Quantum Cryptography

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The hype created for Quantum Computers is very high in Software Industry. There are some questions in our minds that whether Quantum Computers will come into reality? If so, when, how, where will it be originated? , What changes it will make and what are the basic principles of Quantum computers?
At a ground level, a quantum computer works differently to manipulate information, the binary bits are replaced by Qubits , these Qubits are the basic units of quantum information. Three photons make one light molecule, In general, the photons have no mass and they are smallest unit of light particle. The Qubits are represented with the help of Photons and polarizers.
However, quantum mechanics allows the qubit to be in a coherent superposition of both states/levels simultaneously, so the qubits can hold more than one information at a time, This makes the Quantum computers to work very faster than normal computers.
The second property of photons is entanglement, this concept is very unique with quantum physics that binds the two different particles by reacting with each other. The qubits will do all calculations at the same time than doing them one after another. The parallel computing nature of qubits makes computer superfast and any length of computing can be done in a single clock cycle when number of qubits is increased.
First Quantum Computer is getting built by Leading companies such as Microsoft , IBM and Google with less number of qubits per chip. They are working in -273.15 degrees Celsius ,even though it is a challenging one , but fact is ,these chips are made up of silicon , a material that is being used for decades.
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