🤯 Game-Changing Noise Reduction - ACR Denoise

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Have you ever taken your ISO to the limit?
Or is there only a specific limit you are comfortable with?
I'd say I was the latter before this experiment. I wasn't comfortable taking my ISO to extreme amounts due to fear of losing data and detail in the capture and noise reduction process. Regardless of what any camera review, manufacturer, etc told me, there is no way I was going above ISO 2000-3200.
Here we are in 2024, when "that's how I've always done it" really needs to get kicked to the curb. There have been incredible advancements in camera sensors and post-production software regarding noise handling and noise reduction. So, I decided to put it all to the test despite my silly fears. Setting my camera to ISO 102,000 seemed like a very bad idea. There I go with that fear again—let it go!
Topics Discussed:
00:00 Introduction
00:11 AI Clarification
00:46 Macro Opportunity
01:57 How I shoot Macro
03:11 ISO Experiment Discussed
04:47 How to Use AI Noise Reduction
06:24 Why is AI Denoise Grey & Unusable
08:44 AI Denoise + Manual NR
12:22 How far can you go?
13:06 ISO 102K Experiment
14:36 Thoughts from the Experiment
15:22 Conduct your experiment
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Or is there only a specific limit you are comfortable with?
I'd say I was the latter before this experiment. I wasn't comfortable taking my ISO to extreme amounts due to fear of losing data and detail in the capture and noise reduction process. Regardless of what any camera review, manufacturer, etc told me, there is no way I was going above ISO 2000-3200.
Here we are in 2024, when "that's how I've always done it" really needs to get kicked to the curb. There have been incredible advancements in camera sensors and post-production software regarding noise handling and noise reduction. So, I decided to put it all to the test despite my silly fears. Setting my camera to ISO 102,000 seemed like a very bad idea. There I go with that fear again—let it go!
Topics Discussed:
00:00 Introduction
00:11 AI Clarification
00:46 Macro Opportunity
01:57 How I shoot Macro
03:11 ISO Experiment Discussed
04:47 How to Use AI Noise Reduction
06:24 Why is AI Denoise Grey & Unusable
08:44 AI Denoise + Manual NR
12:22 How far can you go?
13:06 ISO 102K Experiment
14:36 Thoughts from the Experiment
15:22 Conduct your experiment
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