Who was Sr. Clare Crockett w/ Sr. Kristen Gardner

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Sr. Kristen Gardner spent the majority of her first years as a religious with Sr. Clare. She is also the editor of the documentary "All or Nothing" and the author of Sr. Clare's biography "Alone with Christ Alone." She joins us live for comments, questions, and insights into Sr. Clare's life this Monday the 8th of March @8:15pm CET on Fireside with fathers. Please come with questions!

You can buy the book here: Alone with Christ alone


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I am a 60 year old woman from the USA..and Sr. Claire has totally moved me! My point is, that she touches everyone who gets to know her, not just the youth! Though I agree, the youth really need this type of Saint to look to!
Also, great job on the documentary! I have seen it twice, and Guaranteed to see it again!
Sr. Claire...pray for us! 🌹


Hi Sr. Kristen, you are also an example to me.
All or nothing is also what you do.
All or nothing is too much for me and I'm glad the Lord is letting me do this in small steps.


It's so true it does effect your life. I want to keep hearing about her it like she is a living saintly life. I'm crying even during this interview. I love how she talked with our Lord, especially where she said she gives God a blank check.


As a fellow Irishman who also suffers from migraines all l can say is wow, how she carried on despite them is beyond me.. l had one myself the other night and was literally crawling to the bathroom and back. I'm honoured to be from the same country as such a great and humble saint.


Sr Clare's recognizing her failings as continued nailing of Christ on the cross was powerful. She's helping me reexamine that I may be doing likewise thereby lead me towards a more holier living. Sr Clare pray for us.


Sister Clare is a big inspiration for the youth of today to come back to the Catholic Faith and Sacraments.


Wow powerful. Sr Clare's story has brought me comfort & wanting to have a relationship with God.
Her motto all or nothing resonates with me. She has so much Joy, strength of character, honesty, love in her heart & soul.
God is great all the time.


I strongly feel Sister Kristen Gardner's = Faith, Intelligence and Invaluable Work, Is the key Person to put All these Testimonials, tapes and Narrative together.
Nó other could have done better,


Thank you fathers and sister, as we say in my country: that was awesome.
I am glad to see so many fruits in souls, especially those of her brothers and sisters.
The fact that the Lord took her first, and then Fr. Henry and Sr. Ruth, seems to be letting us know just what he is looking for in us: unconditional generosity, and unconditional JOY. God bless


It's such a strange notion, but Sr. Clare seems so familiar to me, and I had never heard of her until just earlier this week. She seems to have been such a relatable person though. When I get back to Ireland I'll be making a pilgrimage to Derry to pay my respects.


I was introduced to Sr Clare about 6 months ago, by a priest from Derry, who is ministering here in Alaska. I’m from Cork. What an inspiration. I pray to Sr Clare every single day, and I feel she’s pretty powerful. During my Hours of Adoration, I keep telling Jesus that we need her to be raised to the Altar, as an example for youth. Delighted that maybe after April 16, the process will begin. And thank you for these conferences, which are educational and inspirational. Maybe we could get some Sisters to come to Alaska. They would be most welcomed.


Thank you. This has prompted me to reflect on my own life decisions, path and salvation.


I never knew a person who expanded my Faith like this woman. She was Holy.


Sr Kristen what a blessing tohave been with Sr Clare her life I think Jesus wants all of us to see how much he loves us today my brother who I am his Carer is doing meditation and he usually does not like to do it and he also shouts due to his illness but I have prayed to Sr Clare that she would help me with him and I am so happy to here all the special things she did I pray that God will increase your Sisterhood and Brotherhood that you can come here inAustralia as we do not see any Srs or Brs as they are dying out I was very blessed when I was growing up as I had the Srs of Mercy they were very special let us pray there will be a increase in vocations as I have so much love for them God bless .


Sr Clare, ... so normal and at the same time a hurricaine of God's presence an impact of a woman who could "shout" God's love in such a loud way and could also teach God's tenderness to kids in front of Him,
in the tabernacle in such a touching way. ​She is definitely an inspiration and a life changer for all ages. Thanks so much Father Luke for this talk and also Sr Kristen for such a gift of sharing your experience of knowing her. That was definitely awesome as Fr Matthew said.


I’m living in Waterford and it’s awesome that we now have a Church St. Saviours run by the Home of the Mother🙏
What a great blessing for Waterford🙏
Sr. Clare is a wonderful inspiration for people if all ages but especially for young people🙏
Sr. Kristen is also a powerful nun God bless her great work🙏
Glory to God🙏🙏


I am from Derry and the people here are so proud of St Clare. We adore her.


Theres a quote: If you were to do what God has called you to do, You'd set the world on fire! What Saint said that???Her documentary gave me such a conviction to be all we are CALLED to be, with a heart full of obedience. Yes he touches souls in various ways, as to how he wants them to serve Him...


What a wonderful lass she was, she laughing with angels now.


“...she was a twin soul of St. Clare of Assisi, whose name she bore with grace. At the end of her life, St. Clare said, “Oh God, blessed be You for having created me.” —> How wonderful! Amen! St. Clare of Assisi and Sr. Clare pray, pray for us!
