What Happened to Monday Movie Review

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What Happened to Monday Movie Review today! Beyond The Trailer reaction & review 2017 Netflix aka Seven Sisters! Noomi Rapace!

What Happened to Monday Movie Review today! Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph's reaction & review of What Happened to Monday aka Seven Sisters, the 2017 Netflix movie starring Noomi Rapce, Marwan Kenzari and Glenn Close! Should you see the full movie?! Enjoy What Happened to Monday in 2017 and be sure to make Beyond The Trailer your first stop for movie and entertainment news here on YouTube today!

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Truly Unique - 00:00
Expendable Leads - 00:17
Noomi Rapace - 1:31
Days of the Week - 2:40
Script - 2:57
Jafar - 3:59
Willem Dafoe - 4:23
Glenn Close - 4:24
Christian Rubeck - 4:40
Clara Read - 4:47
VFX Sisters - 5:08
3 Netflix Categories - 5:56
Movie-A-Day Giveaway - 6:14

Interact with host & creator Grace Randolph!
Рекомендации по теме

Noomi Rapace is such an underrated actress


This was a hell of a movie, Noomi Rapace did a hell of a job she had me believing it was 7 of them.


I'm still waiting on the sequel "What Happened to Friday" which details Rebecca Black's fall from stardom


I enjoyed this movie a whole lot and I from watching this review, I understand why. Killing the "main characters" all throughout the movie made it very energizing and spontaneous. With each death, i was honestly shocked.


Well I loved this movie, and I strongly disagree with you on a couple of things. Firstly, this script is not cliche at all. I thought it was very original. Secondly, Clara Read was definitely believable as a young "weekday". Your nitpicking on this point was rather unnecessary. I really wish you would give mid to lower budget movies more of a chance.


I wouldn't call this low budget, how could it have been? Lots of effects, cgi, Amazing looking sets etc...


I don't agree with the verdict at all, this movie raised some great ethical questions, because !!!SPOILER ALERT!!! there's not really a good and a bad side in this movie.
I could at least emphasize with both sides, on one hand there's an extremely over populated globe, that needs to control the birth rate, and on the other hand the sisters only want to survive.


"Good enough to pass the time.".... this statement makes me sad! :(
For me it was quality entertainment with a great actress. :)


so that's why everyone hates monday


I haven't watched it yet, but did Saturday and Sunday never go to school?


One of the best movies I've seen in a while 😣😣😣😣


Glenn Close's character looked like Hillary Clinton


I watched What Happened to Monday earlier today and I found it really entertaining. It's being compared to Orphan Black when it really shouldn't. Noomi Rapace was amazing in the movie and I actually decided to watch this Netflix movie because of her.


Is this movie about monday being really fed up with being the most horrible day of the week en running away?


I thought the movie was really good. There was so many twists and turns and i enjoyed it.


I sincerely felt that Noomi Rapace gave a very nuanced performance. Like you mentioned, she really tapped into 7 different personalities and it was a physically demanding role. I could tell that the movie had a low budget from the location and sets used. If they had more money, they really could have taken this to the next level. Personally, I felt that Glenn Close was really channeling Hillary Clinton in her performance. I really liked the concept but the execution was kinda lacking, there really should have built more futuristic sets, I mean this is 2073 right?


I hate that everyone's bringing up Tatiana and Orphan Black...like ok we get it... She did an amazing job as all of her clones. But this review is about the fucking movie? Not Orphan Black and I absolutely hate the fact that no one is recognizing the actress in this movie and just keeps bring up Tatiana and how much of a better job she did. I honestly prefer this movie bc of how much more action, plot twists, and just overall loved the concept of the movie of how there's too many ppl in the world so their killing every second child but we actually don't know that yet. I just find it so fascinating and how the grandfather had each one go out on their day to pretend to be one specific person. Like I honestly was so fucking sad that literally almost every single one of the sisters died. I was literally screaming for Wednesday not to die. The fact that almost every sister died, just encouraged Thursday to fight even more. Tatiana does get a lot of recognition for Orphan Black, like she has won so many wards for it already, so we get it... I just want to say how much I loved this movie, why Monday did what she did, that the sisters were fighting for their lives literally ever second of the movie. It was honestly one of the most stressful movies to watch... I loved it.


This is perhaps one of the BEST movies i seen all year! Is freaking FANTASTIC! I LOVE


Where are my fucking fellow Clone clubbers ? Someone please tell her(Grace) to atleast mention Tatiana's name for doing that same shit for the last 5 fucking years !
P.S. No disrespect to Noomi or Grace ! I just think Tatiana deserved that little mention !


Monday is a personification of the day Monday, Many people hates it.
