Vogurtime VT-10 DIY FM Transmitter Kit Review

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The Vogurtime VT-10 Do It Yourself FM Transmitter Kit is a Simple Build, and rewards the Builder with a working Radio Station :) The inclusion of a Microphone will get your DJ job off the ground. Tuning is very simple, and the Transmitter includes a patch cable so you can hook up your radios, phones, and other music devices. Clear and Concise Instructions, and Solid Build Quality makes this an excellent first or second kit.

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Features I like about this Transmitter:
Decent Range.
Very Easy To Build.
Includes a Battery Holder that Doubles as a Stand.
A nice telescopic antenna.
Clear Display.
Tunes in 100kHz Steps.
Clean Audio Transmission.
SMT components are pre-soldered to the Board.
Quality Components.
Many Applications.

Features that could be Added or Improved on:
A Clear Enclosure.
Optional Rechargeable Battery.
Longer Antenna.
Adjustable Gain for the Microphone.

Overall, for under Twenty US Dollars, you get an easy to build project. The final build will give you many hours of use and entertainment. I'm going to use mine as a NOAA Weather Broadcast device.

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Soldered a fm radio for my first soldering project 20 years ago with my dad. I'll order this kit and have him watch over my shoulder. Unfortunately we live too far apart to legally communicate over FM, but I'm working on my license to transmit.


I had one of these, but now I have a Retekess FT11


This has got to be the easiest kit I ever assembled. It took longer to set up the assembly area than it did to actually assemble it. Works great, planning to broadcast music in the yard with it. Too bad they don't offer a small RF amplifier to extend the range....Fun project, Thanks.


The QN8027 is a complete integrated FM radio transmitter. It is quite sophisticated, and is capable of transmitting video signals and audio. It has an integrated clock, but can also use a 12 MHZ external clock. It also needs an inductor. The other chip is an 8 bit microprocessor. Very cool. Remember to wash the soldered board, flux can conduct electricity.


Hej Todderbert nice radio kit and absolutely it good to have a fm radio transmitter backup. Furthermore, I think it looks so cool with the barebone look I am drinking my morning coffee right now. Must go out soon but it's rainstorm out today so it will not be fun I would rather stay inside today and listen to my radios. But hey The Tecsun PL-330 arrives this week but i have been waiting so long for it it also got stuck in the Swedish customs. The payment link I received did, not work at first but now I have paid VAT and customs fees so nice. Take care and always fun to see what you're doing.


I'm really glad you do kit building videos, it saves me doing it 😊😊


Seems odd that you could only receive mono FM from the transmitter. The QN8027 FM Tx integrated circuit in this kit supports stereo and the kit's schematic shows that it is wired for both left and right channels from the input jack to the QN8027. Perhaps the microcontroller firmware is configuring the QN8027 for mono mode.

Another great video from Todderbert!



Great kit to build....I wish they offered an AM transmitter version.


Back in the day, I remember getting a little output from a couple of Radio Shack FM modulators and wireless mics by simply adding an additional battery.
It wouldn't "blow 'em up" or take the units past any legalities, but it would give them a bit more range.
Now the modified antennas I put on 'em, THAT'S the stuff I was probably pushing it with, but antennas rock. Everyone knows that. ;)
Good times...glorious times. It wasn't long after I got my Technician ham radio license (now Extra).
73 de N2NLQ


Thanks for sharing this video.
Next I would like to see your take on one of the oscilloscope kits found on Amazon. I have been thinking about buying one.


Eek the QN8027 fm chip (already on the board and shown in that manual) is by far the worst chip as far as noise and spurious emissions go. I was looking at this transmitter and your post helped me. I wish all of these kits and assembled transmitters gave better specs. Again, thank you for your post.


Good stuff!
I love kits even to this day.


Since it even broadcasts on EVEN frequencies, you can "squeeze in" in areas with a very crowded spectrum (at least if you are using an analog receiver)


I do the same thing with my FM transmitter sometimes when severe weather hits or a AMBER alert is in effect I have the NOAA Weather Radio broadcast on 95.7 FM.


I would modify it so that you could add an 18650 battery. You would squeeze out about 3.2wh out of it, possibly extending your range.


anything like this but for Am radio? So far I can't find any simple DIY kits like this. I just want something to transmit to my Am antique tube radios, since my state is a wasteland on AM filled only with 3 types of programming, political talk, religious, and sports. Often many stations just have duplicate programs running at the same time.

I thought about going really old school and building my own out of scraps from an old am tube radio I have that is in such awful shape I was thinking about just using it for parts anyway, but before that i'd really like to try and find one of these kits, partly cuz they'd have everything already that i'd need, partly cuz I'm still not 100% sure i wanna scrap that other radio.


I'm wondering if you could use this broadcast say audio from a projector in the front yard for doing some projection mapping light displays? What are your thoughts? I could put it inside the box on the tree lawn with the projector and tune in to the desired channel on my car radio?


I got to ask a question do the song titles are on the radio


Your output power is going to be in probably the 5 milliwatt range, because, believe it or not, you can actually go nearly 2 miles with 1/2 watt, if you're using a properly loaded antenna that's outdoors and high enough in the sky.
