174Hz + 528Hz | Physical & Emotional Body Healing + Whole Body Aura Cleanse

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174Hz + 528Hz | Physical & Emotional Body Healing + Whole Body Aura Cleanse

The music in this features 174Hz as main root note and 528Hz as secondary note. 174Hz helps in physical and emotional body healing. The pain body as Eckhart Tolle described in his book "Power of Now"

Recent research in Japan has found that such music can help in reducing the stress and reducing cortisol levels in our body. Reduction of cortisol is really important to our well being, as this stress chemical is responsible for obesity, diabetes and other ailments.
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Everyone at Meditative Mind would like to Thank all you Beautiful Souls, who support us by listening to our meditations and healing music, giving us their feedback, sending us their love and blessings and buy our meditations, solfeggio music, chakra chants and healing music.

This all helps us to continue on our journey, on our mission. MISSION to bring more peace and mindfulness in people's lives through Music, Meditation and Chants. And you make this journey more beautiful for us, everyday, by joining in these sessions.

Thank You All from the bottom of our Hearts.

❮ Infinite Love and Gratitude ❯



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A few years ago, during a mammogram my doctors found a benign tumor inside my breast bone in front of my heart. I went back every 6 months for an ultrasound to monitor the growth of the tumor, and amazingly my last test showed nothing at all and so they scheduled a CT scan and same as before, nothing, the tumor was completing gone and the only thing different in my life was listening to this for a month or so. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly.


If you ever are feeling lonely, just remember that there are billions of cells inside you, that literally can't live without you.🙏🙏🙏


Solfeggio frequencies always have the most positive comment sections. It's one of the only places left on the internet where everyone seems to want to be kind.


Hey guys. I have a disease called Crohn’s and it’s a chronic illness that effects the intestines. It makes my stomach hurt almost every minute of my life. Please send good prayers and wishes.


I’m going through a miscarriage right now, and this instantly felt like a comfortable blanket over me. I hope this heals not only my body but my mind and soul from the pain I’ve endured these past few months. If anyone is out there going through something painful, if you’re reading this I’m holding your hand through it and tons of love.


I'm gonna stop trying to prove myself to others and gonna be healed from the past experiences. I can be by myself and will stop paying attention to what others think. I will receive love and work hard as much as I can and live my own life. I am precious just the way I am. Everything's gonna be alright. Thank you. 🙏🏻


This is so powerful 🧡 I’ve been doing a lot of emotional purging and healing from a 30 year cycle of a lot of trauma, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations. Recently I’ve been having major breakthroughs and have realized that after 30 years I’m finally a happy person. I put this on and started reading and heard a bird chirp outside my window and started crying with everything in me. If you had told me at any point on my journey that I would be wake up, experience beautiful music like this, hear the sound of the birds on the wind, and feel lucky to be alive I wouldn’t have been able to believe it. Thank you-this a blessing ❤ this life and each and every one of you is a blessing 💜✨


May all beings be free of pain, healed and uplifted.


Having one of the worst sickle cell crises I’ve ever experienced. The pain is unbearable, I’m praying this will work. I’m 14 years old and tired of this illness please pray for me🙏


For those suffering… there is a place deep within you where suffering cannot be. Allow this frequency to take you to that place… now. You are a Divine Being. All is mind. All is Love. All is well. You are loved. 💞


I discovered that I had uterine fibroids last year and I listened to this every night for months along with slight dietary tweaks. I had a clean ultrasound last month! It works. Love and light to everyone! 💫


i am a cancer patient going through intense treatment. im only 19 years old. i had to give up a lot of things and put my future on hold for my physical health but the vibrations of videos like this ease a lot of the pain and numbness, both physical and mental. stay strong everybody❤


I am a young kid and have a stess fracture in my back that isn’t healing and im doing everything please pray for me 🙏


I play this to my students at university to reduce anxiety. They love it ❤


My beautiful “ puppy son” dog, of 15 years passed away. My heart is so heavy. This is helping me with my grief. Thank you for putting kindness and healing out for others.


So encouraged by the love in this comment section. Please pray for my body to heal from Lyme, mast cell activation syndrome, and all of the other maladies in my body. Currently suffering from constant angioedema and near anaphylaxis every day for 3 weeks now, there have been a lot of times I’ve almost given up on life. Please pray for the Lord to have mercy and heal my body- that all swelling, crazy immune responses, and infection be cast out. Sending all my love and positive energy out to you all ✌️🙏🏻


If your reading this. Know you are important. You have a place and a purpose in this world. The hurt your feeling is temporary. Although your hurting now, this too shall pass. Keep your head turned tword the sun, the universes light is always shining on you. You are loved. You are sacred. You were created divinely for a special purpose.


Hey you! Everything will work out I promise. Every emotion is temporary and so are your thoughts. You will get through this tough time darling and come out wiser and stronger. Ignore the negative thoughts they are false and only a thought, stay grounded and find things to love in yourself and others. Shine like the magnificent bright star that you are. I love you so much ❤


To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life.❤🙏


I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But, you've found my comment. Take this as your sign that things will get better, that things will be alright, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles bring you here, or if you're here simply to relax and unwind, remember that you are important, you are valid, and that you have a right to be here. You are stronger than you know. You're still here, trying to make things better and to live a better life. Whatever is keeping you up at night, it is not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you. You can dismiss this as the meaningless words of a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you choose, I believe in you. Put your hand over your heart. Take a deep breath. It might have been a tough day, but you made it. Tomorrow will be a new day.

Peace be with you, my friend. ❤
