3 Things You MUST Let Go of to be Magnetic AF

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So in this video, I'm gonna show you the three things that, if you let go of, will make your energy so much more magnetic.

And it's really just about flipping the switch on this process of understanding your own energy. And I'm gonna show you exactly what to let go of that will then change everything.
Now, the first one I wanna share with you is one that many people, including myself, I've had active for a while and I had to completely ditch this energy.

I had to let it go. And that energy is the energy of codependency. Now codependency is an
energy that is very needy. Codependency is something in an energy that is very dependent on someone else's approval, on someone else's like energy.

And because of that dependency, it is very repellent. So one of the things that you must let go of in order to have magnetic energy is codependency. Now, in one way as well, I'm gonna take this in a direction I haven't talked about in other videos, but it is a form of codependency that I think will make you so much more magnetic if you let go of it.

And that is letting go of the codependency on not only people, but also substances. Now, the reason being is because when we are doing any type of substance, whether it is alcohol, some type of drug, even marijuana, it can be something that changes the state, but in many ways, I found at least in my own life, 'cause that was something that I did all day every day.

So I'm not saying that if you do it every now and then it's like the end of the world. I'm just saying if it's something you do all day every single day, like I did back in 2011, 2012, it was something that was very much dimming my potency.

Now, when I look at big triggers that really changed my life as well, I can see that when I quit smoking and drinking, there was a huge uptick in my life of going on a different, going on a more optimal path.

And I really believe just through having friends and seeing people in my own life that have smoked a lot of cannabis or dranken a lot that there's an effect it has where it kind of, it can be a very much a numbing agent that kind of escapes being more present.

And one of the most magnetic things is to really be emotionally and physically present. And when the energy is diffused, when those substances are taken, the energy is diffused and, in a way, dull. It becomes more dull.

And I know for a long time, though, I told myself a different story. I was like, "No, it's so good for me. It does this, it does that." And I think in some ways it could be a healing agent for many people.

But I had to be honest with myself because I could tell that I was more so doing it to escape a lot of my childhood pain and stuff like that. And I smoked all day every day for like a year or two. And I remember like just going to, like, I never smoked at work, but as soon as I got off work, I'd be smoking.

And I remember at that time too, I felt a lot of like lack of clarity in my life where like that was before I found my purpose and I started like taking action with making, not even, I mean, it was like six years later that I made YouTube videos, but like really got onto the spiritual awakening path.

And I learned meditation, which really changed my life. But I look back and I can definitely see that like the energy of me smoking a lot was like keeping me in a certain bandwidth of experience. I would hang around other people that smoked all the time.

I would just not really do that much. I'd just play basketball outside until like two in the morning. And it was something that kept me in that reality.

And when it comes to potency, when it comes to magnetic energy, there's a level of emotional availability that when you let go of the codependency onto some type of substance, you regain a connection with yourself, you regain a connection to clarity, and it becomes more clear as to what you can do to create the success in your life or to be more passionate.

And I know many people that, when they smoke or they drink, it lowers or dims their vibe. And even though for a period of time, they're gonna be feeling an excess of dopamine, there's an effect that that has on them long term, that a lot of times it's like, oh, that thing, you know, not always.

Some people can smoke and have all the energy in the world, at least that's what they say. But some people, when they smoke, they just become very much at neutrality on the levels of consciousness.

So they're very neutral. It's like things are just kind of, they're good the way they are, which isn't a bad thing to have.
Рекомендации по теме

"If I let go of who I am I become who I might be" - Lao Tzu.


Detach from the outcome, let it go. You are always manifesting something, even if you’re manifesting things not manifesting. Trust the process.

~Much Love from a Law of Attraction YouTuber💜


Dear whoever is reading this, I wish there was a way for everyone to surpass the current obstacles or sadness/ stress and let happiness enter your heart! I truly sense and wish you that you will have a beautiful, fullfilled life ahead of you! Nothing in life is ever easy, but what's important is that YOU keep going!
Youre worthy of love and happiness, never allow anyone to tell you otherwise! I wish all of you plenty of health and strength during these tough times. You are loved, you are strong, you got this! Never forget that!
Sending much Love over from Germany 💕🙏✨


Not letting other people be the star of your movie, that really resonated with me. Also that’s so true, vulnerability is so attractive!


I’m so grateful that you’ve made these videos Aaron! You’ve had a meta-impact in my life, cheers :)


"Overrate to your thoughts, they will be your words, these words will be your behavior, overrate to your behavior they will be your personality"


So happy you had this discussion about cannabis, it really paints a clearer picture even for those who like the plant and see it’s virtue medicinally. There is a dark side to it and it’s when you numb yourself out from others. I’ve seen it play out with many people and in that space you can’t connect to them because they’re unavailable. It’s painful for the people around them because they don’t understand what’s going on. They feel rejected.


Everyone can be incredibly magnetic. Just know your power! 💪💖
And let go of neediness like Aaron said many times. Cause it's true. 😊👍


Setting boundaries and keeping boundaries is huge!


Aaron, appreciate you! And to you here in the comments reading this - you got this 🥂 Keep letting go (and moving) toward your deeper dreams!


Hello Aaron, I have come across your channel less than a month ago, and it is so amazing how everything you talk about relate to my life and some of the stuff that I went through, and also still experiencing. I just wanted to be grateful for your contents that you share and I cannot tell you how much this is helping me in my awakening journey. Thank you and much love from the UK ❤️.


Thank you for helping to change our lives for the better.


“Dimming My potency “….perfect way to describe it.


Great video as always Aaron! So informative. You know what is something else that is magnetic AF.
When a leader listens to different opinions and accepts feed back.
When we think of successful leaders that are very admirable, it’s the ability to consider second opinions.
A person cannot know all the answers all the time. What is a great leader that could come to mind? Someone in the context of relationships. Mel Gibson in the movie “Brave Heart” plays out magnificent leadership traits.
He listens to his comrades, accepts their opinions and tries to meet them halfway. Even the women in his life he cherishes. That is a good role model.


Talking about the co dependency of not only people resonated with me. Always good stuff man!


Yes! Sober minded… comes confidence comes splendor.


Thank you for dropping this video. I literally feel like this message was meant for me. It truly resonated with what I'm going through!!! Much appreciation! 💕


Thank You, recently going through a break up and I totally abandoned myself to make her happy including drinking all the time, my BP went up and I found myself angry all the time. I’m learning so much from you, I was definitely not in my own frame and I was not vulnerable enough to speak the truth. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to the new challenge starting July


Beautiful! This is so true!!! Thank you for speaking on this topic.

In my journey I’ve been letting go of codependency over the last few years. Detoxing consumer habits & shopping & now selling off what I don’t need. Detoxing unhealthy foods and really loving myself and what I put in and on my body. Clarity is priceless! ❤


"Breaking up with cannabis"😂
I laughed out loud !
