This Could Be The End for Japan

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The Nankai Trough Earthquake is a term that is getting thrown around, but what is it exactly? And why should it be something to worry about? Let's learn!

#theanimeman #joey #japan

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Earthquakes can cause tsunamis, and also if you EVER see the tide at the beach suddenly retreat back away from the shore, it means a tsunami is on the way in a really short time! It means everyone NEEDS to get as far inland and preferably above sea level as possible. Also after the first wave of a tsunami, I'm pretty sure it's followed by more waves. ( I don't know if it ALWAYS comes in multiple waves in a smaller one, but i don't think it's worth going to the beach immediately after just in case.) stay safe and take the right precautions.


As a Chilean, I must say Japan managed the damages from the 2011 earthquake quite well considering it was a 9.1 magnitude. Compared to the 8.8 that hit my country the year prior and people panicked and started looting.
A mega-earthquake would surely be a heavy blow to Japan. No country is immune to them. But considering this precedent, I trust the Japanese people will be able to handle this.


I'm living in Osaka right now, and have been really struggling to find English resources regarding this, so this video is GREATLY appreciated


Earthquakes are trully scary since you could be having a good sleep and then hit with no warning at all, i think you did a great job explaining all of this


As someone living in the Pacific Northwest, I totally understand the fear. We are due for a magnitude 9 quake anytime in the next few decades known as the Cascadia mega-thrust quake, and the devastation from the tsunamis and shaking would be beyond belief. Our region is not nearly as prepared as Japan is either since until the early 2000s people incorrectly believed the Northwest was seismically inactive, and a lot of our infrastructure has not been designed to withstand a mega quake like this. To anyone living on the ring of fire, stay safe out there and take precautions.


I was visiting Japan last week and the megaquake warning was issued a couple days into our trip. We were in the flower room at teamlabs Planets when the earthquake alert went off on the Friday and I thought it was gonna be the big one. Terrifying moment... hopefully nothing comes of this and everyone stays safe.


I hope this shit never happens. It would be so devastating not just for Japan but for the rest of the world too.


Important PSA: DURING the shaking, do not try to use the stairs! There are many incidents of people falling through the stairs BECAUSE the earth is still moving. Use the emergency exits and go down with precaution (do not run), an aftershock might hit while you are evacuating. Just, don't, run.

A related note about the shaking, the "seismic intensity scale" or "japanese intensity scale" is not like the "Magnitude" number you often see. "Magnitude" is like the kilotons of a bomb, is about the energy released, an intensity scale is about how it will feel in a particular place: will your lamp on your nightstand will fall? Will you be able to stand upright? etc. At an intensity of 6+ (there are 5-, 5+, 6- and 6+) is just impossible to stand up. That is what the scale tries to convey, it is a scale meant to convey danger to normal people (regardless of how deep, far, or powerful the earthquake was).


5:30 Hi. Geologist (Almost) here. Although an earthquake can trigger an eruption if it's greater than magnitude 6 (USGS service), a volcano must be positive to erupt, and not every active volcano is going to explode. In this case I don't know exactly about the conditions of magma underneath Mount Fuji, but if it doesn't have enough gases bottled up, an eartquake causing an eruption is very unlikely.


i send all my condolences from Chile, coming from a country that earthquakes are pretty recurrent, is pretty devastating what is happening in Japan, i hope all the best and be prepare just in case, i hope everything is ok and nothing bad happen there, so much hugs and bless to Japan. ❤


Oh, tip! Put your important papers organized in a folding folder thing and put it in a waterproof fishing bag. Grab, go, evacuate! Keep 72 hours of MREs per person in your car. Keep a couple of cases of water ready to grab on your way out. You can never be too prepared.


As a cali native, I completely understand the fear. We have also been having quite a few small quakes the last couple weeks. Feels like we are finally getting close to "the big one" as we call it


Thank you so much for this video! I'm actually about to move to Japan here within a month to teach English, and I will be living in the Nankai Trough Area... this video was much needed for me to see, to say the least. Thank you! It's been rough trying to find more information because I do not live in Japan currently, so thank you for the information!


As a foreigner planning to move with my wife to Japan in the near future, i greatly appreciate the video you did on the topic! We'll also check out aki's series on this topic! Stay safe!


Philippines had similar concern for 5 years now
They expect an 7-8.0+ earthquake on the National Capital region, they estimate the death toll to be around 30, 000 deaths MINIMUM. giving that the area is one of the most densely populated city in the world.

As a person who work on a high-rise building, I always join the regular earthquake drill we have, I also bought an earthquake Emergency kit i found on a hardware store near my office, . Its just a very small bag that contains first aid, hand-crank flashlight, and a multitool with a whistle just in case you get trapped under the debris.


Indonesia issued the same warning as well. The megaquake line stretched from Aceh to Maluku (the tip of Sumatra to Maluku, which if you googled it, it's pretty far), and that includes the entire Java as well. Even though the line is far from land, it could hit us about 7-6 SR inland. Worse if it's at the beach, which from my prediction, is about 8 SR and caused a tsunami as well.

Even though the Nankai Trough is far, i think everyone will be effected, not just Japan, but to the entire nation that are inside the Ring of Fire.


Honestly that’s scary to think of especially since where I live there have been quite a lot of good sized quakes


I pray for you and the people of Japan.


Nice, just when my exchange to Japan starts, I’ll get to maybe experience this sht


We haven't had a bad tornado in our area in the last 50 years.
Last month we had an EF3 pass our house. We had no power for 6 hours.
I wish the people who were hit are safe and recovering..
I'm traumatized.
