FM21 P12 Q26 Superposition with Phase Difference | Feb/March 2021 | Cambridge A Level 9702 Physics

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9702/12/F/M/21: Two waves, P and Q, meet at a point X and superpose.
Initially, the two waves meet at X in phase (zero phase difference) so that the resultant wave has an amplitude of 14.0 cm at that point.
The phase difference between the two waves is then changed so that they meet at X with a phase difference of 180°. The resultant wave now has an amplitude of 4.0 cm at X. What is the amplitude of one of the waves at point X?
#9702m21p12 #ASsuperpositionP1 #ASinterferenceP1 #Lv3
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9702_m21_qp12 #CambridgeALevelPhysics
Initially, the two waves meet at X in phase (zero phase difference) so that the resultant wave has an amplitude of 14.0 cm at that point.
The phase difference between the two waves is then changed so that they meet at X with a phase difference of 180°. The resultant wave now has an amplitude of 4.0 cm at X. What is the amplitude of one of the waves at point X?
#9702m21p12 #ASsuperpositionP1 #ASinterferenceP1 #Lv3
#Superposition Playlist:
FM21 Paper Discussion Playlist:
Tuition/Tutoring inquiries:
9702_m21_qp12 #CambridgeALevelPhysics