Steve Vai: Who I Think Is the Greatest Guitarist of All Time!

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Steve Vai gave his opinion on Who he thinks is the greatest guitarist of all time, saying to musicradar

"I very rarely agree with the term best guitar player. It just seems so obscene to put something so subjective into a best category.

"But if I had to say there was one, I would pick Allan Holdsworth.

"He was unique in ways that I don't think have been discovered yet. Many musicians can be considered ahead of their time, but usually they're not. They're mainly ahead of everyone else at that time.

"For example, Jimi Hendrix wasn't ahead of his time; he was perfect for his time and ahead of everyone else.

"Allan Holdsworth was definitely ahead of his time because it's hard to realize how great he is - not many people actually understand. It takes time for us to catch up with those that are ahead of their time.

"I would not be surprised if in 100 years from now, if people are still even listening to guitar - which I suspect they will be - he'll be singled out as 'the one' alone, so to speak.

"The way he uses the whole tone scale is like his own baby shoes - it's so easy for him. His thought process was phenomenal.

"I can hear any guitar player and I know what they're doing - I might not be able to play it - but I can see it in my mind's eye.

"But I do not know what the f-ck Alan Holdsworth was doing at all..."
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Who would you say is the greatest guitarist of all time!?


I totally agree with Steve Vai! RIP Allan Holdsworth


Yep, Allan Holdsworth and Shawn Lane for me, are far beyond anyone else.


The thing about Holdsworth is that even if he had half or a quarter the facility he had on the instrument, he still would have been in the very highest echelons of jazz guitar players. In fact, as a guitarist, it's hard to hear PAST the technique sometimes, but in fact the technique in some ways is the least interesting thing about what Alan did simply because that's the bit some dedicated players have been able to copy. For instance, you could just look at his medium tempo work that requires no special technical ability to execute and it's just genius line construction, very unusual use of intervals and pitch choices, and a rhythmic phrasing which is completely individual and non metronomic while being absolutely in time. We won't see his like again. That was it.


Alan Holdsworth must be the guitarist of guitarists.

I've heard other guitarists picking him as #1.

Holdsworth is not as glamorous nor big commercial success but he sure gets a lot of respects.


THAT! I gave up guitar because of Holdsworth!!


Allan Holdsworth was and still is my personal favorite. His technique, his jazz inspired solo approach and his composition are unique and always interesting. There are plenty of guitarists I like but Holdsworth, for me, was simply the best. A day hasn't gone by where I didn't listen to his music. Just the best.


Holdsworth had consistent magical legato that no one could ever replicate.. Yngwie and EVH looked up to him as well.


You're a news outlet and you're using the computer bot voice? Nothing sounds cheaper.


Steve Speaks with such praise for Allan but the same can be said about Steve himself. I don't think there has ever been another guitarist that plays off the wall kind of Instrumental music like Steve. He is truly 1 of a kind. Never been another like him and never will be again.


Losing Allan was such a tragedy. It was always heart breaking that he was not allowed a proper living for his efforts.


Steve Vai is obviously very intelligent man.


Stop using Hendrix`s name in these competitions. Jimi Hendrix wasn`t just a brilliant and total orignal guitarplayer. He was a honest true musician and beautiful person with a strong message. He was fearless and wreckless artist. Who is today????


Vai is absolutely right, holdsworth is the best guitarist ever


What's this, an automated telemarketing call?


Holdsworth was one of a kind and definitely ahead of his time. Unimitated because barely anyone could play that technical, but he definitely was a massive influence on most of the well known guitarists in the 80s. He was also Frank Zappa's favorite guitarist.


he never mentions evh which is ironic as he's basically a 3rd rate version of eddie

holdsworth i agree was ... jawdropping


I have to disagree with Steve about hendrix. hendrix WAS ahead of his time. he completely change rock guitar. hendrix was breaking barriers everytime he stepped on that stage. he was a visionary. a pioneer. there hasn't been anybody is the last 50 years to come along and revolutionize the guitar like he did.


Technically, Paco Delucia!! Jon McLaughlin could out play anyone, but the imagination of Holdsworth was off the charts. First saw him play in 75 with Tony Williams. I said to myself who the hell is this guy?? Benn watching him even after he died. He let his secret out though. He finds every way he can play all these crazy chords, finds the best sounds and then plays scales on the chord. Awesome!!


I remember hearing him for the first time in 1984. . . . WOW
