Can Non-catholics be saved?

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for the purposes of this video the term non-catholic is to be understood to mean; those who are not explicit members of the Roman Catholic church
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Padre Pio saw Protestants in heaven. And they were there thanks to the prayers of the Catholics. So we should always pray for the salvation of everybody.


I met a so called Catholic who said he believes you just have to be 'a good person' to be saved. When I pressed him with both scripture and the traditions of the Church he floundered to defend himself.


12:32 thank you
I left Protestant Church after 40 years, to go back home (Catholic)
But I saw better Christians than me in my past Church (including my mom)
So I appreciate this video

And let not forget about Romans 10: 9-11 & Matthew 10:32


Excellent as always. Do you think it would be worth it to make an episode about the Catholic understanding of predestination? I've never looked into it. It would be interesting to hear what you have to say about it. Deo Gratias. God Bless.


My father was in a junior seminary to become a priest, I went to Catholic school up to the 8th grade, and I never heard of the real presence until I was 38 yrs old. When I first heard it I didn't believe it.
Where did that teaching come from? How was it I never heard of it?
I saw some of the eucharist miracles and I was mad I was never told


You could talk about the Catholic perspective on paint drying and I’d watch. Love it. Viva Christo Rey!


Anyone who is baptized with water, irrespective of denomination, becomes a member of the Catholic Church, whether one knows and accepts that or not. Because there is only one Church that Jesus established.

One faith, one Lord, one baptism!


Your example about the 'Pill' is a tricky one. A lot of people think the Pill prevents a woman from getting pregnant. What it really does is it changes the chemistry which makes it really hard for her to get pregnant. However in the event the ovum does manage to get fertilized; which happens far far more than we know; she still gets pregnant; its just that the uterus cannot sustain it so the embryo is miscarried; often without notice.
That is why chemical contraception is most likely always a mortal sin; because the ignorance that exists is nowhere close to invincible ignorance. Most people who are ignorant of these effects in this information age; are either willingly ignorant or just don't care enough to even want to know.


@imisschristendom5293 Since the Orthodox, Coptic and Assyrian churches have valid sacraments, which means they have a valid confession, would the need for members of those churches to have perfect contrition after committing a mortal sin be required, like it is for the Protestants? If it is, what then is the point of trying to convert them to the Catholic Church because if they have no knowledge or way of coming to Christ's true Church, then they will be saved, but if they deny and reject our arguments then they would be damned?


most Catholics know moral teachings like no contraception, but just don't think the church takes it seriously anymore. And can you really blame them? The church hands out annulments like candy


I don't even understand how it is possible to "hold a belief" while at the same time, "knowing better". "Knowing better" literally implies not holding that belief. Is formal heresy a matter of just stubbornly pretending to hold a belief you know to be wrong?


If they’re faith in Christ is sincere, then God is not going to hold what they never really knew against them.


My uncle died not from a long time he had a faith... That a martyr only could have. Same he got a mystical Union by communion who got taken by him mysteriously during coma


The Catholic church wouldn't recognize their trintarian baptisms if they weren't.


Non- Catholics? If you do not repent of the direction in your life to follow Christ, if you do not confess your sins to God asking for forgiveness and for the Holy Spirit to cleanse your mind, then you are not a believer in Christ but an unrepentant sinful person on their way to Hell. You want to call yourself a believer in Christ with a side name like baptist or Catholic fine, go for it, but do not rely on a name of the church you decide to put your faith in, to get you into heaven. It all boils down to the relationship of the individual who trusts in Christ for salvation and not in themselves or a church group.
Believers in Christ are saved, unbelievers/ those who will not repent, are not .


Do you have a problem with singular and plural? You don't seem to know the difference.


As much as people despise them and for all their error on the papacy, the Dimond Brothers are correct on this dogma. Your video is giving the incorrect modern version. St Benedict centre also points to the correct understanding.


What about other religions
Islam, Buddhist, Hindusum.
Confused 😕


im a german protestant and i will be leaving this church sonn i dont really think that you need a church to belive in god or jesus wich i really do on my opinion everyone goes to heaven who trully belives in god and jesus.
