How to Choose Local Anesthetics for Nerve Blocks - Crash course with Dr. Hadzic

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Selecting local anesthetics based on their pharmacological properties alone can be confusing. In this video, Dr. Hadzic will be describing a highly pragmatic method to selecting the best suited local anesthetic for your nerve blocks. Learn why so many trainees misunderstand this topic, and why mistakes in selecting local anesthetics and their mixtures are so common. Get the must-know information on local anesthetics for clinical practice, and on what makes some local anesthetic work faster than others.

Listen to Dr. Hadzic's argument on why mixing local anesthetics might not be the way to go, and learn how to prolong the duration of nerve blocks reliably, before hearing the take-home message on how to make your final choice.

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Рекомендации по теме

As an anesthesiologist, pharmacology of the drugs which we use in daily practice is one of the most important part of our job. But it is sooo boring to read and learn. I always forget which drug has which type of pharmacologic action. When i watch this video i became more confident about local anesthestics. This video shows us how we could use basic science knowledge in our daily practice. Thanks Dr Hadzic..


Amazing. Thirty years in anesthesiology and I´ve never seen an explanation so clear. Congratulations.


For all anesthesia providers: Just as any fields, if you don’t use it you loose it! So if you don’t use neuraxial anesthesia and peripheral nerve blocks frequently in your practice, this is a good review of local anesthetics. Cheers :)


Good presentation. The online thing is that the real length of the blocks is realistically much shorter. Patientens are gonna start feeling some pain after 3-4h, if we take Ropivacaine as an example. The described length of action for individual anesthetics is based on their elimination time (2 - 3 half-value times), but the clinical effect starts to diminish much earlier.


i love NYSORA!!! It helped me through CRNA school and now I'm working and watching your videos. thank you so much Dr. Hadzic!!! Godsent!


Put your teleprompter above the camera for a better look. Favorite video by content though!


Just found u some iis over my head but watched it twice. I'm just a former nurse but always learning! Thank u.


This corresponds well with my practice of over 35 years. A couple of features not mentioned here are the relative motor vs sensory blockade (for most long lasting blocks, we only want sensory blockade). Also, near toxicity of LA given in high concentration. For most upper extremity surgery I prefer Lidocaine 1.5% for speed of onset and density of block (usually mixing in a small amount of HCO3 not mentioned). For these cases, I do not want prolonged motor blockade especially if the patient is going home. In a resident situation, I found it very difficult to convince the ortho residents to infiltrate their wounds with bupivacaine on closure. Thanks Dr. Hadzic. I've had to explain the dilution effect of mixes to most residents and many surgical attendings.


Excellent practical recomendations! It´s a pleasure watching these amazing videos where we can review the principal aspects of anesthetic drugs. But we have to consider four different aspects:
1. Medical level depending in high and low-income countries.
2. Operator factor. Sometimes you don´t really know how long is going to be the surgery, depending on the doctor.
3. Take care of toxicity doses. We forget it too frequently.
4. Be ready for an alternative anesthetic plan (Plan A, Plan B, ....) and a rescue anesthetic plan.
Thanks a lot!


I am scheduled for this surgery in five days. Listening to your explanations was completely accessible to me. I now understand a whole lot more than I ever have and it sounds as though your choice of anesthesia is what I am going to request. I also would love to “look over the surgeons shoulder“ to better understand what is going on inside of my body. Thank you for your concise and explicit knowledge sharing!


Chemically and molecularly informative. Sensible lecture indeed


Very painless explanation, thank you.


Im a veterinarian and I work with horses and so many times we used to use lidocaine to block nerves on their forelimb and handlimb and I love your video if you could add subtitles that would be incredible because I dont have the 100% of the english. Anyway very godo video.


NYSORA stuff is some of the most useful educational material out there.


Thank you very much sir for your extraordinary presentation about LA which was very complicated to me before your presentation..hope to get more like this..


Could you discuss Local anesthesia choice for spinal and epidural ?


The best crystal clear presentation about LA ever .


Thank you for the excellent presentation


Excellent and sweet presentation sir I always love to see your videos which is more
informative and learn new things 🙏🙏🙏


Excellent presentation. I appreciate your approach to summarizing local anesthesia meds. Right on target.
