TO24 Part B iNAP

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Making the TO24 primer initiating charge
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Really great video my friend!!..Thank you for sharing your work.._John


Thank you for sharing your work. It’s a bit out of my expertise (I’m an elec engr) but I always love to learn new things.
Happens that I have all required materials on hand but first I’m looking forward to seeing how you put it all together


More excellent content! Keep it coming. I am learning so much, and eeallt value the information.


Thank you so much for sharing this formula with everyone!!! 👍


Good video 👍 I don’t understand the ill intentions of ppl with asking the can I make a **** it’s ppl like that give chemists and energetic chemistry a very bad name we’re just trying to come up with solutions to shortages the primer and percussion cap manufacturers can’t handle I love shooting my 338LM but can’t find the large rifle magnum primers to reload them so I’ve been making my own for over a year now love me some EPM8!!! great work thanks for the video your compound is giving ppl more options I thank you sir


Looking forward to seeing the mixing and packing of the tetrazine and inap into percussion caps. Might I assume you're going to use the nitrocellulose glue to keep things in place?


Just a quick note evidently YouTube is coming up with new rules soon might keep an eye out.


I'd love to pick your brain for a moment. I was hoping you could tell me how you applied the aluminum powder to the prim all. I was wondering if you replaced the glass for the aluminum powder. Or if you added it separately. Thanks for the help and thank you for all the wonderful videos!!!!


Terry I am going to say thank you for the warning at the beginning of this video, as I think it was very wise of you to place that in writing at the beginning. As for uNAP, I would not recommend using that for use with Black Powder pistols, for the same reason I would not recommend using a compound that reacts to brass or aluminum for percussion caps as the words of R. Benson come to mind.


They are only similar as far as ease of manufacture.
Its like TATPs prettier, nice sister that won't try to kill you when you sleep over 😂


Great much Tetrazene did you use in this formulation?


I have a question what about heat?
If you live in a hot area is it best to make these percussion caps in the winter time instead of in the middle of the summer?


Energertic america channel doesn't show up with a search, is it under a different name?


Have you tried replacing the Isopropyl alcohol with 90-95% pure ethel alcohol instead of your example?


I'm being driven nuts with this. My nickel carbonate seems to be absolutely insoluble in H20 even when chilled to 60c. Furthermore it seems to be much heavier than any of the nickel carbonate y'all use (a tiny scoop is always over the amount called for).

I get no reaction other than foaming, I've tried running a stir bar, no stir bar, adding extra nickel and I get no green/blue color change and no reddish participate. Just an unreactive grey/yellow gunk


Why from hundreds of energetic material you choose NAP. I understand that its new and its a good primary explosive but that doesnt mean that this stuff will be a good priming compound. It may go from fast burning to detonation in percussion cap and destroy it as NAP is very powerfull. Detonation is not something good for priming compound. All commonly used primers are not capable to detonate at conditions in percussion caps. For example mercury fulminate has long deflagration to detonation distanse it is used in percussion caps, in opposite lead azide that detonates in single crystal never used in percussion caps. NAP is pretty close to lead azide. DDNP is good for primers, lead styphnate, they also do not detonate in low quantities. Also you can make pretty good priming compound using for example potassium clorate -Sb2S3 based mix without synthesis at all.


I have a years of experience with NAP. The amount you are working with is very dangerous. It's unique in a lot of ways. first, a single grain can detonate unconfined. a 1-10 gram pile is enough to destroy a ceramic hotplace, sending ceramic shards into everything, including you. Ask me how I know... I love that people can explore the science and have the amazing hobby of learning to burn things at supersonic speeds. But NAP(uNAP, iNAP or just plain NAP) detonates in almost any amount at greater than 8000M/s. That's equicilent to RDX/C4 but it's compariticly very much more sensetive. Now, don't fear it. But respect the RED. While its a fairly insensetive to static, friction and impact, it is precariously sensetive to spark, fire and heat. Take care. Keep all ten and both peepers....


The uNAP should be insensitive enough and small enough crystals to use for caps/primers.


Damned fools that want to make destructive devices anytime the discussion turns to energetic chemistry.

They remind me of the guys that ask to learn about blacksmithing. I show them how I set up my forge. I start them shaping their first set of tongs, and before they are half through making those first tongs, they start going on and on about how they are going to make a Damascus Sword and asking "When can I make them a billet of patterned steel, to get them started?" "How long does it take to make a 34 inch sword blade?".

I do not make swords. I have made forty feet of chain, 500 nails, and lots of tongs, hammers, and other tools to make tools.

I do not make terror devices. Chemistry is cool. Energetic chemistry can be useful and cost effective for making workhorse tools like percussion caps, propellant, rocket motors, pretty fireworks as part of a local club.

It a person is interested in terror talk, I want nothing to do with them. They are going down the wrong path if they are looking here for that kind of information anyway.
