How to Find The Great Andromeda Galaxy

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Have you ever wondered how you can find the Andromeda Galaxy with your naked eye? It's actually not that hard and is readily visible in the Fall Night Sky.

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A few years ago I finally found Andromeda in the sky, with the help of Stellarium to know where to look. I found the smudge and then looked at it through binoculars. I was blown away to think that I was looking at not only an entire other galaxy, but something like a trillion stars. So often when I'm out for a walk with my dogs at night, I look at Andromeda and wonder how many civilizations may be there on those planets that are in just the right spot for life.


I'm from Indonesia. This is probably the best video I've ever found that describe in detailed yet easy simple layman terms for the average ordinary people like me who is interested in astronomy. Thank you very much for this video!


I feel sorry for Flat Earthers... They miss out on experiences like THIS because 2 brain cells isn't enough for you to realize the Earth actually IS round.... Their attention is STILL stuck down here on Earth, while those of us that have enough brain cells to understand evidence when presented to us are looking among the stars.


Eventually, Andromeda will be the ONLY thing you'll see in the night sky.


Tony, I could listen to you forever. I just retired at the end of 2017, and have been wanting to get into astronomy since I was 7 years old and saw Saturn for the first time at the Discovery Center here in Fresno through a reflector. Now I have time. Your videos have made it so easy for me to get into the hobby. Picked up a 8 inch DOB and a 4 inch reflector tabletop. Having the time of my life. Weather is great here in California to be up all night. If we lived closer to Florida, I say "Hi" to you at a Star Party. Take care my friend and keep up the good work.


That's it, I'm buying an expensive Telescope.


I'm saddened that visual stargazing is becoming more and more difficult as the years go by with all the light pollution. Backyard astronomy is a real pain for me because of the neighbours with their darned outside lighting plus all the street lamps and a nearby docking port for ships bringing in all those containers full of Goods. The place is lit up like a christmas tree at night and has totally destroyed the Southern part of the sky for me. Now I just use a pair of binoculars for short bursts for a quick stargazing fix these days. I got so frustrated that I sold my six inch refractor. I love astronomy so now find other ways to keep the interest alive.


So cool, I love looking for Andromeda and thanks for pointing out something I intuitively already knew; it's easier to see if you're not looking directly it.


"Finding objects" video series is a great idea!


I've seen it with both the naked eye and binoculars but you have to go either the desert or any remote area away from the city lights, otherwise its hard to find the Andromeda Galaxy.


The narrator's voice :) So soothing. It's like a peaceful, bedtime story. Give me more of these videos :) And, please show us more of these kinds of screens to get acquainted to the sky map.


Twood be great if I had a tele that would zoom in like that..


It's right above my head these nights, very close to zenit. Less atmosphere to peek through


Very nice illustration. So easily explained


Around 2:12, close to Andromeda on the left hand side, you can see a speck moving.... not sure if it was a satellite or something else 🤔🤔🤓👽👽🤔🤔


Saw it yesterday thanks to your help, had to use binoculars and it was very cool, thanks.


I just spotted it last night. Surreal experience


crazy that you arent even looking at it in real time, what you see is from 2.5 million years ago. any way we dont know if its gone by now?


Thank you so much, this is the clearest way to find Andromeda.


Thanks very much for making it easy to find using the arrow of the W of Cassiopeia
