Joni Lamb Reveals Prophetic Word Involving Marcus Lamb: In An Urgent Hour, Watch Out For This

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Are we living in the last hour and what does this mean for our generation? Lee Cummings joins this #MinistryNow to share a timely revelation about a dangerous threat from within that could end destructively if we don’t do these 3 things… Hear more as the pastor of @RadiantChurch unveils a critical truth for this time, plus hear a never-before-released vision Joni Lamb shares that reveals more about how to face the days ahead!

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*Larry Burkett's book on "Giving and Tithing" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2020 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40, 000 dollars. Everyone thought I was delusional. Today, 1 receive 85, 000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas, CA, and travel a lot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me*


Hmm this sounds a bit suspicious, what Joni said about her vision etc…,


You dont go to markus but God for guidance. God gives you wisdom not man.


Know the word of God for your self. Read His word.


May Mr Marcus Lamb s soul rest in peace Amen # thankyou from a stranger who got saved through your program #Glory back to God


When we die we have no more affiliation with the earth relm...familiar spirits?




God bless you all real good.
Thank you all for always timely Gospel message


You are putting your earthbound thinking on eternal souls


We've lost "a little bit of thr fear of God"???! I'd say, as a whole, we've COMPLETELY lost the fear of God. 🥺💔😠


Joni is right. The spiritual warfare is off the charts. God, help our loved ones see the truth of Jesus. Holy Spirit move in a mighty way. Hear and answer our prayers. Amen.

Glad to see the comment section is focused on todays message. <- sarcasm . Give it a rest!


Matthew 7:21-23
"Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord, ' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but ONLY the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.”

Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for her.

God hates divorce and wants us to be an example to the world of His unconditional long suffering love, grace and forgiveness. Speaking truth is not rude or cruel. Rude or cruel is what Mr Weiss did to his covenant wife. His actions were worldly and void of real trust in the power of God. Jesus said it clearly that in order to follow Him we MUST die to self. It’s a sacrificial commitment to stay married and Trust God to do the impossible in a bad situation (marriage) especially when one is a Christian leader. Can’t give hope to the world when our actions are like that of the unbelieving world.


Joni I heard the voice of my late husband also because I grieve also it was so awesome that God allowed that after crying and praying for months..I felt peace come over me and never cried from that point on. I wish I could share more about this but its very involved. God is so very Awesome Wow 🙏


I have come to think of this malady as The Pied Piper Syndrome. They were among us but not really a part of us. The Lordship portion of salvation is not stressed as it should be. When the societal pressure increases these folks rarely have staying power. This is serious and so many are in peril and don't realize their predicament. I pray Jesus is given lordship in all believers hearts and lives! Maranatha!


I've been calling it a Spiritual "Gross Darkness" and many will not survive the times ahead without waking in the Spirit and Truth. I noticed many in the church are separated by Spirit and others by Truth. We have to have BOTH. The Revelation 12 sign 2017- the woman was given 2 wings of an eagle to tell what she could SEE!


Ny- blessings- also, I live in suburbs of Ny. Years ago I was frustrated with the people continually voting for the ruling party in this state. It was a short dream or vision of hovering over one of the bridges in NYC, and the Holy Spirit said to me ever so gently and lovingly " they are decieved"- there is definitely a great deception over the people being played out upon the earth. I was lead to include in my prayers for removal of Spiritual scales off minds, eyes, ears, mouths and heart's. ❤🙏🔥


Noah was called to build the ark....the new Noah's are called to build the true church of Jesus


In our short time that we have in this life, many Christians are asleep spiritually. Isaiah 29:10 speaks of the deep sleep that God's people were in spiritually. They were unaware of their current state. They were oblivious to their foolish decisions. They were blind to the realities around them.


Ny- blessings. My daily prayer:" Salvation, Healing, deliverance, restoration, provision, awakening and revival poured out. Remove spiritual scales off minds, eyes, ears, mouths and hearts in Jesus name amen 🙏 ♥️🔥


I admire you so much, Joni I think you’re so beautiful and I love watching table talk with you and all the girls. I learned so much from all of you and from your guests that you always bring on to the table talk I’m grateful for you and your new husband I’m very happy for both of you that you found each other after such a horrible loss and losing Marcus! You deserve to be happy that’s what he would’ve wanted. And I totally agree. I say it every day we are in the end of times I see it very clearly and it can be pretty frightening to see the way this world is turning out the murders robberies they hate prejudice. There is no love. There’s no kindness there’s no nothing. It’s very very sad and very scary. I just keep it to God that God is going to protect me and keep me safe at all times, thanks again for the woman that you are the !!🙏🙏♥️
