Why the Solar System May Be Full of Life with NASA Chief Scientist Dr. James Green

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Is life on Europa?
Did Mars have life? Does Mars currently have life on it?

NASA Chief Scientist Dr. Jim Green joins John Michael Godier to discuss NASA's plans for Mars 2020, the possibility of past and current life on Mars. As well as the fact that the solar system may be full of life as much of the moon's and Kuiper belt objects have large amounts of water on them. Does Europa have complex life? It has an ocean of water underneath it's surface more than the combined amount of water on Earth. The Europa Clipper mission will do its best to answer that. Also, how is NASA now searching for potential technosignatures?

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Music featured on Event Horizon

ESO - M.Kornmesser
ESO - L.Calcada
University of Warwick
Goddard Visualization Studio
Langley Research Center
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Thank you from all of us at Event Horizon!


The quality of guests you get on this channel is astounding. Keep up the fantastic work, John!


John, you have a spectacular channel. When you ask your guests a question and they go on for ten minutes answering it without an interruption is what sets you apart. You are getting such an amazing and detailed answers from the bottom of their hearts backed by the data and knowledge very few can obtain, but most importantly is hearing these incredible minds speculate because with out our speculation and curiosity we would still be throwing sticks and rocks.


came for the mind-bending sounds and visuals, stayed for the mind-bending facts and ideas


Months ago (different YT account) I let you know that I was watching your videos during chemo, then I let you know that I was watching them in remission. Unfortunately, my cancer has relapsed but nothing has changed about your videos. Still as amazing and intriguing as ever! I can't say that your videos were my main inspiration in starting a YT channel but definitely a small part of it! There is certainly nothing more relaxing then rewatching all your videos in the background while debughing code for my undergrad research project haha! Thanks so much for all the great content!


Honestly this channel is a godsend. I've had severe insomnia for as long as I can remember, to the point where I was worried my chronic sleep deprivation would cut years, if not decades, off my lifespan. At 23 years old I have finally found the cure: This podcast. Event Horizon is always super interesting, so it takes my mind off the fact that I'm trying to go to sleep and thus eliminates any kind of "I'm supposed to sleep but I can't"-anxiety, yet at the same time the ambient background music and JMG's amazing voice is calming and relaxing. The best part is I feel like I'm never running out of new material, because if I fall asleep in the middle of an episode, I just restart the episode the next night at the last part of it that I can remember. I can't even put into words how much getting sufficient and consistent sleep has helped me in all areas of life, and I have this podcast to thank. Thank you.


I fell asleep to some physics lecture, and awoke from a wonderful dream about colonizing Mars. Turns out YouTube had chosen this video to assist my dreaming.


Once again, when unwell in bed, this time with food poisoning, John uploads a great distractor! Many thanks


The final twenty minutes or so when Dr Green is talking about the possibly of life elsewhere in the universe is so inspiring. You can tell how passionate he is about what he does. And the music overlay makes it worthy of being one of the greatest sound clips I have ever had the joy of listening to (over and over again).


To sit there and just listen to sounds on another planet... that would be pretty humbling yet amazing too.


As always, pure focus on quality conversations and scientific substance. Thank you, Event Horizon.


This has been one of the best interviewsI’ve ever heard. Just in general. You let the man speak and go into detail yet you know when and how to keep the conversational flow going.

This was very enjoyable to listen to.


This channel should have MILLIONS of subscribers. Keep up the great work man.


Love how the raw data from Jupiter fly by was made public for us commoners to look at---and all the extra insights gained from so many minds asking questions. Hope the data sharing continues with every exploratory flight!
thank you for this program.


One hour of pure awesome. That was a great interview, even by Event Horizon standards. I can't wait for 18 February 2021!


That notification again 'Event Horizon'. Played a big role in me able to live through the last painful 5 months of the pandemic - not entirely kidding!


Great interview! There's nothing better than when a knowledgable person like Dr. Green is eager to share what he knows through many years of study and research.


"Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space, cuz there's bugger all down here on Earth." - Monty Python.


Very uplifting interview thanks so much for taking the time to record and share.


I can't put into words how grateful I am for these videos. Everyone is so divided lately, and it seems so small and petty compared to the privilege we all have to live and LEARN, in this universe we find ourselves in. Informative and entertaining as always.
