A Russian skull collector took 16 skulls from this village. Now they want them back | The Pacific

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On a remote coast in Papua New Guinea, Nickolay Miklouho-Maclay Jr has ended a long journey from Russia to tie up a 150-year-old loose end. His ancestor, the famous Russian explorer and anthropologist bearing the same name, took 16 skulls from here in 1877.
Those skulls ended up at the University of Sydney where they remain today.
Australian universities and museums hold nearly 1500 Pacific ancestral remains and few have any plans to return them.
A warning - this story contains the names and images of Pacific Island and First Nations Australian ancestors.
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Those skulls ended up at the University of Sydney where they remain today.
Australian universities and museums hold nearly 1500 Pacific ancestral remains and few have any plans to return them.
A warning - this story contains the names and images of Pacific Island and First Nations Australian ancestors.
Welcome to ABC News In-depth, where you'll find our long-form journalism and other videos to help you understand what's going on in the world around you.
Note: In most cases, our captions are auto-generated.
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