I Spent 10 Years Trying To Eat EVERY FRUIT in The World - Weird Fruit Explorer

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Episode: 700 Every Fruit In The World
Species: Many
Location: A bunch


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Smarter Every Day, Loftyrex, JMac
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Thanks to everyone who has followed along on my adventures.


If you ever come to Brazil (no joke here lol) there's this guy, Helton Muniz, who is regarded as the "biggest fruit collector" (a quick google search will wield some results), he has over a thousand species in his orchard, and as far as I know he doesn't even charge visitors to come and taste. I think he could have at least one or two species you haven't tasted yet XD


Bruh, I thought the fruit obsession was eccentric but then it turns out your contortionist background is the true twist. Truly a fascinating life.


“I am not a taxonomist, I am a circus freak.”
The energy of that sentence fills me with a joy only felt by someone who connects to it on a spiritual level. 5 stars!


This man is getting all the side quests done


10 years? That's nothing, I'll have you know that I've tried like 5 different kinds of apple.


I was so afraid this was going to be an announcement of you quitting. Immense relief! I'm glad you're still doing what you love because we love to see it. Thanks for letting me live vicariously through your channel for a very long time.


Jared- I wanted to thank you. 3 years ago, I was bedridden for nearly 5 months. During that time, I was feeling extremely low. I thought I might never be able to walk again, and I felt like the world was small and cruel. I also found your channel during that time. I watched nearly 100 episodes of your journey, and it genuinely had an impact on me. I was able to witness the strange and wonderful world that you explore and inhabit, and it made me feel much stronger. I have been watching your channel ever since - full recovered from my ailment. I really appreciate what you do, not many people can describe the world in the way that you do. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Today I learnt that Weird Explorer's day job was/is a contortionist. Out of all of the jobs in the world, I did NOT expect him to have that title under his belt. And his dedication to that career is incredible!

And now he talks about fruit for, what I assume, is a living.

What a world we live in. A beautiful world.

A world, that WE shows us, fruity side included!

I'd love to travel more, and trying new things is a pretty important part of life, I'd say!

Thank you, Weird Explorer, for continously impressing me with your stories, adventures and of course, the fruit of the world!


Once you've had literally every edible fruit on Earth, you should totally publish a book on it! Just don't die from one bad fruit!!!!


You posted the soapberry episode when I was in college and had a group project in chemistry to present on a class of chemical compounds made by plants, so I actually convinced my group to present on saponins in soapberries! We actually bought some too and handed them out to the class in little cloth bags! We did really well and presented it just because of your channel!


I love that your mom encouraged your curiosity in food by allowing you a special treat on trips to the grocery! I always think it's sad when people are reluctant to try new things and these kinds of habits and tendencies start when you're young. Keep being curious in all aspects of your life. I love your content because of your enthusiasm and your love for what you do!


How in the world did I not know about this channel until today? This is absolutly at the top of my Interests. I never even thought that anyone would make videos about this. Having spent years of my life on the Amazon side of Ecuador, and spending my early teens there as well... From an early age I learned that fruit is so much more than what is available in a Canadian supermarket. And often people ask, what I miss the most about Ecuador... When I answer "the fruit" I get a confused smile and usually an "oh yeah for sure" and then the conversation moves on. Basically I'm saying : if you know it, you know it. Have to experience it to understand just how many flavors are out there. Mamey, guava, guavilla(tiny guava that flank the rivers as an awesome swimming snack), guayaba, uvilla(numbs your lips), limón-mandarina(my favorite citrus), zapote, chonta(underrated superfood), morete, Caimito(sticks your lips together), taxo, maracuya, granadilla, mandarina(the most potent smell of any mandarin I've tried to date), Tamarindo, pechiche(cooked in panela and preserved in a jar(such an addiction), mango, mango de chupar, all the mangos really, chirimoya, guanábana, pitahaya, higo en panela, achiotillo, naranjilla(miserable raw but makes epic juice), pineapples in all their mukti-varietal glory, tagua nut, all the bananas-from chiquitas to plátanos, capuli, plums from the Andes, babaco, and I'm sure I will beat myself up later for forgetting the half of them. Thanks for the awesome videos. And now I click subscribe.


Soursop is to be eaten in few quantities or in a smoothie, raw consumption form gives it purging properties. Good luck and thanks for sharing wisdom.


Your channel has inspired us to fill our and our friends yards with rare fruits. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Your curiosity is contagious


Oh, you would need more than 10 years. I started my fruit collection a few years ago, and in that short while I've learned of literally thousands of fruit species I had never heard of.
In these few years I've collected over 200 species, and am turning my private collection into a thriving business.

Your videos inspired me to seek new, unknown to me fruits from the very beginning, and without you there would be no Great Lakes Rare Fruits. Thanks for all the videos.

One day I'll send you some fruit that I guarantee you've never had before.


You inspired me to start growing exotic fruits and helped immensely in choosing which trees to buy. Every time I came across a tree I hadn’t heard of I would come to your channel because I knew you would have tried and reviewed it. Now my once empty yard has over 30 fruit trees and is steadily growing. Also, I’m a part of an amazing local gardening community. Love reading through the comments and seeing the stories of others you have inspired because the inspiration I got from you changed my life completely. My life has many more friends and much more joy. Thank you😊


I think you underestimate how many people you have directly inspired through your fascination of fruit. Thank you for making me realize how much I love fruit, and plants in general. Keep up the great work, and thank you for sharing it


Congrats on 10 years and 1% of the world's fruit tasted! Incredible stuff. I absolutely love your channel, your down-to-earth approach, and your infectious love of travel and fruit. Thank you for sharing it with us all this time! It was great learning more about your journey in this one. Here's to another 10 years! 🍅🍈🍍🥑🥭🥝


Also had this affliction since the age of 6, I started looking for fruit I ate in my childhood growing up in West Africa in my early twenties. Living in Canada, it was kinda difficult at the time, your channel opened the way for a small business you once promoted and they now supply many exotic fruits to Montreal supermarkets! Your channel made my winters more tropical and helped me reconnect with my childhood! Thank you!
