeck and look forward to bringing my girls up for another visit to you. Thanks for being a great long distance friend!


Thank you for sharing, it must have been hard to do. You are not alone with your feelings. I feel the same, never good with traveling, and I also get anxious for days before any big event. I go on a knitting retreat every year with 4 friends, and am always anxious beforehand, and even during. It's like I can't relax! We just had our girls and their boyfriends here to celebrate a birthday, but it was such a short time! I said to my husband how my heart has been filled up for a while. The girls have their own lives, and are doing great, I'm so proud of them! I treasure the moments we have. Now I'm thinking of how it must have been for my mom when my brother and I moved away. Your mom was very lucky that you stayed so close. I need to remind my girls that we love having them, and they are never a burden. And keep reminding them of that as we age. Big hugs to you!


Thank you for sharing Leanne❤. I miss my family in Florida and wished they lived closer! But I’ll be with them over Thanksgiving and am counting the days! I’m glad we have our Monday knitting group to support us❤


Thank you for sharing the down times, too. I'm 73 so have been through our 3 kids becoming adults and moving out. All of them moved away from our small town to begin their working lives BUT when the grandchildren started arriving, each one moved back to their hometown. They all said there is no better place to raise children. So now we have 11 grandchildren who attend our local public school....or did until graduation. The oldest has graduated college and is now working in Washington state, but we all have high hopes that he will one day return to Ohio. Keep looking for the bright spots in your days (like seeing a whale for the first time) and you will be OK. ❤🙏


Thanks for sharing! You are not alone. My kids are grown, in their 40s and have their own lives however i have days when i miss them so much! We have started going to their homes for the holidays which is lovely. However, to me there is nothing better than having them at our home, they can walk in the door, shed adulthood for a little while and have Mom take care of them. It heals my soul!


Love your honesty - living is a constant learning curve...each stage has its good times, sad times and bad times....feeling all the feels is what gets us through it and move forward with a "new normal"/stage - not always an easy thing to do. The whale sighting was amazing and you totally made my day by how excited you were at seeing it!!! ❤


I loved seeing you and saying Hi on the hill at Rheinbeck. I voted for all three of your lovely designs and hope you win so I can wear them proudly on my bag and shirt that I bought thank god online as the line for the tent was unreal. Please take care anxiety is a real thing and I feel for you such a lovely person you are. Thank goodness you fill your life with knitting, your orchestra and book and cooking clubs. Lucky you to have the ocean so close to cleanse your soul, that whale came at just the right time. Take care.


Thank you for sharing! I am feeling the same way. I have anxiety before going away and my youngest two are at college and there are many days I just want us all to be home together. Hope you are having a great weekend at Rhinebeck! Happy Creating!


I felt the same way when my son went away for college (he was only 1-1/2 hour away but still not living at home). Then he joined the military and he was 24 hours away. I know exactly what you're going though. We all have good and bad days and you never know what will trigger sad feelings that remind you of when they were growing up. So glad you have your youngest still at home, your husband, your family, and of course Buddy! still close by. Thank you for sharing and I'm enjoying your podcasts. Hope you enjoyed Rhineback!


Thank you for sharing! I can so relate to the travel anxiety. I love to travel and I am counting the days, but the day before and the day of, until I am on the plane, I am so anxious. I used to call it nervous from the inside out. I hope you have a great time at Rhinebeck and I love your Rhinebeck designs!


Thanks for sharing all the aspects. Catching up on your vlogs. Some watch to escape and some of us watch to have company. And it’s ok when that company is sad. Most of have us can relate. I don’t have kids but I certainly miss having someone. Just broke up with the English boyfriend, so now instead of Christmas in England, I’ll visit my rebound country, Canada, in December. 🇨🇦


Thank you so much for these amazing vlogs. I’m enjoying them so very much💖
And thank you for sharing! I really can relate to anxiety before traveling or having something new happen. Take care and have the best time at Rhinebeck🎵💖


Please don’t tell yourself that the anxiety you are feeling is silly. I think what you probably mean is you realize there are times you feel better and know that soon you will be back to that. Self talk is a real thing. I was at a conference one time that talked about how we are all are our own worst critics and you can help yourself by catching yourself when these thoughts come into your head and you acknowledge what is happening and reframe what you are telling yourself. It is just interesting to realize how much we all do that and don’t even realize it. And as others say, it is ok to feel all the feels. Life is not all rainbows and lucky charms. Love these vlogs and little glimpses into the real real. Whales? That is amazing! And your Rhinebeck sweatshirt/logo is 🙌


Thank you for sharing your feelings! I also struggle with traveling... I spent a long time not able to afford it yet we are bombarded with this glorification of travel (hustle traveling, perhaps?) and told we are small minded and uncultured if we don't. I enjoy day adventures with my hubby and doing activities with my horse. It's nice to hear someone else say they don't enjoy traveling or being away from home. Especially in the season of Rhinebeck and also other knitting podcasts generally flitting to and fro from yarn festivals and knitting retreats. Hope you're having a blast at Rhinebeck. Hugs.


Awe. Hope you are having fun at Rhinebeck!!!!
