Deep Dive: Digitalising Energy Systems and Operations

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Whether it’s about integrating decentralised renewable energy sources, enabling consumers to choose the services that fit their needs, or simply helping them become active participants in the energy system, digitalisation has helped decarbonised, decentralised energy systems run in a stable and affordable fashion.
This session focuses on the role played by aggregators and Digital Twin in transforming energy systems. As an electricity grid participant, aggregators track companies’ consumption and transmission system operators’ requirements in real-time, providing uninterrupted grid balancing to optimise energy use, while also rewarding customers for making their electricity available. Meanwhile, Digital Twin allows electrical operators to manipulate the conditions of digital assets for scenario planning without interfering with the operation of the physical asset.

0:01 — Introduction by Gianluca Dianese (Director, FIWARE iHub IDEASFORUM, and Vice-Chairman, FIWARE Foundation Energy Mission Support Committee - MSC)
8:17 — Keynote Speech by Shuli Goodman, PhD (Founder and Executive Director, Linux Foundation Energy)
21:03 — Christian Jacobsson, PhD (Vice President Energy Intelligence, Fortum) and Gianluca Dianese: The Energy Company of 2030: Information Meets Energy
39:51 — Vincenzo Croce (Project Coordinator of the BRIGHT H2020 project, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.): Aggregators in Digitalized Energy Communities
58:06 — Antonello Monti (Director, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, E.ON Energy Research Center - RWTH - Aachen University, and Chairman, FIWARE Foundation Energy MSC): An overview on the Synergy Work with LF Energy
1:08:06 — Andreas Fechner (Business Development, CBB software): Sustainable Heat Generation in Smart Kindergartens with opcsa and FIWARE
1:17:24 — Haydar Mecit (Professorship for Urban Energy and Mobility Solutions, Bochum University of Applied Sciences): Home and District Energy Storage Concepts: Smart Energy Potentials for Local Utilities
1:27:58 — Closing Remarks by Gianluca Dianese and Val De Oliveira (FIWARE Foundation Press & PR Manager)


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