Laravel 10 Full Course | #34 Setup User Permission Part 1

Показать описание

Laravel 10 continues the improvements made in Laravel 9.x by introducing argument and return types to all application skeleton methods, as well as all stub files used to generate classes throughout the framework. In addition, a new, developer-friendly abstraction layer has been introduced for starting and interacting with external processes. Further, Laravel Pennant has been introduced to provide a wonderful approach to managing your application's "feature flags".
Laravel 10.x requires a minimum PHP version of 8.1.
A new first-party package, Laravel Pennant, has been released. Laravel Pennant offers a light-weight, streamlined approach to managing your application's feature flags. Out of the box, Pennant includes an in-memory array driver and a database driver for persistent feature storage.
Process Interaction
The process abstraction layer was contributed by Nuno Maduro and Taylor Otwell.

Why We Should Learn Laravel?

👉Laravel is a first development life cycle and less code functionality
👉it's easy to learn
👉making web applications faster
👉configuration error and exception handling
automation testing work.
👉URL Routing Configuration is very high in Laravel.
👉cheduling tasks configuration and management
👉It has a huge community
👉Unlimited resource.
👉Most importantly it's very easy to get a job if you have Laravel skills.

Laravel 10.x introduces a beautiful abstraction layer for starting and interacting with external processes via a new Process facade:

Laravel 10 New Course.

👉Laravel 9 -Build Complete Multi Vendor Ecommerce Project A-Z
👉Laravel 9 Build Advanced Complete Point Of Sale Project A-Z
👉Laravel 9 A-Z For Beginner With Complete News Portal Website
👉Laravel 9 - Build Complete Inventory Management System A-Z
👉React Js A-Z With Laravel - For Beginner to Advanced Level
👉Laravel 8 - Build Advance Ecommerce Project A-Z
👉Laravel 8 - Advance Course Build School Management System
Laravel 8 Beginner to Advance with Complete News Portal
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Hello Aryan, why don't you build a complex app like a wallet system or Uber clone app


good video
but in new update middlware and side bar are not working
all roll and permission assign successfully but can function and permission are not working in new updation


Did you have any course on Laravel Apis


I really like your course but I think there are some videos that u haven't uploaded


it is better to make changes to the table through migration and not by adding a column in the database manually, since when deploying a project this may cause conflicts or errors due to the absence of a column in the database
for example:

class UpdatePermissionTables extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* @return void
public function up()

Schema::table('permissions', function (Blueprint $table) {




Are u going to upload the missing videos in YouTube


Wyou didn't show to us all your tutorial?


It's really creating a problem for me can u pls upload them
