Dosing Magnesium In A Reef Tank

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Super super important, check out this short video on adding magnesium to our display tank
We recommend keeping your mag at 1500
Preferred test kit in aquaforest magensium test pro
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Thanks very much for the advice! I have an LPS dominant tank and my magnesium was around 1200-1300. I slowly increased it and now its around 1480 and my Lps corals started opening up more and my torch coral looks way more happy!


I stopped using Red Sea magnesium. 32oz was 25-30$ for me, I get kent marine now. 16oz for 4-6$. Tested and proved my dad always used kent marine and esv 20 years ago


March I am so, so glad I found this video you produced, it was confirmation for me that I had finally found the answer I had been looking for. I have been struggling the past few weeks with my 35 gallon reef tank. I did not know I had a problem with my water chemistry. Everything in my tank was looking great with no issues. I mainly have been keeping fish & inverts in my tank while my tank is maturing. I have restrained from adding corals to my tank to insure stability until my tank reached the 6 month mark. I purchased a few corals to get started building my reef. Everything was great until I added a Torch coral. With in about a two week period the Torch stated to shrink. I knew something was up. I immediately did a water change. Then I started looking at water flow too high, too low. I did find out that my lighting was only at about 50% of the recommended settings for LPS corals. I bumped that up slowly to the recommended settings. No changes with the Torch coral. I do not see any of the skeleton and there is some puffy tissue at the base of the tentacles, so I don't think I am in danger of losing the coral but it is certainly stressed out. I went to my local fish store who has been in business since I can remember as a kid. I brought them a water sample. They tested, calcium - 380, pH - 8.0, Alkalinity - 9.6, Phosphates - .25 ppm, Nitrates 8.2 ppm & Salinity - 1.023. There recommendation was to lower the Nitrates & Phosphate levels - Sold me some Chemi clear blue and told me to add it to my sump. I had a snail die in the tank and we figured this was the reason for the high nutrients. The following week I took another sample of my tank water for a follow up. This time Calcium - 340, pH - 8.0, Alkalinity 10.0, Phosphates & Nitrates dropped to trace levels & salinity 1.024. I had asked to test the magnesium level but the person who did the water test had dumped the tank water out and could not do the water test. I bought some calcium supplement to raise the calcium level. I had decided to add a refugium to the tank. This has yet to yield any results it's only been up and running for 3 days now. I purchased the Nova refugium light & a Magnesium test kit from you. After reading the directions of the Magnesium kit it's recommended to test calcium before testing the Magnesium. I bought a calcium test kit my Calcium is now 450 perfect scratch that off the list of possibility. I tested the magnesium which yielded a 1200 ppm reading. This is bottom of the range according to Red Sea's recommended 1200 - 1450 ppm range. I purchased a bottle of Magnesium and read the bottle which recommended a dosage of 10 mL per 10 gallons of water. I added 40 mL of solution and rechecked magnesium again the next day. The reading was still at 1200 ppm. This confused me for a bit until I found a magnesium calculator on Bulk Reef Supplies website. According to that calculator I need to add 919.35 mL of solution to bring magnesium levels into specs. I was taken back by how much the calculator was recommending to dose. I wanted confirmation before adding such a dramatic amount of solution. I searched YouTube for Magnesium dosing and found this video. When you confirmed that it would take a lot of solution to move the numbers that convinced me to dose the whole bottle. Over the course of several hours I added the whole bottle of Magnesium. (About half the recommended dosage for my tank.) I am going to buy another bottle on my way home tonight. The results were almost immediate with in a few hours. I noticed that my Favites coral really puffed up dramatically and it looks absolutely fantastic now. I am really hoping to see some improvement with the Torch coral and pray that I caught it in time. Only time will tell. This was a hard lesson learned and won't make this mistake again. Thank you again for posting this video it's very much appreciated. 🦀🦞🦐🦑🐟🦭🐬🐳🐠🐡🦈🐙🐚🐌🌎🏖


I keep mine at 1350 and my torches and acros look great and grow like weeds. My Mag levels have gone down to 1220 and as high as 1600 with no issues. I would say keep the levels that your salt mix mixes to and keep it stable.


Really good advice my magnesium was @ 1140 just a few minutes ago I tested it since I been adding magnesium slowly for a week. Last week 1030 but am dripping 50ml today by drip method with To/DI 5ml every 5 minutes.


thanks for the video man, I had magnesium at 1170, didn't know why my torch is not happy, it resided from the base, I hope it bounces back .


Great vid. Higher Mag, has been known to affects snails at times. Shuts them down. Im unsure the exact range but i know from experience and that of others, that it happens.


100% agree! I keep mine between 1400-1550


Mine was 1170. First time testing. I'm adding magnesium today.


I keep my mag on a continual dose through trident. I run at 1450 to 1550. I buy it by the bucket dry and mix it by the gallon jugs.


Is magnesium something you would dose daily to maintain levels or would weekly dosing be sufficient in most situations?


Right on time video!!! What a coincidence.
I just returned from my LFS and got some RS mag, because on the weekend I measured mine and it was 1200.
I was hesitant with RS instructions because it will be a 150 ml dose.
Shall I go like 10ml a day? Or can go faster? Also my torch was looking a bit less colorful....


I just tested my Mag using the AuqaForest test kit on Sunday. It was at 1170 😣 . Sounds like I should order up some Mag. Thanks for the great video!


They do have the Hana magnesium Tester that is digital


I'm going to Toronto to get my free bottle.. See you soon!


March I'm currently at a 980 mag and it's probably been lower for a while..


tested my mag last night and it came out to 1110 and that was 1 day after a water change with Fritz RPM. Not sure if I am just doing the aquaforest test incorrectly or what.


If I dose magnesium just my mag and use non 2 part method for the other elements will it raise my salinity with just a chloride


Really good video this one does really help me Out. I really do like the videos you guys pushing out. Always look forward to you guys videos It’s fun 👻💣


Got you beat - mag was 870 on Feb 6th using salifert test kit. at 1215 now after 2 bottles of mag & still
