Rabbi Claims Islam as the first/Oldest religion 😮

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Islam is the only true religion. La illaha illallah ☝️, Muhammadun rasulluh

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May الله guide this rabbi to the right path, just as our quran claimed, no doubts it is the truth.


Adam peace and blessings upon was a submitter to god making him a Muslim and all the prophets after him. Islam is the religion of those who submit themselves to god rather to their own self’s.


he's going to make Rabbi Schmuely and Ben Shapiro have a heart attack


That's a Real Genuine Rabbi
Massive Respect for the Truth seekers
Anyone that make fun of Hadith Repent
Hadith another name is School of Thought


May Allah guide him right path Ameen ❤




124000 more or less prophets all of them are Muslims. The message from prophet Adam until Prophet Muhammad is to worship one God and submit your will to Allah. Peace be upon all the prophets of Allah. Even in the Quran, the companions of Jesus are called Muslims. Abraham is also a Muslim. Sacrificing on Eid Al Edha is a tradition that has come down to us from Abraham. The Feast of Sacrifice originates from the historical event when Prophet Abraham was commanded by God in a dream vision to sacrifice his son, Ishmail. We have been following our Muslim traditions since the time of Adam. I love this dua in which Prophet Adam has said "Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers. " Quran 7:23


Muslim been telling all along, Islam one and only religion from the begining.


Islam is from God. All the Prophets, Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, others, and the last one, Mohamed, upon them be peace, were all Muslims.


Yes this is the religion for whole mankind since the time of--- Prophet
Adam Alayhi salaam. Prophet Noah Alyhisalaam, Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi salaam, Prophet Isaaq alyhisalaam, Prophet Yaqoob Alyhisalaam, Prophet Yusuf Alyhisalaam, Prophet Dawood Alyhisalaam, Prophet Sulaiman Alyhisalaam, Prophet Zakariya Alayhisalaam, Prophet Yahyaa Alayhisalaam, Prophet Ismaeel Alayhisalaam, Prophet Ayyub Alayhisalaam, Prophet Salih Alayhisalaam, Prophet Daniyaal Alayhisalaam, Prophet Shoaib Alayhisalaam, Prophet Hood Alayhisalaam, Prophet Yunus Alayhisalaam, Prophet Musa Alyhisalaam, Prophet Khidr Alayhisalaam, Prophet Uzair Alayhisalaam, Prophet Haroon Alayhisalaam, Prophet Eesa Ibn Maryam Alayhisalaam and finally the last Messenger of Allah subhanahu wa taala Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wa Ahlihi of them came with the message of Islam.


I mean that's the reality. "Christianity" or "Judaism" are just names people coined to refer to themselves. It's not what God picked. God has always picked the name "Islam" or "to submit to God" as a name for those who follow him. All those who follow God are Muslim. Muhammad's Islam is merely the latest uncorrupted form that reflects the ancient reality.


Yes exactly this is the religion of Noah and Adam


When Christians or others find out Islam is the right religion from God, they accept it. Often when the Jewish learned find this out, not only will they admit that Islam is from God, but they will say that for them is the Torah and for the non-Jews is Islam. They know the truth yet often many of them will still not accept it compared to other religions for example Priests that have accepted Islam frequently. *Allah mentioned their behavior in Surah Al Baqarah* and it never fails to amaze me. I hope this Rabbi accepted or accepts the truth.


Obviously Islam is the oldest religion. Even in the Hebrew Bible we find the terms, ,Mushlam” ( Isaiah 42:19, Luke 6:40) as a description for devot people or the word, ,Shelim” ( Genesis 17:1) God tells Abraham, ,Be Shelim in thy flesh!” which is also a word for Islam in the Quran in Arabic ( 2:108), ,Oh ye who believe, enter into Selm” Selm means islam, according to bible scholars like Joseph blenkinsopp in his book, ,Isaiah 40-55” the biblical term Mushlam bears the same meaning as Arabic Muslim. It was the same word root and same spelling. Yet in most modern day bibles they translate it as, ,Someone who is perfect” but even the multiple bible commentary’s explain that Mushlam means Muslim, they give that the biblical word, ,Mushlam” can have many meanings, like > One who is Devot, One who is perfect, one who is complete, covenant partner AAAAND > one who submits to God and there many scholars made the connection to the Arabic Muslim.
It was Islam all along, do you think Allah was Ever living God was lying in the Quran when he said Abraham (as) and the patriarchs were Muslims ? It was Islam all along but they changed the meaning in their translation


This is what I have been saying. Islam did n't start with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It was completed by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the final revelation from Allah, the Qur'an. From Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them, all are messengers of Allah and all preached the same religion that is the Oneness of God.


All Prophets came with Islam in this world


The rabbi is right. Muslim means submitting to the will of almighty. Since Adam, the first human being submitted to the will of the almighty. All the prophets submitted to the will of almighty. Moses was a Muslim, Jesus was a Muslim, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, all the prophets and righteous people are Muslims.


God’s path is just one, islam. but humankind make his own religion and named, buddha, hindu, christian, jews, shia and etc. And now them go debate eachother! What a generation?


The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was not the founder of Islam. He was the final prophet of Islam.


How can still be a jew i guess its easier life for him since they are the "chosen ones"
