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As of writing this 쉔과나의연결고리 (The Link Connecting Shen and Me) is the best Shen support player in Korea. With over 4,000 games played on Shen and making it to Grandmaster tier in the best region in the world, he has a few tips and tricks he can show us so we can learn that Shen can truly be a an amazing support pick.

0:00 Intro
0:33 The Story of Our Player
1:58 The Problem with Shen Support
2:43 Early Invades
3:27 Early Game
5:55 Combos
6:40 Using Ult
7:40 Midgame
8:23 Teamfighting
9:45 Tips & Tricks
10:34 Item Build
11:17 Runes
11:37 Synergies & Counters

Topics: shen support, shen season 11, shen support runes, best shen support player, shen support build, shen combo, shen support analysis, shen support keystone, is shen support good, challenger shen support, shen support montage, shen lol, shen support guide, shen support synergy, shen support counters

#leagueoflegends #support #shen
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Shen support player here! Additional tip, regarding runes: currently, for unexplained reasons, the Guardian rune will proc on allies from anywhere in the map when you ult them during combat, doesn't matter if you're bot and they're in top, it will proc. Very good rune if you want to combo shields to give allies a second health bar, as you can ult them + proc guardian + use solari!


Shens W blocks "non turret basic attacks", some Baron attacks can be blocked but none of the dragon attacks can be blocked by Shens W


I was forced to play Shen support a few months ago and I fell in love with this playstyle. Thank you to the guy that forced me to play support.


i have been enjoying shen support for a time but building it differently and probably more redundant. thanks for the video, the tips and builds is really going to help!


Shen Supp is probably my most played off meta support, ever. I played it before his rework, and even more after it. Last season i made it to plat 1 by one tricking him. I climbed to d4 by playing Fiddle support, but i am certain that i would have been able to climb to diamond with Shen with more dedicated time.


Ah yes, another off meta support to play. I have always played when I'm top and always knew there was Shen support but I didn't have an idea how to play. Thanks for the great analysis


Shen Support player here... some things worth noting that haven't been mentioned in the top comments from awhile ago:

1. In hard matchups like vs. Cait or Ashe, VelKoz or Xerath... take the rune combo Guardian, Second Wind, and Revitalize. This makes it so that you sustain very easily in lane. Especially when using your passive with q, much of the time you can negate early game damage entirely with just his passive. So this is helful against Zyra who if abused correctly... you can actually use to heal you in lane since Second Wind only has a 2 second cooldown. Plus, as much as this Korean GM likes to run overgrowth (more HP means more hurtful taunts and bigger ult), Revitalize gives you far more value as it makes your passive shield larger, makes your healing from Second Wind better, makes your ults bigger, makes your Guardian bigger, and if running grasp helps it heal a little more too. Something to think about.

2. If you're in a lane that is HEAVY poke or an all-in kill lane, like pantheon support or something of the nature... it's better to take Q first and use it to just sustain in lane, help farm with relic shield, and it gives a bigger leash to your jgl. The bigger leash is accomplished by pulling your Q at 1:26 and then again the moment it comes up... this should allow you to give him 6 empowered q's in a row for a great leash and you still get to lane on time for minions and exp!

3. Steel Shoulder guards are only ideal if you're going to be fighting... A LOT (think tanky enemy team). In which case, I only take it if I plan on going Precision as my second rune tree, where I choose Alacrity and Redemption. This is because Redemption obviously after winning a skirmish or getting an assist you can be almost healed half or more on it alone (and it works with revitalize) and I take attack speed rune too because more auto's mean more damage and makes even things like taking objectives late game easier with attack speed.


A loooong awaited video, thx Bcawk ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Enjoyed these
Shotgunned all the support vids as I main it and like the format and overall teaching method of the vids
I’m falling stagnant or plateau in higher Silver after just play ranked for the first time this year an picking the game back up after 6 years.

Though I’m sure you look to discord for suggestions I’d like to see a Nasus Support in the future as I’m seeing some YouTubers I like play it with ap and I wonder if there’s someone with high knowledge on it as one they use in their kit


I'm also a Shen sup but I play the champ a bit different, more on the aggressive side for early game since Shen is really strong on the first lvls, I prefer Predator as the main rune with Resolve secondary and more movement speed related items with lots of HP (variations of Armor and MR), I prefer playing with ADCs that have some mobility like Ezreal or Vayne (I duo with a Vayne OTP) so I can roam easier, It's kind of like a viable RiverShen play style but without the Exhaust/Ignite (flash is too important as a mechanic at this point imo). I've been liking Evenshroud a lot as a mythic lately and TP when my adc doesn't have mobility.


I desperately need either an Taliyah or Galio video next! As much as imma go ahead and subscribe (my first and only subscription then!), when either of those drops!


I play shen support but with a to plane build, which is good for low elo to carry harder if you are ahead.


Also with the changes to Glacial Augment, Shen is God tier with that rune right now.


When I happen to be support as shen, I just play River Shen instead


Malzahar support is played a bit on every server. Could be worth checking out.


“‘liked’ Zed”


they were… roommates


i usually use f3 to dance easier which annoys enemy.


so, i know this video is old, but for the runes, are pta and aob good to be aggressive instead of aftershock?


Shen is a very good support. He has all the utility of Leona but with a global ultimate. The only downside to playing Shen support is that your goal is to keep your ADC alive. If your ADC is bad, then you have to roam and find someone else to support. I admittedly play for fun and get stuck with really bad ADC's who often times have no idea that if Shen engages and gets a taunt that means they are supposed to do damage and help out. If you are an ADC and you have an engage support, do your part and protect them when they engage.


So far everything you explained is correct again brilliant video.
Relic shield is slightly better than shoulderguards, cuz your ultimate and Q scales with AP
Boots correct.
Locket correct but not every game, except if enemy are AD or assasin heavy, you have to go for frostfire gauntlet, if CC heavy, then sunfire. But %80 of time locket is way to go
Anatema's chains shouldn't be core item on shen, you have to pick this item if enemy has true damage dealers, 3+ AD or heavy damage dealers such as master yi or vayne or camille or fiora or irelia.
Knights vow should be core item yes but as 6th item. You should get it last.
Abyssal mask is much better second item on shen tbh especially if there is 2+ AP in enemy team.
Thornmail, is a must item if they have healing.
Randuin, force of nature, or gargoyle stoneplate is a very good pick if you decide to sell boots in very late game
Plus, vigilant wardstone is not that beneficial on shen, vision is not priority, peeling for your teammates is your only job actually with shen support. Cuz of that you need to be tanky.
Redemption, is also a good pick but not that often

So full build "for most efficiency" should be:
Relic shield + %80 of time locket solari (or situationally bami cinder mythics) + boots + abyssal mask + thornmail + knights vow.
Anathema's chains are seriously situational pick on shen cuz you have ONE cc ability to make it barely shine while leona has 3 so u use it on leona as core item but on shen this is not core item, you can pick it instead of abyssal mask but as I said you need enemy to have 3+ AD, or 1-2 true damage dealers or heavy damage dealing bruisers / assassins to get the benefit of this item. (Which is damage reduction and more CC duration for them)

So, runes:
Aftershock, is an okay rune, but guardian is much, MUCH better with shen supp.
Shied bash, core rune, must have
Second wind, correct if you get poked in lane much (conditioning is better option)
Overgrowth is best rune for shen
As secondary, cheap shot is useless, cuz you don't deal damage, instead pick ghost poro, it provides so much more vision for you.
Ultimate hunter correct. You need to spam ur ult as much as possible
Alternative secondary: biscuits + cosmic insight (to spam locket more often)
Against CC secondary: presence of mind + legend tenacity (to spam more passive shields while cc'd)
Third runes: CDR + armor/mr + HP (correct)
Flash ignite all the time, max Q first every time.

Overall, nice guide, 8/10, I liked it.
