8 Dreams Revealing WITCHCRAFT Activities In Your Life

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There is a spiritual force that the Bible warns us about. It causes us to take leave of our senses. Witchcraft releases strong fear, confusion against our minds so that Jesus is not the clear focus of our lives. Once that happens, we are more vulnerable to the vain imaginations the enemy whispers to our souls. We have a responsibility to know about this spiritual wickedness and guard ourselves against it.

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Prophetic Witchcraft Attack Signs in your dreams, sleep paralysis
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Makes a lot of sense, my husband was watching a TV show called the Good W itch, and very strange things were happening in our home.


that’s why it’s important to pray/ pray against demonic dreams and nightmare’s before you sleep


Even watching reality tv with people fighting and cursing and commentators on YouTube gossiping is a door that leads to destruction


getting back on the narrow path, it’s hard! pray for me y’all 😽


I had to flee from my uncle's house because his trying to lead me into worshipping gods, practicing witchcraft and rituals, living in the streets now and trusting on God to redeem me.


I am exactly experiencing this!! Please send prayers!! I broke off a sinful relationship with my "GF" and since that night I have been under attack! I need prayers and deliverance! The more I lean into God, the stronger the attacks get😢


I rebuke all evil hands waging war on God’s chosen ones. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen 🙏🙏🙏


Dear Marc, I awake every morning, between 3AM and 4AM. Like something is waking me. I pray when I experience this. I have an open Bible next to my bedside. Ive become closer to GOD after becoming Ill. Im in my early 40's and I have cancer. I have 3 young kids that need me. Please s prayer for me...Thank you Marc. 🙏


My parents are both doing witchcraft not together . I am in my twenties . I lost my job, my card broke down but God has made sure to let me know he’s with me ! Had plenty of dreams, one about almost entering a forest of snakes and a kind man warned me it was in front of me and redirected me into the right path. I had another dream a witch was in my house, I thought it was someone at my old job- didn’t know it’d be my parents. Last night I woke up so paranoid ! I felt something was taking over me . I prayed and it went away. I ask to be kept in your prayers. I realize the devil wants to take away our worship and submission to God. Don’t let him no matter how things get!


God delivered me from lust and corn. One thing i learned is that to get full deliverance you have to hate the sin. If you love the sin how can God deliver you. Peace and blessings


Woke up the other night at 3 am hearing noises that were not of this world and a strange buzzing around my head. When I fell asleep again I had the worst nightmare of looking in the mirror and my face disappeared. I know this is evil attacking me trying to put fear into me. I shall not fear any evil because I know Jesus is with me, amen.


#1 Happened to me the other day it was weird. My husband fell asleep on the couch. I had a sexual dream. I prayed and repented immediately. I told my husband when we woke up. He said to me he had a sexual dream too when he came into our room and fell asleep. What crazy we recently fasted together. He immediately prayed throughout the house.


I had a demonic attack yesterday and I felt on edge the whole day😭 Thank you Marc I really needed this, things have been extremely hard lately but I’m not giving up my fight


I think it’s also important to mention that we also get attacked by virtue of being children of God. It’s not always an open door. In the book of Numbers 22 when Balak, the king of Moab was afraid of the children of Israel because of the nations they were defeating, he solicited the services of Balaam to curse the children of Israel via witchcraft. Ofcourse it didn’t work hence the verse ‘I cannot curse who the Lord has blessed’ and the reason the witchcraft didn’t work on the children of Israel was because they were in right standing with God, living a life of repentance. Our first defense to any witchcraft attack is to live a righteous life because as Proverbs 26:2 says An curse without a cause cannot come’. And then vigorously praying against the attacks as well as any open doors including generational curses as you have mentioned. Righteous living is key, we can pray all we want but if we’re continuously living a life of sin, we are literally helping the devil to destroy us.


Brothers and sisters in Yahshua, please pray for me and my relationship. We are both going through a tough time with close family and enemies. We live in an evil reservation in AZ where witchcraft and medicine men are tearing us down and apart. We both are having wicked dreams and witchcraft signs are everywhere, we’re both falling farther away from the Most High. It feels at times prayers don’t help. Pray for us please. YAHUAH Baruch you and keep you❤


Been watching you since 2k subs. You deserve every blessing thats coming to you. You teach Gods word better than a lot of pastors I know. Don’t ever stop Mark!


Guys please pray for my older brother Isaiah. It’s just me and him left in our family and God has been a missing part of our lives for too long. God recently brought me back to Him after too many years of backsliding that I could’ve been spent growing in Him. I’m afraid I’m not doing enough as the only source of godliness in his life now. We both work a lot and he’s not really eager to make time for God (he’s too caught up with money and distractions). Pray for him so that he might remember the God who gave him life and has kept him to this day.

Pray for me also, my name’s Elijah. I want to be rid of all these things preventing me from giving my whole heart to God. It’s just people I’m too scared to either talk about God with or simply say goodbye. I’m too much of a coward to even talk to strangers and ask if they know Jesus. Pray that God gives me direction and boldness, and above all love so I can do His will and feel the urgency to spread the good news. Much love to you all, and God bless you.

Update: He finally came back! You guys must’ve prayed hard, thank you!!!


How do I break these witchcraft attacks and generational curses, fear, insomnia, idolatry, rebellion, disobedience? Please pray for me and my husband and son, my son keeps getting sick over and over again as well, we all have all these problems.thanks in advance


Thanks mark for this message. I’ve been praying for myself and husband and our children. I have been going thru heavy spiritual warfare. But God is with me. Your right prayer is our armor.


That’s crazy that you posted this right when I had 2 nightmares last night I kept waking up with my heart beating so fast and i always wake up super cold when I have nightmares but lately I keep having dreams of me using drugs which is so weird because I don’t even think of doing drugs anymore I’m 3 years sober
